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FAAP-8740-2 accident prevention program DENSITY ALTITUDE aie. g ye TES iol a U.S, DEPARTMENT OF ane ate FEDERAL Laval ATION a MINISTRA’ Jashington, D. FOREWORD The purpose of this series of publications is to provide the flying public with safety information that is handy and easy to review. Many of the publications in this series summarize material associated with the audiovisual presentations used in General Aviation Act revention Program activities. Many of these audiovisual Presentations were developed through a cooperative project of the FAA, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, and Association member companies. Comments regarding these publications should be directed to the Department ‘of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, General Aviation Division, ‘Accident Prevention Staff, AFS-806, 800 Independence Avenve, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20591, DENSITY ALTITUDE When It comes to good old-fashioned hangar tying sessions, one subject that almost never seoms to. be iscussed Is density altitude, The reason being, too many. pilots do not know enough about the subject. Yet, because of the unescapabie influence density altitude has on aircraft and engine performance, it is important for every pilot to Understand its effects. Hot, nigh, and humid weather ‘conditions can change a routine takeoff or landing Into an ‘accident in lass time than it takes to tell about it. There are, three important factors that affect air density. 1. Altitude, The higher the altitude, tne less done the ab 2, Temperature, The warmer the alr, the less dense itis. ‘3, Humidity. Humidity Is not generally considered a major factor In de titude computations because the effect of humidity is related to engine power rather than aerodynamic etficioncy. At high ambient temperatures, the atmosphere can felain a high water vapor content. For example, at 96°F, the ‘water vapor content of the air can be eight (times as great a ‘at 42°F. High density altitude and high humidity do not often, ‘gohand-in-hand, However, if high humidity does exist, t would be wise to add 10% to your computed takeotf distance and: anticipate a reduced climb rate, ‘The Pilot's Operating Handbooks propared by the Airframe ‘Manufacturers provide good information regarding inder standard conditions (sea level ‘complacent regarding aircraft 38 in using the charte, density altitude effects may provide an unexpected element of suspense during takeoft and climb. Density altitude effects are not confined to mountain area: They also apply at elevations near sea level when temperatures go above standard 58°F or 15°C). I's Just that the effects ere increasingly dramatic at the higher elevations, STO TEMP = ELEVTEMP = 0°F 90°F 59°F Sea Lovel 11200" 11900" 52°F 2,000" 3800" 4,400" 45°F ‘000° 63200" 6900" oer 6,000" 8,800" 9200" ae 8,000" 19,100" 11,700" From the pilot's point of view, an increase In density atitude results in: 1. Increased takeoff distance. 2. Reduced rate of climb. 3. Increased true airspeed on approach and landing (same 108), 4, Increased landing rol distance, ‘At alrports of higher elevations, such as those in the Western United States, nigh temperatures sometimes have Such an effect on density altitude that safe operations are impossible. in such conditions, operations between midmorning and midafternoon can become extremel hazardous. Even at ower elevations, aircraft performance can Takeott distance, power available (in normally aspirated ‘engines), and climb rate ace all adversely affected, and while the indicated alcspeed remains the same, the true altspeed Increases, Too often, a pilot who is flying in high density altitude conditions for the fist time in an alrcraft with a ‘normally aspirated engine becomes painfully aware of the rotarded effect on the alrcratt pectormance capabilities. Additionally, at power settings of less than 75%, or at ‘donsity altitudes above 5,000 feet, It is essential that normally ‘adds. another to overall performance. Turbocharged engines, on the other hand, neod not be leaned for takeoff in high density, ititude conditions because thay are capable of producing ‘manifold prossure equal to or higher than sea level pressure, Density altitude is not to be confused with pressure altitude, Indicated altitude, tue altitude or absolute altitude, and is not to be used 28 a height reference, but will be used as dotermining crlterla for the performance capabilities of the aircraft. The published pertormance criteria in the Pilot's ‘Operating Handbook Is generally based on standard ‘atmospheric conditions at sea level (59°F to 15°C and 2992 inches of mercury). ‘When the temperature rises above the standard temperature {or the locality, the density of he ar in that locality is reduced ‘and the density altitude increases. This atfects the alrcraft ‘aerodynamic performance, and decreases the horsepower output of the engine. Pliots should make a practice of checking thelr aircraft performance charts during profight preparation. This Is important when temperatures are above ‘normal regardless of airport elevation, This chart gives a rule of thumb example of temperature ‘attects on density altitude, 100"F 10°F 120°F 190°F 2500" 3200" 3.800" 4400" S,000" 5,600" 6,200" 6.800" 7,500" 8,100" 8,700" 9,400" 2200" 10,400" 11,000" 11,600" 12300" 12800" 13300" 13,800" ‘become marginal end it may be necessary to reduce airoratt {1088 weight for safe operations. Therefore itis advisable, when performance Is in question, to schedule operations uring the coo! hours of the day, early morning of iste afternoon, when forecast temperatures are expected to rise ‘above normal. Early moming and late evening are sometimes ‘more ideal for both departure and arrival. A pilot's first reference for aircraft performance information ‘should be the operational data section of the Aircrat! Owner's Manual or the Pllot's Operating Handbook developed by the alreratt manufacturer. When these references are not lable, the Koch Chart (ilustrated) may be used to figure ‘approximate temperature and altitude adjustments for Aircraft takeoff distance and rate of climb. i | I \ THE KOCH CHART FOR ALTITUDE AND TEMPERATURE EFFECTS ‘TOFIND THE EFFECT OF ALTITUDE AND TEMPERATURE QONNECT THE TEMPERATURE AND AIRPORT ALTITUDE BY A STRAIGHT LINE. READ THE INCREASE IN TAKE-OFF DISTANCE AND THE ‘DECREASE IN RATE OF CLIMB FROM STANDARD SEA LEVEL VALUES HERE — noo Tw1s rencenract 10 ——™™ 149. ‘YOUR NORMAL TAKEOFF BIETANCE : Hi aa 8 ui E af #2 re 7 EXAMPLE: The dagona! tne shows that 230% most {be added tors tumperatre of 100" ana = prescure ‘Sotude of 6.000 foot "Therefore, W your sander’ Temperature sea level takeoW datanea,n orser 0 lib. te 50 text. normaly requires 000 feet ot {uay M would Sacore 3.900 fost under the Cone ‘Stigma shown. in vion, the ret ofc would be docreseed 76% Aina your normal ned tort ‘ae ot cime & 300 tet pe minute, Would become 120 fect pe minute ‘This chart indicates typical representative value for “personal” airplanes, For exact values consult your alrplane fight mansal, ‘Tho chart may be conservative for airplanes with supercharged engines. Also remember that long gras, sand, mud or deep snow can easly double Your takeoff distance,

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