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Textbook Charges for Course BEET

Bachelor's Degree in Electronic Engineering Technology

There are shipments in your curriculum which contain textbooks that you may either
purchase through the Cl'E Bookstore, or on your own. The Clf Bookstore will be
charging strictly our costs with zero markup. The information regarding these books are
listed below:

Publisher Title Edition ISBN # Cost

Cenqaqe Principles of Information Systems wi MIS CD uJll83 8 1423901150 $106.46
Hill MP Microeconomics W/CD ,DVD, Codecard 6C~361 re" 0073365955 $107 .50
Hill Understandinq Psvcholoov w/Psvch Interactive SGE'3~;). s" 0073370193 $108.00
Hill Marketinq sceus: 14th 0073252891 $115.00
Pearson Electrical Machines. Drives, and Powers Systems ££,351 6th 0131776916 $106.50
Cenqaqe Essentials of Manaqement .5Lt 3(p..:J. s" 0324353898 $107.21
Hill Introduction to Socioloqy 6t-£31.73 n" 0073404144 $104.00
Hill Macroeconom ics 6t£Lf7J rs" 0077354230 $107.50
Essentials of Business Communication 5t£4T~
Cenqaoe i 0324313926 $99.71
Cenqaqe Technicians Guide to the 68 HCI Microcontrollers cerc?'I3 1st 0766817156 $102.71
Cenqaqe Electronic Communication Systems EeJ30/ 2nd 0766826848 $137.96

If we do not receive notice from you within 30 days of receipt of this letter, or if this
shipment of materials comes before we hear from you, we will send you the textbooks
and charge you for the materials.

I will be using the Clf Bookstore for the textbooks.

I will be purchasing the textbooks from another source.

Student Number Signature Date

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