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Assessment Distribution for Introduction to Moral Education (LMT 1013)

Assignment 1 (20 Marks) Individual

A synthesis question: How has this course influenced what you understand by moral/values
and/or character education and the way it/they should be taught?

Your answer is to take the form of a “reflection” on selected course topics and materials. A
“Reflection” is not just an outpouring of your gut feelings or wild speculation about a topic, nor
is it just a detached analysis and critique of some theoretical concept unrelated to your own
experience. A “reflection” is intended to be an authentic, thoughtful expression of your views;
connecting classes and readings with your own life experience. Not more than 1000 words. Font:
Times New Roman, 12. Double-spaces. (Date and time of submission: Thursday, Week 10, 8
a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Assignment 2 (20 Marks) Group

Moral Issues: What are the current moral issues? Discuss the causes and your role as a teacher
in solving these issues.

In a group of 10 (not more than 10), search 10 articles on moral issues in news papers or
magazines or other reading materials. Each article must be a separate issue and you have to
summarize each one of them. The summary should not be more than 150 words. In the end of
your paper, discuss causes and your role as a teacher in solving these issues. It is to be a
maximum of 1000 words. You must attach the articles in the assignment that will be submitted.
Font, Times New Roman, 12, Double-spaces. (Date and time of submission: Thursday, Week
10, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Mid-term Exam (20 Marks) Week 7

The format of this exam will be determined.

Final Exam (40 Marks)

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