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OPIRATIi{G }"IANUAI POn Ti{;i i'lILLlil'T1{IIr'1'{


;ffi ..........""'1
A n a t O f f yO f t h e t i - m g f n a g h i n e . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
W a f n i n g S :f e a d b g f O f e U S e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Iland.ling fnstructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .4
P O f . f gSf U p p l y ,.............. ..........4
Calibration..................... ' " ' ' ' "" " "" ' "'5
C l O c k m o d . e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
P r e p a r i - n gf o r time travel ................6
U S i n gt h e t i m e m a c h i n e . . r . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . 6
f f o u b l e s h O o t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
T h a n kY O U . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . 8
f n t r o d uct i on

Congratulations on your recent procurement of the l'1i11-

ennium Edition Flux Capacitor Portable Time Travelling
I'lachine (wlth paradox checking technology). You have nade
a fine choice in a reliable and strudy rL..cr:ine, with the
adCed b'rl:us of paradox chec,,ing tech o1og" to elsure th:'.1;
you en;ioy the safest possi';le tine travellinr: d - v er t u r : s .

Anatomv of the
tirne inachine

\!b ffi ,e \&

{{ a 8"

1. F1ux capaeitor.
2. Y ea r re a d o u t & er ro r co n so le .
3. Welrning Light: prirning fl-ux capacitor'
4{- trrlarning tigfrt: waiting for traffic $o clear through
spaee/time rift.
tr l r l ar n i ng l i gh t: 1 ow br a i n a ct ivit y d e te c ta b le t h r o u g h
h e l - me t an t e n n a. Con si i. l,e r th in k in l: : L ra r d "e r .
O a W a r ni ng l i gh $ : w arr n in g g r a vit o n d e t e ct io n n a t r ix.
7 iTain po w er s w i tc h .
Fltrx capacitor polrer sr^ritch.
9 a C l oek po w er s wi t ch (i nd . e p e n d ,e n t o f r n a in p o w e r) .
BCE/C} destlnat,ion'srvitch (lcp down) &: indic':tor light.
l a Adf,iLrstyear down button.
a-. lnitiat-e tine travel button ("go").
Adjust year up button.
Lte C urue n $ y ea r cal i b r at io n k no b .
Helmet antenna wires: d"onot pull out.
9V ba t te r y po l ' Ie r so u r :c e .
Clock wires: do not pull out.
,e, Prog;rant;ring i'bck for lol;din,r;: software: manufaeturer
us e o n l y .

+ 1 . C^


1 " Audibl-e bell/chirne

2. C l oc k rr n i t ca r r y ha n d le
3. H:our hand .
4. I.linute hand..
5. Second hand.
6. Alarm time ind.icator.
7. Breather hole for quantum
roanipuJ-ation of tir,e l:.nd
space: d"onot eover,
B . f i me ad " j u st men t/ ca l i b r a t io n
. Al,arm tine ad"iustment knob.
O. Alarm orrfoff switch for clock mode.
1. Cloek wires: d,o not pull out.
2. Graviton detector: do not cover.

A n a t om l r o f t he ti ne ma c h ln e ( co n t in u e d '\


1. Braj.n activity receptor.

2. Equipment bridge.
J. Antenna/helmet body.
4. Antenna,/helmet cables: T:iii,r:l
d o n ot pu l l on cab l es p a st
the attachment point.
5 . H a n d l -e s /a t ta c hmen t po in t s
fo r c hnn st ra p .
5. Warning lights - speed. of I - L L . l . r t/D

i n c r e a s e s w i t h i n c r e a e e d brain

I,{*,rnings - read before use

fime travelling can be an extremely dangerous act which

can adversely affect not onJ-y the time traveller but
the entire world and human race. Although this machine
is equipped" with paradox checking. technology, users ere
advised not to become complacent with the iclea of "i:ine
travel-. Treat this machine with due respect and caution.

There is a real possibility of becoriing'trapped in the

past or future when using ihir machine. It is advised that
time travellers closely follow instructi-ons in this manual,
includ.ing details such as I ' w h a t to brin;" while tine tra.rellittglt
to red.uee this risk.

