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Columbia University

W4231 : Analysis of Algorithms I Spring'00

Professor Lu a Trevisan

Comprehensive Exam

This is a losed book exam. You annot use book, notebooks, or a al ulator. You an
use one double-sided sheet of notes.
Read the questions arefully, and write your solution learly and on isely. Partial redit
will be given for in omplete solutions.

Problem 1. Graph Terminology [10 points℄

Consider the dire ted graph G = (V; E ) where V = fa; b; ; dg and E = f(a; b); (a; ); (d; b); (b; ); ( ; d)g.

(a) Is G strongly onne ted?

(b) Is G a y li ?

Problem 2. Design of Algorithms [25 points℄

Given a sorted sequen e a[1℄; : : :; a[n℄ of distin t integers, and given an integer x, the prob-
lem is to nd, if they exist, two indi es i; j su h that a[i℄ + a[j ℄ = x. Give a O(n) time
algorithm. (Partial redit will be given to a O(n log n) time solution,)

Problem 3. Mat hing [20 points℄

Consider the following bipartite graph and the mat hing given by the bold edges. Is it the
largest possible mat hing? If not, give an augmenting path.
a e

b f

c g

d h

Problem 4. NP- ompleteness [20 points℄
Des ribe the redu tion from Clique to Independent Set.

Problem 5. Modular arithmeti [25 points℄

(a) For an integer n  3, what is the de nition of Zn and what is the de nition of
(b) List the element of Z10 .
( ) Compute (77).
(d) Do you see an easy way to ompute 1360 (mod 77)? Justify your answer.

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