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As Dominic Parker got ready to go out, he ran his eyes up and down his reflection in the

mirror, smiling to himself. He ran his fingers through his cropped blonde hair, being careful
to avoid the new stiches on the side of his head, and then continued on, rubbing the back of
his neck. Wearing nothing but his board shorts, he couldn’t stop staring at his new, chiselled
body that he had been working on for weeks. He acted cool in front of the mirror, doing
strange poses and gestures to flex every new muscle. He grinned, impressed. Then he sighed
and put on a shirt and jeans over his shorts, grabbing his sports bag, and sprinted for the
front door. He almost didn’t see his little sister run in his path and he had to jump quickly to
avoid her. She laughed and clapped her small hands, making no sound, but still she seemed
pleased with herself. Dominic sighed, frustrated and glanced anxiously at his watch. He was
later then he cared to be, and quickly kissed his sister’s forehead and again made a valiant
attempt to leave his house. He heard his mother’s voice at the top of the stairs, but he didn’t
stop. He didn’t want to talk. He let the door slam behind him and hopped into his car,
parked neatly in the driveway. He revved the engine and tore down the concrete tarmac, not
looking back as his mother burst through the door, calling out to him, screaming for him to
stop. But Dominic didn’t care what his mother wanted him to do. He was free to do what he
liked. He checked nothing was coming after him, and then turned up his music louder than
normal, filling his head with the beat and rhythm of the music. He followed the stream of
people, heading towards the house of one of his mates Nick Madison.

The door was littered with cans and bottles, and a few passed out people. Dominic brushed
past the crowd, scanning his eyes through the sea of faces for one he recognised. Then he felt
a hand slap his shoulder, and struggled to turn around. Then the hand pushed him forward
into an opening and Dominic could finally see his attacker. Nick was grinning from ear to
“Dude, you made it!” Nick yelled above the roar of the music. Dominic nodded.
“Wouldn’t miss it, man!” Dominic shouted back. Nick smiled again and guided Dominic
towards the edge of the room, and pointed towards the pool. Not many people were in it,
but that meant Dominic could show off a little. He pulled his shirt off and slipped out of his
jeans, and he heard many whistles come from behind him. He smiled a little. He liked the
feeling of being noticed. He ran and dove neatly, perfectly, into the pool, hardly breaking
the water. He came up for air, letting the water run off him as he stood up. He could feel a
thousand pairs of eyes on him and he kept on smiling. He heard a small voice behind him
and turned round; spotting a girl he hadn’t seen before. She ran a manicured finger over his
“I don’t believe I know you.” She said.
“Really? Been here forever.”
“I wonder if you were waiting for someone. Maybe someone like me.” Dominic chuckled.
“Maybe.” She moved in closer, pressing herself flat against him, running her fingers up
towards his neck.
“I’d like to think so.” She kissed his neck and Dominic felt his knees go weak. Suddenly she
was torn away from him, and Ben was standing up to him.
“You trying to steal my girl, punk?” Dom gritted his teeth.
“No. I’m not.” He nodded his head slowly, and backed up a little.
“Just be careful, wise guy. I’m watching you.” Dominic moved away and could feel the
anger build in him. Nick strolled over and handed Dom a bottle. Dom smelt the top and
looked at Nick. Nick just shrugged.
“Just drink it, mate. Make you feel better.” Dominic sighed and took a few gulps of the
disgusting drink inside. Dom pulled himself out of the pool, and sat on the edge, feeling like
a total loser, until he saw someone sit down next to him. He glanced up and skipped a
breath. Emma was sitting next to him, dangling her feet in the water next to him. She tucked
the hair behind her ear, and Dominic couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She glanced up at him,
and he quickly looked away. He thought she looked away, but when he went to set his eyes
upon her again, her own eyes were waiting for his. She wore a long sleeve top and jeans,
and was letting her long, light brown hair down, hanging loosely on her delicate small
shoulders. Her hazel eyes were gazing into Dom’s blue ones, reading into him like an open
book. The words in his mind seized to exist as he was drawn into her eyes; and through her
eyes he could see further into her. She smiled at him, but Dom could hardly find the nerve to
smile back.