I{andling instruct ions

[o promote the long life of yor,rr l'lillennium Ed.ition

Portable Time Travel-J-in,' i,lach-ine, always fibJ.low these
simple instructions when handling or caring 1'or your
1. Always pick up the m*,chine with the elock unit haniJ.e
as well as supportlngl the main unit. For convenience'
it is recommended that the helmet/antenna unit be
placed. on the head irhile the device is being nroved.
2, The glass flux capacitor unit nay become loose during
use, so when handling the time machine it is reco-
m m e n d " e dt"h a t a v i s u a l inspection of the flux capacitor
unit is perfori:red before lifting the rnachine. the
glass fii.lx capacitor housing should also be supr;e11*U
while the ma.ehine is being rnoved.
3. lilever push warning lights, the year/error console
display or the programuring lllek in to the case.
They may become dislod.ged ancl fal-J- in io the case.
4.Idever puJ-l or push wires if they do not have an
attachment point to the ease, or if they are ttar,hedr
d.o not puJ-l or push them past the attachment point.
They may becorne se1:arated frcm the circuiis insj-cli:
the case and destroy the functionality of the maclr,ine.
5. Idever open any part of the ease, The components inside
may be damaged if they are not correctly handled when
exposed, and. thus should never exposed blr anyone
but the manufaeturer.

Power supply

Your f,-illennium Editi.on Portable Time Travelling i'iachine

operates on a single 9V al.keline battery, availa.ble at
most supermarkets between 1956 and 2083, where they were
discontinued. If a 9V source is not aviiilable, the tine
machine can run off a.ny voltage 8V r.:.nd 25V , It
has the followinq cument draw characteristics:
Operating mode Current (na) . . ... . . Est. rlrn. time

Tiroe travelling z{) 2h 1Omin

Stand.by with flux eap. 257 2 h JO m in
Stand,byr 0o fl-ux cap. 74 7h 50min
Clock mod.e only A " t7
a a 5d. th )Omin

Power supply ( continued")

There is no low batter;r warning on the tj-me machiner so

the user must always be on the lookout for signs that
t h e ba tt ery may b e 1o w . S o m e o f t h e se sig n s j- n clu d e :
- Whirring of brain activity antenn"a becomes wea.k or
i n t e rm i { te n t, esp e ci al ly w h e n f h : x ca p a cit o r j- s t u rn e d
o n a n d. t he yea r /c on so l e sc re e n is b e in g u p d a t e d .
- Clock begins to lose or gain excessive amounts of time.
- Sy s t e m a p p ea r s t o b e re se t tin l: it se lf re g u la r ly or
behaviou-r appears erratic or s,trange.
f f y ou r t i me mac hi ne b e g in s to sh o r . rt h e se s ig n s, re p le r ce
i t s ba t ter y i mmed . i "a t e l y .

Before engaging in any time travel, you must calibrate
your time machi.ne 1;i-:the eurrent time and year. fo do
this, first adfirst the time so that the clock unit displays
the correct tine in yogr time zone, us|ng the time adi-
u s t m e nt /c al i b rat i on kno b , la b e lle d p a r t I o n th e clo ck
r r n i t i n th e s ec ti on "A n at o m y o f t h e tir n e m a c h in e ". O n ce
t h e t i me h as be e n s et, t g r n o n t h e m a in sw it ch o f t h e
main rrnit, labelled part 7 on the main unit, while holdin$
d.or,cnthe ilAdjirst year upfr button, part 13, Continue to
ho l d the b u t to n w hi l st ad jir st in g t he ' r Cu r r e n t ye a . r
c a l i b r a ti on k n o b' r , pa r t 1 4 o n th e m a in rr n it , u n til th e
year display shows the coruect year.

If the current year is not within the range displayable

w h i l e c al i b r ati nf i , y o u m a y n e e d t o r e t u rn th e m a c h in e
t o t h e manu f a ct u rer for a q u ick so ft w a r e u p d a t e .

C l o c k mo d e

Not only is your Millennium Edition Portable Time Trave-

Iling machine at1 extremely useful space/tine transient
machine, but it can also operate as an attractiVe bed-
side To use the time machine in clock mode, de-
activate the main poifer switeh on the main uni-tn part
7, and enable slritch 9, cloCk power. You can noll use the
clock unit like an ordin.:rry clock.

