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1.The violence in society, I'm afraid, is perpetrated by the people at the top.
Rob Walton

2.Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys a

community and makes brotherhood impossible.
Martin Luther King

3.I think that movies or other media may be able to provide the spark for anxiety and
consequent violent acting out by teens, although I'm quite skeptical about movies doing
this in the absence of other triggers
Jay Reeve

4.Television is the single most significant factor contributing to violence in America

Ted Turner

5.You have to show violence the way it is. If you don't show it realistically, then that's
immoral and harmful. If you don't upset people, then that's obscenity.
Roman Polanski

6.Violence is one of the most fun things to watch.

Quentin Tarantino

7.I also think there's correlation between violence and drug use, alcohol abuse, and lack
of parental love. There's a lot of reasons why we have violence in our society.
George W Bush

8.We will not allow violence to change our society and values.
Tony Blair

1.Nearly 7% of first year students who drop out do so because of alcohol-related


2.10% of big brewers revenue comes from college students

The Wall Street Journal, 1989

3.I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth
of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words. When I was a boy, we were
taught to be discrete and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise
and impatient of restraint.

4.Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free
to fly.
Julie Andrews

5.What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the
most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of
loneliness can be cured.
Kurt Vonnegut Junior

6.Young people are fitter to invent than to judge; fitter for execution than for counsel; and
more fit for new projects than for settled business.
Francis Bacon

7.It is the sin of the soul to force young people into opinions - indoctrination is of the
devil - but it is culpable neglect not to impel young people into experiences.
Kurt Hahn

1.Basic research is like shooting an arrow into the air and, where it lands, painting a
Homer Adkins

2.I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it the
right way, did not become still more complicated.
Paul Alderson

3.The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
"Eureka!" but rather "hmm....that's funny..."
Isaac Asimov

4.Your theory is crazy... but it's not crazy enough to be true

Niels Bohr

5.In Science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom
the idea first occurs.
Francis Darwin

6.All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover

7.What we work on today, others will first think of tomorrow.

Alan Perlis
1.Science cannot resolve moral conflicts, but it can help to more accurately frame the
debates about those conflicts.
Heinz Pagels

2.Ethics and Science need to shake hands.

Richard Cabot

3.I know that the moms and dads across the country are in agony about the fate of their
child. And my message to them is, is that there is research going on and hopefully we'll
find the cure. But at the same time, it's important in the society to balance ethics and
George Bush

4.The decision will be a political one; it won't be one about planning - and it certainly
won't be one about science or ethics.

5.Nanotechnology should not have to wear the ethical issues of technology as a whole.
Peter Binks


1.We know the science, we see the threat, and we know the time for action is now
Arnold Schwarzenegger

2.Our effect on the environment, and in particular on climate change, is large and
Tony Blair

3.It is virtually certain that increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases will cause global surface climate to be warmer.
American Geophysical Union
1. Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line,
unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it. Laws of
Motion I
Isaac Newton

2.The alternation of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed;

and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed.
Laws of Motion II
Isaac Newton

3.To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual
actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary
parts Laws of Motion III
Isaac Newton

4.The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go. [Having
proposed the heliocentric world view]
Galileo Galilei

5.I sometimes ask myself how it came about that I was the one to develop the
theory of relativity. The reason, I think, is that a normal adult never stops to think
about space and time. My intellectual development was retarded, as a result of
which I began to wonder about space and time only when I had grown up.
Albert Einstein

6.It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that
survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. [Darwin came up with
the theory of evolution by natural selection]
Charles Darwin

7.Nature makes penicillin. I just found it.

Alexander Fleming
1.Whoever controls the media - the images - controls the culture.
Allen Ginsberg

2.The bigger the information media, the less courage and freedom they allow. Bigness
means weakness.
Eric Sevareid

3.I'm not sure black folks fully understand the power that media has in our life. We are
becoming who they portray us as being. We've allowed ourselves to become a collection
of negative statistics. Simon says dress like a gangster, and we do. I'm amazed by what I
see on television or in the movies. I'm saying, either I overslept or someone stole my
Tim Reid

4.TV is the most powerful thing that has ever been invented
Ozzy Osbourne

5.No first world country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all
objectivity — much less dissent.
Gore Vidal
Exercise is one of the best ways in preventing the rapid growth of obesity in America.
Lee Haney

