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Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Created by: Pradeep Apte
When you dwell in destiny
as ‘I am’, you realize that it
is not your death,
but the disappearance of
‘I amness’
Quote 209, The Nisargadatta Gita
Comment on quote 209
The Guru is revealing a secret that is of such
tremendous importance, that only an advanced
seeker, who has spent a considerable amount
of time pondering over his teachings,
can grasp it true value.
Comment on quote 209 contd.
He is saying:
Your destiny is not death
but the disappearance of
‘I am’!
Comment on quote 209 contd.
This realization
can only come to
someone who has transcended
the ‘I am’ and realized his true identity
as the Absolute or the ‘Parabrahman’
Comment on quote 209 contd.
The ‘I am’ that had appeared on him
(which we mistakenly believe as birth)
has now disappeared (which we mistakenly
believe as death), that’s all. He has nothing
to do with it, as he never was the ‘I am’
Comment on quote 209 contd.
He comes to the conclusion that,
he is unborn,
he was unborn
and shall remain unborn!
I am not this single cell conceived
with the ‘I am’ dormant in it
I am not this eight cell embryo
with the ‘I am’ dormant in it
I am not this
fetus with
the ‘I am’
in it
I am not this new born baby
with the ‘I am’ dormant in it
I am not this few month old infant
with the ‘I am’ dormant in it
I am not this one year old child
oblivious of the ‘I am’
I am not this
three year old
in which the
‘I am’ arose
I am not this
eight year old boy
who was taught
he was ‘so-and-so’
and now believed
‘I am so-and-so’’
I am not this
young man
in his twenties
who believed
he had a
career to pursue
I am not this
‘mouse’ trapped
in the illusion
of body, mind
and world
I am not this
man in his
thirties who
believed he
was on his
way to
I am not
this man
who believed
he had
to his credit
I am not
this man
in his forties
who firmly
he was
the doer
I am not this
man in his fifties
who began to
doubt what
he believed
I am not this
man who
was blessed by
the teachings
of these
great masters
I am not this
man who began
to investigate
his own identity
I am not this
man who accepted
and studied
his Guru’s teachings
I am not this man who
reflected and meditated
on the ‘I am’
I am not this
man who tried
to transcend
the ‘I am’ and
say good-bye
to it
I am not this man
who died one day
I am not this body
which was cremated

Like a hole in the paper,

in it yet not made up of it!
“Like a hole in the paper is both
in the paper and yet not of paper,
so is the supreme state in the very
centre of consciousness, yet
beyond consciousness”

Sri Nisargadatta maharaj

in ‘I AM THAT’ ch.13 p32

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