Preparing for your first time travel

Before embarking on your first tirle travel adventure,

you shouJ-d do some research on the time period you intend
to visit, past s or prepare for anything
if it is in the
if it is in the future. You shouJ-d ensure you have thought
of a safe way to Eet home; cartry extra batteries for your
time machine and a small repair lrit.

You can check the reliable functionality of ;ror-lr time

machine rvith relative ease. This is an important step
to ensure you will- be able to safely travel home' To
test your time machiae, simply begin by writing your-self
a note; "0n th.e 1st of Ap:ril , 1992, I was testing my tine
machine't, for instanue, with toda;rts date. SeaI this in
ayL envehope and place it in a safe place. If your time
rnachine is functional, you should find that the next
piece of peper in your ream contains another note, si ilar
tnr'rYorrro timo machine is
v v , t r v 1 4 functionaltt. i'{ote that it is
important to leave the envelope in a safe place stiil'
to avoid. a paradox.

Finally, remember to note down tod"ayrs date and time so

that;rou lcnowwhere to return ton and go to the bathroom.
Tine travel can make some people nauseous or nervous.
You raay also l-ike to bring riith you some necessitj-es st;ch
as toilet paper, a toothbrush, etc. if travelling back-
ward.s in tirne, os, such facilities are not available in
s'l t i me n eri od.s.
y v 4 *

Using the time nachi.ne

Y ou a re n o w re a d , y t o us e t he t im e m a e h in e t o g o o n a
tiroe transient fburney. Ensure you have carefully read'
t h i s man u a .l be fo r e c ont in u in g , a n d b r in g ; a co p y w it h yo u
on eve'ry jburney. Fol-low these instructions to emba.rk
on your iburney:
1 . C h e ck t h a t yo u r ti ne m a ch in e is c al ib ra t e d , a n d if
necessary, calibrate it according to the i-nstr:uci;.i.ons
in the section rrcalibration" of this manual.
2 . S el ect th e ye a r y ou l 'r is h to tr a ve l t o b y t u r n in g o n
the main poi,ter silitch and using the yeai: adjirst .up/
d o r "rnbu t to n s u n t i l th e c or r e ct d e st in a tio n ye a r is
d . i s p l aye d o n t he yea r d isp la y. A li gh t t o u ch is r e q u -
ired. if you riish to travel to a year bef ore the
IIsing the time machine (continued)

common era, use the BC1;/C'i switch. The red light adi-
acent to this sr,rritch indicates ilOil is selected.
3. Turn on the fh;.x capacitor using the ftux capaei-tor
p o w e r s w i t c h . Y o u m a y n o t i c e , : . rr e d a n d b l u e g J - o w
emenatin,g fron the flux capacitorrs glass case.
4. Place the helmet/antenna rmit secu.rely on your hea.d
and., i f d e s i r e d , strap i t in place with rope or ta.pe
through the handles.
5. Press the initiate button. You should hear a whirring
noise as the brain activity d.etector 'egrins to spin
faster. If y o u d.o not hear this, or the year display
does n o t revert t o t h e c u r r r : f l t y e a r, see tttrouble-
shoot ing" .
6. The time machine will now begin searc-ring for para,-
dokes as a result of this tine travel ibu::ney. Tlris
involves scanning thro.l:.gh each year :rnd can take some
time, Relax w h i l e t h i s o c i l u t : s , a n d t h i n k a.bout what
you r+i-11 do lrhen you arrive at your destinat*on. To
keep you updated on progressr the machine tri-il chine
after it finishes checi;ing each c',::ttur;i.
7. ilhen the pa.radox checker reaches you]: destination
year, the bell l+ill sound continuously for 1 second
'l r! .! I' Ii I I pt, t
A a l U
rrnrr rrr.i
a ! - I v v tre 4 v ilnrr7r fl osti
u v u v l r r c r v nst On. If thiS dOeS
J V U J v l " / 4

n o t o c c u r : r s €€ r r t r o u b l e s h o o t i n . ; " .
B. Xnjby your business or vacation in another time perio<l!