“I’ve seen you at school, but I don’t know your name. What is it?”
“Wh… What is what?” Dominic managed to choke out. She laughed.
“What is your name, silly?”
“Oh… well it’s um… well it’s…” Dom could find the words.
“Hey Dom!” Nick yelled at him.
“Dominic!” he yelled at her, “It’s Dominic.” She held out her hand, smiling.
“Mine’s Emma.”
“I know.” She gave him a funny look. Dom cleared his throat to explain himself.
“We’re in English together, that’s how I know your name.” he took her hand and shook it.
She laughed again. She looked away and into the pool water, watching it lap against the
“You don’t swim?” Dom asked. She looked up for a moment, and then back again.
“No I can’t swim. A small fear I developed when I was younger.”
“Same. I mean I used to have a fear, but I just forced myself to get over it.” Emma gave off a
light chuckle.
“I wish it were that simple.” They sat together in silence for a while before Dominic felt a
hand on his shoulder.
“Hey there you are Dom. I was starting to think you left.” Nick swallowed the rest of
Dominic’s beer and threw the bottle lazily towards the bin. It missed and smashed into a
thousand pieces beside it. Nick looked guilty and was swaying violently on the spot.
Dominic stood up, concerned and looked his friend dead in the eye.
“How many of those have you drunk, Nick?” Nick racked his brain.
“6.” Dominic sighed, “times 2”
“12! You’ve had 12 beers!?”
“What’s your problem, mate? You’re not the boss of me. You may act like it, but you’re not,
you know.” Nick was waving his finger under Dominic’s nose but Dom didn’t react. Emma
stood up beside him and took control of the situation.
“Hey Nick, why don’t you follow me for a sec?” Nick looked from one face to the other, then
shrugged and almost fell on top of Emma.
“Alright then,” he slurred, “Lead the way.” Emma dragged Nick into the crowd of people.
Dom grabbed his bag and pulled out a shirt and his trousers, when he looked up again, Ben
was standing in front of him, arms folded and legs far apart.
“I wasn’t looking at her, I swear.” Dom said.
“I was referring to Emily actually.”
“Emma. And FYI, you already have a girlfriend.” He smiled, throwing his head back to
“Just dumped her actually. Now I’m going after Emmy, so you can have the slut.” Ben went
to walk past Dom, but Dom stood in his way.
“Her name is Emma, Jackass.” Anger was written on his face and veins started to show on
his face but Dom held his ground.
“Think you can gain a few muscles and that makes you tough?” Dom shrugged.
“I’d like to think so.” Dominic drew up closer to Ben, “Stay away from Emma, asshole.” He
turned and walked away, but couldn’t block out what was said next.
“You think you can protect her when you can’t even protect your own family?” it hit Dom
like a steam roller and he slowly turned his head.
“What did you say?” Dominic clenched his fists and walked slowly and stiffly back the way
he had come. Bens’ face suddenly changed as he realised what he had done. He turned and
ran, but Dom was faster. Grabbing his shirt, Dom pulled him to the floor. He struggled, but
Dominic had a good hold on him, striking him on the face with his fists. With each strike the
anger rose in him. People were trying to pull Dom away, but he kept on delivering more
painful blows to him. Dominic paused, gathering his thoughts. Ben gave Dom a hard shove,
sending him sprawling out onto the floor. Dominic got up quickly but didn’t attack again.
He let Ben stand up on wobbly legs, blood running down his face. He spat out a load of
blood and chuckled.
“That all you got?”
“I decided to give you a break.” The anger was still there, inside Dominic, and he was
sweating just to keep it down.
“Don’t hold back on my behalf.”