More than ever, we as parents and a nation must do something about the growth of
obesity in our children. We must do more than just talk, we must be concerned enough to
Lee Haney

Obesity among young Americans is a serious problem that can have serious ramifications
in the long run.
Virgina Foxx

I've spent two years being politically correct about parents, but it's time to say, if you're
giving your young kids fizzy drinks then you're an ars*hole and a tosser.
Jamie Oliver

If you give them [kids] bags of crisps you're an idiot. If you are not cooking them a hot
meal sort it out. If these people truly care they have got to take control.
Jamie Oliver

I've seen kids aged four open a lunchbox with a cold, half-eaten McDonald's, multiple
bags of crisps and a tin of Red Bull. You laugh and then you want to cry.
Jamie Oliver

Three quarters of diabetics are Type 2 diabetics, and two thirds of them have a disease
which could be preventable with exercise, diet and more healthy choices.
Tony Blair
Rarely do schools acknowledge the power of peer culture in defining standards, and
rarely do they take advantage of this power as an engine for quality.
Mr Berger

Either you change your mind, succumbing to peer pressure and adopting the new memes
as your own, or you struggle with the extremely uncomfortable feeling of being
surrounded by people who think you're crazy or inadequate.
Richard Brodie

There's one advantage to being 102. There's no peer pressure.

Dennis Wolfberg

Talk to your children about peer pressure. Explain what a powerful force it can be, and
tell them that you will never accept the excuse that "Everyone did it"!
Tom McMahon

The facts are there that we have created, man has, a self-inflicted wound through global
Arnold Schwarzenegger

America has not led but fled on the issue of global warming.
John Kerry

Global warming has melted the polar ice caps, raised the levels of the oceans and flooded
the earth's great cities. Despite its evident prosperity, New Jersey is scarcely Utopia.
Godfried Danneels

While human-induced global warming is not going to turn present-day Earth into present-
day Mars, global warming is dire enough that our most distinguished scientists recently
concluded that as many as 1 million species on the planet could be extinct by 2050 if
affairs do not change.
Jay Inslee

On average, global warming is not going to harm the developing world.

Bjorn Lomborg
Oh, so they have internet on computers now!
Homer Simpson

The Internet is the most important single development in the history of human
communication since the invention of call waiting.
Dave Barry

Nowadays, anyone who cannot speak English and is incapable of using the Internet is
regarded as backward
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud

They say a year in the Internet business is like a dog year.. equivalent to seven years in a
regular person's life. In other words, it's evolving fast and faster.
Vinton Cerf

Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think
anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other.
Bill Gates

There is so much media now with the Internet and people, and so easy and so cheap to
start a newspaper or start a magazine, there’s just millions of voices and people want to
be heard.
Rupert Murdoch
It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the
David Brin

Money and Corruption Are ruining the land Crooked politicians Betray the working man
Pocketing the profits And treating us like sheep And we're tired of hearing promises That
we know they'll never keep
Ray Davies

Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or
corruption, or both
J F Kennedy

Corruption ought not to be an inevitable product of democracy

Mahatma Gandhi

The more corrupt the state, the more laws


I am a man of unclean lips

Jonathan Aitken

I will cut out the cancer of bent and twisted journalism with the simple sword of truth.
[classic 'come back to haunt you' quote of the decade]
Jonathan Aitken

I think it was a spin that was not acceptable. They put exclamation marks where there had
been question marks and I think that is hyping, a spin, that leads the public to the wrong
Hans Blix, On A Dossier Into Arms Capabilities Of Iraq

I think it was a spin that was not acceptable. They put exclamation marks where there had
been question marks and I think that is hyping, a spin, that leads the public to the wrong
Hans Blix, On A Dossier Into Arms Capabilities Of Iraq
It's essentially a timid bill with hidden dangers because instead of building a radical fresh
agenda for reform for the 21st century, the 11th bill on education from this Labour
Government looks back 20 years for its ideas instead of forward
Sarah Teather

These are Tory proposals. You can dance on the head of a pin about whether these are
grant maintained schools mark two or not but the reality is that's exactly what they are
Phil Willis