In a machi-ne as corrp1ex as the LiJ-lenium Edition Flux
Capacitor Portable Time Travellini: l''lachine (with paradox
r ; h e e k i n r - " t e c h n o ' l o r - r r )- t h n r e a r e b o u n d . t o b e s o m e o c c a " s -
vIr9vr!lfrfl uvvrs!vrvtoJ I )

ional errors or rnal-functions that occur. This section

should help you d.iagnose and f ix these problems.

1 . I press the go button. ,;ut notirrn,q ha: pg+s: thig

fs-mosT con'3n1t Caused by uoers forgettinrl to turn
the flux ci:rpacitor olt. The machine is unable to uncl'rrgO
a:ny sort of space/tirne checliing or interaction without
the fli.lx capaci-tor, so it ust b e turned, o n b e f o re
commencing the i n i t i a t i o n sequ-ence.
2. 1_y_time r:rachine is behavin.''. strangelru the nost comnon
Eau;re of this complaint is a flat battery or a power
supply :.t the wrong volt-rge or i n c a p a b l e o f providing4
the required" current. See I ' P o w e r s u p p l y " f o r a full
list o f symptons i ; r d p o w e r s u p p l y d e t a i l s .
3. An error code irps apLe-ar:ed -o+ iLconsgle: while this
Ls- E i E s Ystem ui-1t
in to the time machine, and the e r r o r c o d e refers to
a speciflc eryor a s d e t a i l e d . overleaf ,

fgoubleshooling ( continue9 l

Error }tro., DescriPtion. .

o1 A paradox Has detected during chec'iing' fhe
j oirney uas lbo::tcC. Consider retirinking your
plans for thie triP.
vt fnsuff icien',, brain activety detected throu,5ih
antenna. Consiiler fixing ihe nehet rr-ure
securely to ;rps1' head. & thi-nk h:r'lderrbout
your plans fcr: the ;;,burneY.
irlux capacitor over ter,.pereture' lrlrlrn off the
tirne rnalhine ancl tr;' your j,burney again after
allorving it to cool.
o4 llncalibratecl tine or ,rear \'/ar:ling' The tine cr
1t"tn niai not be co,:r.bt. lheck tirese
ls o n l y 1 ; - : i n u t e i s e n o u g i : t o t h r o w a n error a'
v) Too l;uch trafiic t h r o u g h s p a c e T ti i n e r i f t '
is loo :tuch traff ic :;hiouqh thc rift to a"l].ot.'r
you to enbarl.l on your .1our:ne.','i:ow. Try Vour
journey again later.
'lhe llux c.pacitor
a5 , ' 1 1 . ; xc a . p a c i i o r o - i f b i r l : - , . n c e .
is not adequatel.v bala"nc'-:d. f onsi'ler shakin;':
it gently tio restcre bal-ance io its ii:ternal
n? Helmet warning system generic error. This
can be caused by the helm be ,ng poortJ/.
' r er yt
attached t o t h i ; - h e : a d o r i h e helrnet not
being ' r o i l n l . A t t a c h n c r e t l l o r o u ghly anr) try
dd.A lll .

U6 Low gravitori recej't'on' The Srav;ton recei'tor

is piciling up ioo !.,llchinter,' rence. :'aile
sure i$ is ,rn"on*r*a {part 12 on clock unj-t)
and tnove away fron ne.sij';e objects. ConsilLer
inovin.' outside and tr:Ying again.
t t 9 Loli flux tirough c.:-pacitor' ?he flu-< cnpaci:or
is r.ot receiviir-'r :libouate fiux. lonsider care-
futly l,oldin,g tle rnac]rine in the air or fi1ovin"
to hlgher gror..lnd, t h e n t r ' ; ' a g a i n .

A. I have another
" r a problern, but i!l-s-g-9.!-listed" here:

f or a softivare" upd:ite lo ::lter functionalityr---lei:'se

do not hesitate to contact tlie manufactu:"er' Upon
of t,te fauliy devl-ce, t:ie rianufacturer 'a:I
requiie payrnent of tlie form r r c a s e s of ':eer", v r l ' : ich
is a universal, time independ:'.nt curtaric.l/'

lhank You
Thank you for u s i n s t h i s time machine, we hope it serves
y o u v ery w el J-.

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