“Gladly.” Ben laughed again.
“I wonder if the retarded gene runs in the family.” That made Dominic’s blood boil. “I
mean, your father was retarded to get caught, your mother was retarded enough to keep
you, and well… your sister was just born retarded. And another thing is…” Dominic didn’t
let him finish. He swung a bottle at Ben, smacking him full on the head. Ben groaned from
the pain and fell to the floor. Dominic plucked him up off the ground and charged towards
the fence. It crumpled under their weight, and the two boys went flying through the air,
onto the rocky ground below. When they landed, Ben lay still, but Dominic couldn’t control
himself. He attacked, hitting him again and again, letting all his anger out on the limp body.
Images popped in and out of Dom’s mind, things that made him hit harder. Then he pulled
Ben up and slammed him into the rocky wall behind him. A gush of blood suddenly fell on
Dominic, and he paused. The back of Ben’s head had erupted against the rocks, and when
Dom let Ben go, a trail of blood followed the corpse down to the ground. Dominic looked on
horrified. He looked down at his hands that were stained with blood. He panicked. He ran.
Ran up the hill towards the road. Ran past his car. Ran through the lights and ran in and out
of the alleyways. Ran until he couldn’t run anymore. He collapsed onto his knees, letting the
wind wash over him. His panting was the only sound that could be heard. Then a siren
sounded, and he took off again. This time he didn’t stop until he reached the outskirts of the
city. The rain was beating down on him, punishing him for his sins. He finally stopped and
just looked back at the town. Flashing lights of police cars lit up one corner, and left the
other side in darkness. Dominic just stared down at his house, and wondered. Wondered
what to do next. His breath curled up in front of him, and as much as he hated it, he knew
what he had to do, and what he should do. Either way, he made his way home first.
Trudging through the rain, not caring that he bottom of his trousers were soaked, he let the
rain wash over him, clearing his head. Preparing him for the road ahead. When he reached
his door, he just stared up at it. The lights were on downstairs, and the television set on full
volume. He took in everything. The cracks that ran up the walls, the outdoor lights swinging
in the gentle wind, the swinging bench, creaking with every swing. Dominic sighed and
strolled around to the back of the house, lifted up the garage door and piled boxes up, so
they acted like stairs. He climbed up them silently, letting the sound of the rain disguise the
noise he did make. He walked across the roof expertly, avoiding any of the loose tiles. When
he reached his window, he just stared in at it, taking it in one last time. He opened the
window and dropped down onto his bed, absorbed by the springs and bed sheets. He got to
his feet, and quickly and silently, got out the big duffle bag that he used on field trips. He
stuffed clothes in it, taking what he thought he needed. He rummaged through his draws,
taking things that were useful; a flashlight, wallet, cap, a card with his name and address on
it, and the painkillers for his stiches. He paused when he came across an envelope. He knew
what was in it, and placed it at the top of the bag. Then he looked around the room again.
Dominic went to the bookshelf that sat in the corner, and took down the musical bear that
his father had given him. His sister always loved it, and the music made her sleep better, but
Dominic had never wanted to give it up. But now, he walked out of his room, and into hers.
She was fast asleep, but wriggling and sweating. Dom sat on the edge of her bed and gently
place a hand on her. She woke and bolted upright. Dom pulled her in close and she
snuggled up to him, letting his warmth soothe her. She started to sob and Domini started to
rock her back and forth. Slowly she stopped and opened her eyes. She spotted the bear and
moved towards it, gurgling with happiness. Dom smiled and moved the bear towards her.
She hugged it, and turning it over, wound it up. When she let it go, the music filled the small
room and her eyes began to shut. Dom leaned over and pushed her onto the mattress, and
tucked the sheets up over her. He kissed her forehead and took in a final view of her. Then
he left, picking up his bag as he left. He took the main stairs, not caring if his mother saw
him. But she didn’t and soon he was out of the door and walking towards the bus stop.

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