Spinning a set of proposals to curry favour with the Daily Mail and patronising the hell
out of Labour MPs is an interesting but ill-advisable political tactic and I trust that
ministers have learnt from it
Martin Salter

It can't all be down to better teaching, greater dedication, more intelligent students [on
children getting better exam results]
Chris Woodhead, Former Chief Inspector Of Schools

Ofsted report that we have got the best generation of teachers ever
David Miliband

A lot of effort goes into trying to keep the standards constant from year to year. It is
simply that the candidates are doing better and better.
David Miliband

They have been outperforming boys at GCSE, A level and in university for years. But
now girls are doing better at work too: earning more than boys in the first eight years of
their careers
Gabriel Rozenberg

We have to challenge some of the hippy tendencies of the Left on youth activities.
Actually what works is structure, discipline, uniform and hierarchy
Richard Darlington
Look before you leap
Favourite quote because: I heard this alot when i was groeing up
- Iain

To err is human, to forgive divine.

Favourite quote because: It gives me hope!
- Jackie

' Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be
beautiful' William Morris
Favourite quote because: It stops me from hoarding rubbish or items I used to think might
be used or needed at a later date!
- Debz

Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disapointed!

Favourite quote because: Well the quote says it all and how may times have you expected
something and when it turns up have been left a little bit disapointed?
- Liam

Michael Fish (1987)- there wouldn't be a Hurricane

Favourite quote because: Becasue it affect myself & family & is something i will always
- Helen

"democracy isn't perfect and freedom isn't everywhere - but we never had to builsd
a wall to keep our people in" - JFK
Favourite quote because: It put into perspective the criticism of the west - especially the
criticism from the west of it's own systems of government
- David

Better to remain silent and appear a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all
Favourite quote because: There are way, way too many ill thought out, ill considered
opinions offered on any given subject
- Gordon

I dress to kill, but tastefully. Freddie Mercury

Favourite quote because: It just says everything about this fantastic show man. He
dressed very flamboyantly (just as he was himself), but he was well dressed.
- Dorothy

Many hands make light work don.t put all your eggs in one basket
Favourite quote because: It reminds me when my children were young i used to say it to
get them to help but it never worked the second one my late gran would say i always
thought it meant you needed 2 baskets
- Yvonne

Where Ignorance Predominates, Vulgarity Invariably Asserts Itself.

Favourite quote because: Because alot of people have not got any idea as to what it
means yet alone be able t repeat it... I think it is a great quote
- Denise

'its hard to be modest when your as good as I am'

Favourite quote because: Its was said by mohamed ali onthe michael parkinson show - it
made us all laugh at the time and we still remember it with fondness
- Douglas

Watch before you leap

Favourite quote because: To stop you rushing in like a bull in a china shop
- Graham

"unconcerned but not indifferent" (Man Ray, photographer epitaph.)

Favourite quote because: Kind of sums up a good philosophy for dealing with life's
- Ruth

"To thine ownself be true"

Favourite quote because: I remember it from doing Hamlet at school when I was 15 so
it's the quote that has stuck in my head for the longest. I have always tried to live by this
quote and stick to my beliefs no matter what happens!
- Viv

You're never alone with schizophrenia

Favourite quote because: Because my auntie (who suffered from this) had the quote on a
poster in her house. It reminded her that however bad life looks, you can get through if
you have a sense of humour.
- Lesley


Favourite quote because: IT'S TRUE ABOUT ME
- Margaret


Favourite quote because: THUS WAS IN THE 80'S - NOW WE DO (WITH BUDGET

Take care of the pennies the pounds look after themselves.

Favourite quote because: According to my son I'm tight, but if todays youngsters took
heed of this saying they wouldn't have so many problems
- Val

I have no time to stand and stare

Favourite quote because: Childhood memories
- Susan

Bill Hicks: Wouldn't you like to see a positive LSD story on the news? To hear what
it's all about, perhaps? Wouldn't that be interesting? Just for once? "Today, a
young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow
vibration … that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.
There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of
ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
Favourite quote because: It is funny and uplifting. He had a brilliant mind and was very
wise for his years.
- Christina

Here are more of your best quotes and the reasons why they are your favourite quotes:

"the bowler's Holding, the batsman's Willey"

Top quote because: You didn't have to be cricket lover to be able to laugh at this one.
- Bill

"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

Top quote because: Because I have a lot of life experience ;-)!
- Lorraine

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer

Top quote because: Because it's true
- Amy

Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory. Albert Schweitzer
Top quote because: Because he was spot on with his quote as it is so true
- Lisa

Do unto others as you would be done by

Top quote because: Becvause if we all observed it, life would be so much nicer.
- Neville

I told you I was dying (Spike Milligan)

Top quote because: Very funny
- Margaret

Always look on the bright side of life

Top quote because: It makes me smile and the dark side of life is horrible
- Drew

Cut your cloth according to the width.

