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So far, the 'Apes' ~thos has yielded five films and a short l~ved TV series.

From these science-fiction tales has emerged a near complete future history of our planet, which ends abruptly when the Earth is blown np. But the 'Apes' filme have also shown how we might all be Baved from total destruction •••••

It was fairly difficult to work out an aceurate Chronology of the 'Apes'. The first film begins 2,000 years in the future, then the series goes back in time to 1973. Taken at face value, the Chronology appears to be curved, not linear. When one tries to put the Chronology on a linear scale, the many contradictions begin to shov. The greatest contradiction is the two different accounts of how the Apes rebelled against their human masters. When Cornelius and Zira are asked

about this in 'Escape •••• ', they say that after two centuries of being pets, the Apes became slaves, and three centuries after that, they rebelled. But in the events of the rebellion in 'Conquest ••••• '. the Apes have done all this in a mere nine yearsl Another contradiction connected with this is that at the end of 'Battle for ••• '. the Lawgiver says that there is world peace in 2670. But in the first film. Dr. Zaius says that by that time, humans were definatly inferior to the Apes. So what is the truth?

The best explanation I can come up with is that they are

B01'll true. What has happened in the last three films is different to the historical events mentioned in the first film. It follows that something must have changed the past. something that happened between filme 2 and 3. This something is Air Force One (Taylor's Starship). It had gone back in time

between these films. back from 3955 to 1973. The events it caused in the past (the actions of the sentient Apes it contained) altered the past. This altered past is shown in the last three films. Now; where does the TV Seriee fit in? The answer to thie is simple. In the first episode. "Escape From Tomorrow". Burke and Virdon discover a hook that is dated 2503. In the altered past (as can be seen from the Chronolo~ below). no skyscrapers such as the one shown in the book could have existed. This meAnS that the TV Series must take place in the unchanged past, before it was changed. That's enough for the moment, I think. And so onto the Chronolo~ ••••

1972 February:

Air Force One is launched containing Astronauts. Taylor. Dodge. Stewart and Landon on the first interstellar flight to the Orion System. Earth loses cont~ct with the Ship as it approaches the speed of light.


Six months after the first launch. Astronauts "Skipper" and medic John Brent are launched along the same flight path as d_ir Force One to probe its unexplained disappearence. This craft also loses contact with Sarth.

(And now onto the unaltered history of Earth). 1972-1988:

Space exploration expands. The world becomrs more scientifically based, and living standards increase. The facts of the two Starshipe lost in 1972 was never found out, and to prevent their supposed destruction happening to other ships

6 ~rs are spent improYing SPIlce-Flight techniques. 1988 August 19th:

Astronauts Virdon. Burke and Jones are launched from Earth to explore the star Alpha Centuri.


Whilst circling Alpha Centuri and scanning the System, they are hit by an electrical storm. Pete Burke hits the emergency_homing button just before he passes out. The system that took 16 years to perfect then comes into play. Although the engines of their craft are damaged beyond repair. their momentum still carries them towards Earth. but at an incredibly slow spaed. The unconcious Astronauts

are automatically placed in suspended animation for the long trip home.

(A little note here for deToted Ape fanatics: You can tell the difference between the three Starships as Burke's has U.S. flags on the front fins. Brent·s has only the '~ITED STATES" painted down the front. and Taylor's Starsbip is devoid of any markings at all).


Human civilization ha" continued to advance. and machines are being used for many purposes as human leisure time increases. Many Space Explorations take place, although some never return to Earth.

Then, c.2050. the GREAT PLAGUE strikes. Brought back from

a distant solar system by a returning Starship. it soon wipes out the complete Cat and Dog populations of the planet. LUCkily. it does not affect any other species. including Man. Humane. to replace their lost pets. turn to keepimg birds, small primate". lizards etc. The primates become the

most popular pets due to their higher intelligence and ability to be trained easily. They become a common household animal as larger and larger ones are taken in.


By this time, nearly every human household contains Chimpanzees, Orangutans or Gorillas as pets.


After two centuries of being pets. the Apes are now being used as slaves as their vast potential had been realised. Their intelligence is being increased through selected breeding and artificial stimulation.

(If anyone wants to. they can fit STAR TREK in here: There are no Apes aboard the 'Enterprise' as they are not reliable enough for space travel).


During this period, the humans are being served both by their machines and their Ape slaves. They no longer have to struggle to survive, and are beginning to lose interest in Space travel.

(In fact, a long-term genetic breakdown must have been taking place. Thie means that advanced medicine had interfered with the process of natural selection. sO that characteristic" which had formerly been unfavourable are spread through the population. An example of this today

is the fact that all people .,ho war ~s coaldD' t haft laIlkiDd haft been wiped clean due to geD,eral dellOral1_tioa

8UMiYed fiYe thousand years ago, but ill the 20th century they and the genetic breakdown. The:J are forced a"&:J fro. ape

do surnn to reproduce and apread the defec;tive gene.) c1 ties as usele .. and UJlproductift ani_la and bes1A to

2682: lift in the forests. wild.

