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Non programmers

Command Description
cancel removes all of the specified jobs from the printer queue
cat takes its input from standard input (cat > fileName)
cd change directory
chgrp allows a user to change the group of files
chmod changes the modes of the specified files
chown allows a super-user to change the ownership of files
clear clears your screen
cp copies oldFileName to newFileName
date displays the current date and time
groups displays a list of all the groups
head displays the first n lines of a file
lp lp prints the named files to the printer specified by the -d option
lpr prints the named files to the printer specified by the -P option
lprm cancels all of the specified jobs on the printer specified by the -P option
lpq displays the status of jobs on the printer specified by the -P option
lpstat displays the status of all print jobs sent to any printer with the lp command
ls lists all of the files in the current working directory
mail allows you to send and read mail
man displays a list of all the manual entries
mkdir creates a directory
more utility allows you to scroll through a list of files
mv renames oldFileName as newFileName
newgrp creates a new shell with an effective group ID
passwd set your password
pwd display your shell's current working directory
rm utility allows you to remove a file's label from the hierarchy
rm -r folderName
rmdir removes all of the directories in the list of directory names
stty Displays metacharacters
tail displays the last n lines of a file
tset tries to determine your terminal's type
vim Linux text editors
wc utility counts the lines, words, and/or characters in a list of files
ls -lsF c
Power Users
Command Description
at Scheduling commands
cmp Comparing files
cpio Archiving files
crontab Scheduling commands
diff Comparing files
egrep Filtering files
fgrep Filtering files
find Searching for files
gawk Programmable text processing
grep Filtering files
gunzip Transforming files
gzip Transforming files
ln Hard and soft links
mount Mounting file systems
od Looking at raw file contents
perl Programmable text processing
sed Transforming files
sort Sorting files
su Switching users
tar Archiving files
time Timing execution of a command
tr Transforming files
tty identifies the name of your terminal
ul Transforming files
umount Mounting file systems
uniq Filtering files
whoami Identifying shells
zcat Transforming files

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