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Standard Chart:

1. Put an entry in CNSIChartConstants and declare the CHART ID.

2. Create a jsp for the chart to be displayed.
3. Put an entry in pgDashBoard.jsp and call the method of Standard Chart.

url ='/'+appname+'/jsp/dashboard/pgPendedClaimsNumChart.jsp?
//YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', url, displayWindow1Callback,
displayAWindow(url, '1');

Here '1' represents the Window ID that is the position where the chart needs to be

pgPendedClaimsNumChart.jsp is the jsp created.

"<%=pendClaimsNumChartId%>" is the Chart ID declared in Chart Constants.

4. To display the labels in chart put entries in pgStandardChart.jsp. Labels include

Chart  Grid    Day  1 month  3 months  6 months  --Displaying "Day" Data

Trend Chart:

Follow the same procedure as for Standard Chart and finally put an entry in

if (chartId.equals("25"))
EntitySeries = new TimeSeries("The Number of Testing",Day.class);

The following are the queries which will get executed. Put entries in all these tables and
the chart will be created.

SELECT dc.chart_desc, dde.dsb_dim_element_cid, dde.element_name,

dde.element_value, dde.chart_data_lkpcd
FROM dsb_chart dc, dsb_dim_element dde
WHERE dc.dsb_chart_cid = 25 AND dc.dsb_chart_cid = dde.dsb_chart_cid

FROM dsb_metric_threshold dmt, dsb_dim_metric ddm
WHERE dmt.dsb_dim_metric_cid = ddm.dsb_dim_metric_cid
AND ddm.dsb_chart_cid = 25
SELECT dsb_fact_sid, dsb_dim_element_cid_1, dsb_dim_element_cid_2,
dsb_dim_element_cid_3, dsb_dim_metric_cid, metric_value,
TO_CHAR (refresh_timestamp,
) refresh_timestamp,
oprtnl_flag, created_by, created_date, modified_by, modified_date
FROM dsb_fact df
WHERE df.dsb_dim_element_cid_1 IN (SELECT dsb_dim_element_cid
FROM dsb_dim_element
WHERE dsb_chart_cid = 12)
AND dsb_dim_element_cid_3 = 1
ORDER BY df.refresh_timestamp DESC

SELECT TO_CHAR (run_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS PM') AS run_date

FROM interface_run
WHERE interface_run_sid = (SELECT most_current_run_sid
WHERE interface_id = 'chart25')

SELECT series_type, week_nmbr,

TO_CHAR (week_ending_date, 'MM/dd/yyyy') week_ending_date,
FROM dsb_trend_charts_data
WHERE dsb_chart_cid = 25
ORDER BY week_nmbr DESC

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