Finally. II Chimpanzee named Aldo learns to articulate. He Meanwhile. the coutilluall:J growillS Forbidden Zoneahaft

refuses his _sters' orders and leads an Ape rebellion. cut up and isolated the ape cirlUzatioaa. Procre .. slowa

The humans. their capacity to act against the Apes lowered to a halt in aa.e are ... like the ape cit:J near Ie. York.

by genetic breakdow. are defeated by the Apes. There. all ao.,ledp that h_ once had a _jol'

In the chaos that follows. Nuclear Warheads are exploded ciYllization is either loat or cancealed by the cOBallrYatift

and the world is deyestated. Only the _jor cities of the Oransutans. ProsreaaiYe Chi.pulzee ele_nta are atin.4.

planet are totall:J destro:Jed. the surroWlding lands are late ill thU period. !mana besta to be used as experi_nt-

liyable but not rich with fertile soil. The abilit:J of the al animals and entertaiainS h~ting aiftreio ... for the

world to support a large population is lost forenr. Gorillaa. A certaia inatiJactual II1Irrlftl pattern ia retained

b:J ManJdnd. but it ia le .. than aucce .. tul. 2682-2750:

This period of 68 yeara contains GaD:J changes. The ape and 3951+ Hoyember 25th:

human populations move aWa;{ from the radiation..,soaked cities, The first laWlched Starship. Air Force One. contaiDiDc

and the humans become a slaye culture tolerated butcompletely thllcthree auMiY1ng _les and one dead fe .. le craahlanda

unrespected by the apea. The apes become divided into racial ill an inlend lake near the I'D1na of lie., York. (More

classes. The pompous. authoratatin Orangutans become tl:le about the geogra~ of the land later) E ... enta of

gonrning cla88. The Gorillas. with their brutal nature and "THE PLANET OF THE APES" begiJl.

low intelligence. become the soldiers and poUcemen of the Ape Late 3954-Earl:J 3955:

states. The Chimpanzees' high intellegence leads them to become Dr. Zaius. the Orangutan "Miniater of Science and Chief

mainly Scientists. Defender of the Faith". baa II1Iceecled ill calJliJac the

The ape states an aplit up, scattered across the world, and disturbances caused b:J Georp Ta,.lor'a appearaac:e and

know nothing of each other. One State, situated in the abilitiea. But General Ur '. ca.pa1gaing for war is

Californian area, coaaists of a 'Central Cit:J' .urrounded by far be,.ond his control. Se eral scouts are lost in the

farmlands and Yillages. Each Yillage is goftrned b:J a 'Prefect', Forbidden Zone and war ia OIl. There ia aI.o a Ch1epan .. e

who is always a Chimp&nzee. political undercurrant-_d .,hila preten.d1ng to SO alClllg

(It seems that about this period. Science was beginning to be with Dr. Zaius. CorneUus and Z1ra ha .... _retl,. be_

discredited. The apes had seen. and felt. the ruination that aiding the genius ch1epanzee Dr. Milo'1R hia studie. of then

man's _chilles had done to the Earth. The~.w;eiil.iililiii"ii. ..... aa.liiYiaiid.A.ir"ir.~ ... One. Be ia anal:rziDc it and atte.pting to

feel that Han was capable of nothillg but. read,. it for flight. The Ch1epan_e. plaa

destruction and erll. 'and so was eyll to uee it as the kind of t~tic

hilllSeH.) nidellc .• th.,. feel Ape Cit,. Ileecla to escape total 10 .. of ·the Ught ot Truth.

(It ia not clear how Milo _lYllpd Air Force One. I can onl,. speculate ClIl thia. The .ost logical wa,. would be to .. nd

di ftn ddw ~o cut it :Ui half, then .. lid a larp hallon dowa. inflate it and neat the .. ctiOll to the surface. Milo could then haft launched the arrow-l1ke

co ...... d eodule trOll it'. base. but whether the coeeand .adule would ha.... the capabilities for separate flight is debatable.)

3955 January:

Cornelius and Zira !lI'e aarried.


Brent's Starship crashlands in the Forbidden Zoae. '''Sldpper'' is lost ill the crash. Byent. of "BENEATH THE PLANET OF THE APES" begin as Brent ellCOWlters 10Ya. Just after the APe A~ earches to war. Milo senda CorneUus and Z1ra a __ p

telling the. that Air Force One 1a read,. for flight. (This was poaaible as the Starahip lIad craah~ into a lake and

was und .... ged.)