Top quote because: It's so me
- Seannie

In times of rapid change experience can be your biggest handicap.

Top quote because: Because I work for the NHS which changes daily and we now work
in a competitive market which most of us don't have any experence of.
- Elizabeth

Sometimes it's barely worth chewing through the restraints.

Top quote because: Because I use and work for mental health services and recognise the
- Elizabeth

"You see, it's like I've always said: 'You can get more with a kind word and a two-
by-four than you can with just a kind word.' Please, continue." From two
characters in tv Series Babylon 5
Top quote because: It always makes me chuckle inside.
- Ian

Mutton dressed as ferret.

Top quote because: It is so descriptive!
- Susan

I have too many books to read to do the housework

Top quote because: It matches my own priorities
- Sharon

Do'nt drink and drive, Have a Spliff and fly.

Top quote because: I just find it funny and amusing.
- Mr

A dog is not just for Christmas

Top quote because: Because I love my doggie so much!
- Noreen

Try for a goal that's reasonable, then gradually raise it. Emil Zatopek
Top quote because: It tell us if we try to do something to difficult we may find it
impossible but if we try for something we can achieve then we can succeed. Once we
have done that we can raise our goals and so achieve more that we thought we could.
- Ian

It's always too soon to quit.

Top quote because: I think these days people expect things to come to them too easily -
we need to get back to the idea that anything worth having takes time and effort!
- Hazel

Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today - because if you enjoy doing it
today you can do it again tomorrow.
Top quote because: Life is shorter than we think - we should have as much enjoyment as
we can and not be afraid to try new things.
- Hazel

Ye carabanga
Top quote because: My daughter says it when excited
- Michelle

People who swear are either too ignorant to express themselves properly or too lazy
to find the proper expressions.
Top quote because: I Hate the modern way of swearing without thinking!
- Roy

"Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent. protects you from
age." Anais Nin
Best quote because: Because, judging from my own experience , this quote contains a lot
of truth !
- Laura



To be or not to be that is the question

Best quote because: You can use it in so many ways
- Shelagh

The early bird catches the worm

Best quote because: Its true
- Joanne

You`ve got to be in it to win it!

Best quote because: Its the one that always springs to mind.
- Mrs

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
Best quote because: Because if you don't have a dream or a goal in life you will never get
to find out if you have achieved it in life,and you should always look to better yourself
- Graham
George Bush Snr (the intelligent one!): "Read my lips: no new taxes"
Best quote because: Six little words which should serve as a warning to anyone who's
thinking of trusting a politician!
- Geoff

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't
do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe
harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain

Best quote because: It is inspiring

- James

"It's good food and not fine words that keeps me alive". Moliere (1672)
Best quote because: Over 300 years on, and this still holds true.
- Judy

Never explain never complain

Best quote because: It's so very british and as a french speaking belgian i like to look very
british. And I don't like to compalin but i like to explain !!!
- Honet

Dogs' have masters, cats' have staff.

Best quote because: Having owned both I know this to be true.
- Will

People who make history know nothing about history. You can see that in the sort of
history that they make. Gilbert Chesterton
Best quote because: I like this quote so much as it applies so well, in my opinion, to the
days that we are living in now. Major leaders have major decisions to make but seem not
to look back at history in any way to learn from it and to avoid making the same mistakes
their predecessors made. Then again, then quote that 'history repeats itself' wouldn't have
any truth in it if people actually learned lessons from the past!
- Deirdre

To be or not to be that is the question

Best quote because: You can be all that you are without it making the slightest bit of
- Gail

"Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded." - Yogi Berra

Best quote because: The logic is faultless.
- Judith

There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how
to throw yourself at the ground and miss. - Douglas Adams
Best quote because: It's amusing becusde it sounds so simple and obvious.
- Michelle

Tell yourself you are beautiful everyday

Best quote because: People should not be judged because of race,color,disability,or
imperfections so believe what you tell yourself
- Tracy

Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun

Best quote because: Just explains how stupid the English are
- Frances

A stitch in time saves nine.

