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DELETED PAGE SHEET 8 Page(s) withheld in full pursuant to exemption(s) (b)(6) & (b)(7)(C) Bates page number(s) 011020 - 011027 (2005-08-044L) DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (x2) WASHINGTON, D.. 20220, UUN 25 OF |to exemptions (b)(6) & (b)(7)(C) unless. a jotherwise indicated This responds to your request suomied to the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC"), for reexamination of your listing by OFAC asa Specially Designated Narcotic Tralficker ("SDNT™) ursuan 10 Executive Order 12978 of Osiber 21, 1995 ("Blocking assets cand Prohibiting Traseetdons With Significant Narcoties Traffckers" In onde for OFAC to propery evaluate your petition, you should provide your own detailed narrative reponse tho following requests for information, na signed original statement sulted with documentation in sipport oF the answers given, Original statements and documents prepared ia Spanish shoal be cconipanied by English translations. 1. ingot Bmpowmen, Please deseribe ly your cua! employment and all her Suplamanteconcicent or subscqc to sour employment anifor easton ih ARMIN or schomployca the nares, ens: phone numbers and fe mmnbersof oss omployer, an ie nmesond tesa thous offices, deo, an fer evr manages hr oe oma od Associatinn with SDNT Enis Plousedeseribe the nature and ‘ach postion you have beld or anyother association youve had wit ater entities owned or controled by oe afhiiated with ‘or aay thor eniies or individuals on theSDNT Hist, Asooy OLE le of if ‘cure SON Ust can he found on the Office of Forsign Assels Control webiste a hun: eas go vioficesanforeemenVoficiivindsx shtml. ff associated with ot ‘mplayed by additional SDNTs, provide the length of tine and specifi dates of employment snd dsscibe each postin, your duties in cach posto the salaries and other benetts euch a steck shares) reesived in cach pesition, and the date and conditions of separation or reticement ftom the company. Ifyou held 9 weitten employment contact, a copy should be provided, Ifyou hd some sther ype of ssociation with these SONT entities or ivi, ease provide an explants, tnadeiinns i Pleas toch scopy of oy esis ees I oy cerrespondans ot or is rresiion leony reson of paymest fof tated 0 4 "BER os Pee pin cn Ro troy have coated Leora a R-o11eze [All redactions on this page made pursuant to lexemptions (b)(6) & (b)(7)(C) 5. What is your relationship with the following entities and individuals since 1995? L'you hhave terminated your relatonsip with aay ofthe enities or individuals Histed below, please provide documentary evidence of such tenmination. rRerrenceege P. 4 4 Shared Accounts and Asses. Please provide the name and complete oddete of any ingividos! or entity for which ot in wich you have held any type of shared accounts, property or oir assts with individeals ci chal of oe exiics owned of ontrlled by or otherwise affiliated wit reany other entities or individuals onthe SON list, along with he dente of all shucholWors, otic, siteets oe oxher seine manayers in sic firms and a desexption of he nature and extent of the holdings 5. savy wre III err nin ors 1 plots ei sei atom uienest ncaa 7, US-Apcounteand Asses, Please dtai any interest youkol in any final wccounts inthe United Stats, including names and address of fnancialinaittions,sypes of accounts, aczoun! numbers, and your reasons fr choosing the particular US. ness or charge accounts. neal institutions at ‘which sou fave held inlvidea, join, Lecr @4R-011020 8. Broveny lates. Do you hold any inerst in real property in the United Stsies? Please eeu 9. Traygl to U.S. Have you taveled to the United States since 2000 and engaged in any iransucions or incon ta ave lated exponses and your personal maintenance while in the United States? Iso, pleas ist lates, places uaveled, purpose of travel and adresses lized during stays 10. Additiona intonation: Provide say adition information you deem appropriate, whic could assist OFAC in the roview of your app Presse note, OFAC doesnot receive srosponse ftom you within the next 90 days, we will assur that you donot wish to proceed, yobr ense wil be close, and your petition for removat from the SDNT list wil be done, Please note that we may pose nddtional queetions and documentary quests 38 we proce. Thank yous for your cooperation i this matter. Please direst any questions tothe Office of Forsign Assets Canto! Designation tnvestigations Division Office of Foreign Assets Control US. Department ofthe Treasury ATIN: Designation avestigaions Division 1500 Pennsyivanis Avenue, NW. ‘Washington, D.C, 20220 “Tcl h Soonites Houghton ‘Assistant Director Designation Investigations Oifes et Forign Assets Control Brelosure Locr @a.R-011030

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