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There are no doubt many people who need, want and deserve to be acknowledge in the creation of
Taguan. But it I would be limited to one, there would be no doubt about who that is: God. Thank you for
the opportunity, the people who need, want and deserve, and this life. If it was not for Him, none of the
aforementioned would be which were the primary components to fulfilling this dream.

I’d like to thank my family, especially my mom and Alex, for their weird and never ending support who,
in my full existence with them, taught me that no matter how broken a thing is, will continue to function
if we just push it together.

I’d like to acknowledge people who I do not want to mention but who deserve to be: the people I met in
high school, especially to Vincent, Ian and Kenneth. They laid the foundation of this story, never realizing
that they planted a seed that would become someone’s dream and purpose in life. Also, I’d like to
acknowledge Sir JB and Ma’am Apple for special reasons. And Ryan, who I just need to mention. Also I
also want to thank Jeremy and Brian, who joined me at the beginning of this dream.

I’d like to thank the people in my street, where I lived and kept my childhood. Some of them might
recognize themselves, subtly and not too subtly.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge Altheo, Billy, Francoise, JB, John, Tria, Pat, Ivan, Peepo, Russ, Nasia,
Bianca, Randy, Camille, Loise and Jim, some of who, in one way or another, encouraged, pushed, pulled,
kicked, punched, bribed, threatened and exhorted me to finish this despite all in the moments that I
need and did not need them. I also want to mention, all people in ROC especially Alessa, who awakened
a story writing pursuit I was already leaving behind. And because I need to mention them, Block J and
Block SA.

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