Best quote because: Because it is so true to life
- Kathleen

To be or not to be that is the question

Best quote because: My husband always says it as a joke when we are making decisions
- Zoe

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. (Oscar Wilde)
Best quote because: A philosophy as well as a quote!
- Iona



Ill be back
Best quote because: For Arnold said it
- Joanne

Happiness is knowing what you can do without

Best quote because: Makes me face reality and be grateful for what I do have and not
what I don't have
- Susan

There are 10 people that understand binary - those that do & those that don't.
Best quote because: If you get it yopu'll understand why
- Ronnie

Love is tempoary insanity cured by marriage: Ambrose Bierce

Best quote because: Never a true word spoken
- Barry
A bad day at golf is better than a good day in the office
Best quote because: It reminds me that we work to live, not live to work
- Angela

A rolling stone gathers no moss

Best quote because: Because it is how I live - I dont just sit back and watch others
- Ian

"What goes around, comes around"!

Best quote because: I like this quote so much cause it's always true in the end!!!

Life is like a box of chocolates

Best quote because: Sometimes u have a hard time and sometimes things go well but
there is always a sweetness to be found ( the chocolate :) )
- Sean

My physique is down to 20 years of eating cheese

Best quote because: I know the feeling!
- Julia

Dream as if you will live forever.... Live as if you will die tommorro. James Dean.
Best quote because: Because its so true- Life is for living, for going out there and "doing
- Phil

I music be the food of love, play on.

Best quote because: It reminds me that to keep love you have to out work into it and not
let it go stale.
- Mrs

It's better to regret something you did rather than regret something you didnt do
Best quote because: Because it is soooo true!
- Joanne

What goes around Comes around

Best quote because: Know of a situation where this will be worth waiting for !
- Yvonne

Its not the men in my life, its the life in my men.

Best quote because: Its funny and witty at the same time, also its probably true.
- John

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"Kris Kristoffeson as sung by
Janis Joplin
Best quote because: It describes how I define my life.
- Peter

"there's no success like failure and failure's no success at all" Bob Dylan.
Best quote because: It still keeps me puzzling as to what it means.
- Ethel

When we do right no-one remembers, When we do wrong no-one forgets.

Best quote because: It seems to fit most actions and outcomes regardless of age, common
sense or ability.
- Martin

Garlic bread from phoenix nights

Best quote because: The accent of peter kay saying it,is so hilarious,no other person could
say it better and funnier
- Lesley

I can resist anything but temptation - oscar wilde

Best quote because: I say it every time i have a bar of chocolate.
- Lesley

My favourite quote is 'Laugh and the world laughs with you'.

Best quote because: I like and use this quote often as it really is true.I always like to smile
at strangers and they always smile back.The world would be a much happier place if
many more adopted the same attitude to a life that really can be so short.
- Tina

Dont put off till tomorrow what you can do today

Best quote because: It helps me get things done straight away
- Carol

To be or not to be, that is the question

Best quote because: It relates to all of life's circumstances if answered honestly...to be the
best i can be, or not....to give in to taunters and bullies, or not....to work hard, or not....to
be a skiver and scrounger, or not....to be a good, unselfish parent, or not....and so on....but
the answers must be honest and followed through with actions.
- Ian

Kids are like farts. You can just about tolerate your own
Best quote because: Its true
- Stephen

Christmas at my house is always at least six or seven times more pleasant than
anywhere else. We start drinking early. And while everyone else is seeing only one
Santa Claus, we'll be seeing six or seven. wc Fields
Best quote because: A seasonal one of all his totally nonPC quotes

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity......and I'm not sure
about the former.
Best quote because: Its by Albert Einstein, & its quite funny!
- Matt

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Best quote because: Because, even if it doesn't seem to be true at the time, it seems to
work out that way in the long run!!
- Norah

