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A hero is someone who is admired for his achievements and his noble qualities.

It is someone who is brave

and courageous and extremely devoted to something. A hero is a genuine person who cares for the well being
and prosperity of others without seeking any attention for fame or redemption. Someone who goes beyond
one’s expectations may be considered a hero.

He is a devoted on being a hero and it was shown when he studied his own case and found the image of
a Hero and for the image he invented the other side of language and became invisible to himself.
Devotion from his character is defined as forgetting himself for the sake of being a hero.

“He stood for election upon his own bemedalled ground...” As the main character stalked the enemy
with provisions is a sign that he is willing to fight with bravery and courage but somehow need a touch
of fame as he muttedred to himself “Who will justify my fiction if I die unknown?” Contrary to what a
real hero is.

Pushing himself to the limit until his death, he still chose to create a hero upon himself until he awoke
from his fiction and face the reality that he needs more power to to bring down the giant enemy that
made his fictional character.

The kind of hero that the main character portray is a typical hero who is willing to give his own life for
the sake of what he belives in true or untrue. The only contradiction is that he needs fame for his works
to be appreciated unlike what the television portrayal of hero who always hide his face in front of the

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