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Symbol: Ar

Atomic Mass of
Argon: 39.948 amu

Atomic Number of
Argon: 18

Density: 0.0017837 g/cm 3

Appearance: colorless,
tasteless, odorless noble

Phase at Room
Temperature: Gas
Interesting Chemical
Properties: Argon does
not react with anything.

Discovery: Argon was

discovered by Sir William
Ramsay, a Scottish
chemist, and Lord
Rayleigh, an English
chemist, in 1894
Common Uses of
Argon: Argon is often
used in electric light bulbs,
fluorescent tubes and glow
sticks. Argon provides an
un-reactive atmosphere
where things such as
crystals of silicon and
germanium can be grown.
The most exotic use of
Argon is in the tires of
luxurious cars.

 http://www.chemicool.com/elements/argon.html
 http://education.jlab.org/itselemental/ele018.html
 http://www.facts-about.org.uk/science-element-
 http://www.webelements.com/argon/

 http://chemistry.about.com/od/elementfacts/a/argon.h

Interesting facts:
 Argon makes up 0.93%
of the earth's atmosphere,
making it the third most
abundant gas.
Argon is a byproduct of
the construction of
oxygen and nitrogen.
 Argon is not found in
any compounds.
 The name originates
from the Greek word
'argos' meaning inactive.
Melting Point:
83.80 K (-189.35°C
or -308.83°F)

Boiling Point:
87.30 K (-185.85°C
or -302.53°F)
Argon is the current carrier
in this tube, and mercury is
what produces the glow.
pslawinski, wikipedia.org

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