Never has so much been owed to so few-churchill If thats true my ..... a kipper-dad
A week is a long time in politics Some chicken-some neck!-Churchill
Best quote because: Means a lot for those who gave theri lives for us Always makes me
smile Clever retort in a difficult situation Gave strength to the people when they needed it
- Stephen

Youre Norman Bates with a briefcase

Best quote because: Its funny, accurate but deadly serious
- Kerry

Pain is tempory it may last a minute / hr / day or year, but if I quit the pain lasts
Best quote because: If you do not try you will always live with regreats
- Pete

"i did it my way"

Best quote because: Cause thats what i do :-)
- Ray

If music be the food of love, play on

Best quote because: It just reminds me that music is one of the most powerful senses in
the world
- Liza

"I never get lost...I just change where it is that I want to go." - Rita Rudner -
Best quote because: Its just so posititve - instead of complaining about how we have gone
wrong - look at it a different way and put a positive spin on it!
- Julie

It's not the winning that matters, it's the taking part.
Best quote because: I like to tun it around for my comping mantra!!
- Sara
''Live Every Day As If It's Going To Be Your Last, Because One Day You'll Be
Best quote because: Because it's the truth, lol.
- Jayne

Make love not war

Best quote because: Because this is how it should be!
- Kelly

"You are what you eat"

Best quote because: Because all I eat is crap.
- Shaun



All the world's a stage

Best quote because: Because so many people put on a front instead of being themselves
- Caroline

I would rather have had one breath of her hair, onekiss from her mouth, one touch
of her hand than an eternity without. One
Best quote because: Because when I heard this for the first time, it leapt in my mind that I
hope my daughters find love like this!
- Cindy

Dont wait for your ship to come in, swim out to meet it
Best quote because: Its positve and encouraging
- Mandy

Lady Astors remark to Winston Churchill sir you are drunk Winston replied ,Lady
Astor you are ugly ,but I will be sober in the morning
- Veronica

We are not amused (Queen Victoria)

Best quote because: Used by my sister a lot when very annoyed. Has the opposite effect
on me as I visualize her as a portly Queen Victoria
- Angela

Behind every good man stands and even better woman.

Best quote because: It's funny and also quite true!
- Eng

Got to be in it to win it
Best quote because: Well - yeeah (logical really)
- Lorraine

East Anglia, that's abroad init? - Jade Goody

Best quote because: She had to be kidding...
- Kevin

The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what
you don't have Woody Allen
Best quote because: It is easy to remember and a great mantra to live by
- Ann

It's not the men in my life, it's the life in my men (Mae West)
Best quote because: It sums up the spirit of the woman and always makes me smile
- Phil

A smile costs nothing but gives so much. It enriches those who receive, without
making poorer those who give.
Best quote because: Its such a simple quote from a poem but i think its really powerful
esp if you read the whol poem. It really is so lovely.
- Margaret

1 what goes around comes around 2 You reap what you sow
Best quote because: 1 Because i'm a firm believer if somebody does you wrong it will
come back to haunt them ten fold. 2 You get out what you put in. as in hard work.
- Kay

"Living on Dreams and custard creams"

Best quote because: Whimsical and chilled out
- Richard

Keep love in your heart because life without it is like being in a garden where the
sun never shines and all the flowers are dead.
Best quote because: It took me nearly fifty years to find true love and now I need to put
sunglasses on whenever I go out into the garden because the sun is always shining for me
- Peter

There's no such thing as a free lunch

Best quote because: Because it's soooo true!
- Alison
I can resist everything except temptation
Best quote because: It's true
- S.

'Monkey see, Monkey do'

Best quote because: Since having my baby daughter its occurred to me that this quote is
so true!
- Joanne

Waste not want not

Best quote because: There are people starving in this world
- Simon

"I dont mean to sound vicious cold and cruel - but I am. So I do" bill hicks
Best quote because: An antidote to polital correctness
- Rachel

Always expect, the unexpected.

Best quote because: Because it's soooooo true, and gives hope to those going through bad
times in their lives. Maybe the is Light at the end of the tunnel , after all.
- Alison

" Crisis? What Crisis?"

Best quote because: James Callaghan said this in 1979, showing how out of touch he was
with reality
- Alan

Caesar - Veni Vidi Vici

Best quote because: It was the quote in my mind whenever I fished a match against others
- Anthony

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