The be lie f that Han is erll is sUllllDlld

up and imbellished by a respected Orangutan, when he writes the 'Sacred Scrolls This Orangutan writes the Sacred Serolla rur two reasons. The first is that he feela that hi, fellow apea IllUSt be warned against Man~ as some of them were beginnillg to take men into their houses as pets. The second reason for the Sero is to proYide laws for the apes.


The Sacred Scrolls are.accepted and regarded reUgiously by the Apes, who give the Orangutan who wrote them t~ title of 'LawgiYer'.

Due to poor conservation methods, desser begin to bloom between the centres of Ape CirlUzation,; The ape cit,. neAl' the ruins of New York becomes isolated from the rest of the world.

Not all of the Humans had left the ruined cities ill 2683. Some had remained behilld. In the crumbling city of New York. for instance, the humans there had began to set up an underground ciyilization (IIOre of this latter).The long term radiation effects are by now beginnillg to show. The humans are mutating. They are beginning to lose their

outer ak:1n layers, and are den loping rudimentary telepethic powers. They haYe found a Nuclear Mi~sile. and begill to worship it.

-;=~OM \11~ f3=rvO \0 THG" "i3t:"(,lrvNING

Brent's Arri ... al plus Two o.,.s:


The Nuclear Missle that the Mutants

worshipped w .. the "Alpha-Omega Nuclear Dnice", the ultimate bomb. It is detonated and it sets fire to the air itself. scorchillg the Earth to a cinder.

The shockwave of the blast strikes Air Force One just as it reaches' orbit alid Cornelius, Zira. and Milo are hurled back in to the past.

(It is not certain who is speaking at the end of 'Beneath •• '. Maybe it was Hilo who. up in the StarshiP. said.

"The Uniyerse. at present. contains billions upon bi~0D8 of spiral galazies. In one of the.. OIle-third from th-; edge, is a medium-sized star. and one of its satellites. a green and'insignificant planet ••• is now dead."

The power of the Alpha-Omega Bomb IIIIlSt haYe been greater than the power of the deyice that exists today. known .. 'Doomsday'. No official esti~te has been made of this Boab. but a 50.000 megaton cobalt-salted dence has been .ooted which could kill the entire bu .... race except those who .,ere deep underground and who stayed there for more than fi .... years. GiYen that power as being less' than that of the 'A-O' Bomb. it is not surprisillg that, the shochaft wa. powerful enough to break the time-barrier.

Now--- Air Force One has been thrown back to 1973, and sO has altered the past by it. yery pre.ence of being there.

So what follows is the ~ history of Earth.)

(These Mutants. as shown in ·Beneath •••• '. considered the __ selves superior to the "slobberillg. lllaterialistic apes", to quote one of them. They obviously considered themaelves fortunate to have been mutated,. and so the,. worshipped not the Nuclear Missle itself, but the symbolism of the nuclear forces that lllade them what they were.)


One of the Stars hips lost between 1992' and 2182 returns to Earth, landing in Southern California. The crew are all killed by the apes. Zaius. the leader of the Council in that area, begins to fear the threat of ancient human Astronauts from Outer Space.

(The events of 3073 are told in the first epi,sode of the TV Series. )

3085 June 14th:

Zaius's fears are realized as Jones, Alan Virdon, and Peter Burke crashland in his region after 1,093 years of drifting in Space. Jones does not survive the crash. The EYents of "THE PLANET OF THE APES" TV SERIES begin.

Virdon, Burke and Galen have fates as yet untold.

(At the beginning of every TV episode. the titles give the date as "3885", even though "3085" was the date giyen by the Ship's chronometer! Little is known of the eyents of the next thousand years. I have put down what is known by inference from.later, more definate, events.)


The fall of mankind is complete. By about 3400, the minds of

1973 September:

Air Force One reappears within nearby Space, oyer the South Pole, and lands off the Californian Coast. slightl,. north of San Clemente (probably just off Laguna Beach.) EYents


(At the beginning of the fila. onl,. the COllllll&lld Module ia shown to haft landed. and so whether this was all that took off in the first place is still lett undecided.)

~974 March:

-; The eTents conclude with the murders of Zira and Cornelius. and their son begins his long education under Armando's care. The baby is at first named "Hilo" but this is

changed to "Caesar" by Armando to protect the child from the authorities.


The governments of Earth are growing more totalitarion in order to cope with increasing economic, political and energy-shortage pressures.

All information containing knowledge of the two lost Starships and the aerets of the future reTealed by Zira

and Cornelius is locked away under heaTY security clearance. Few are allowed access to it. Publicity i. spread tha\the two talkiag chimpanzee. were a hoax, and nothing more.

(These deTelopments are the logical culmination of what had happened tD ·E.cape ••• • Another reason for the authorities to hush everything up would be to coneeal from the public the embarrassing fact that Dr. Hasslein had disobeyed the President·s orders, had murdered the Apes, and had been killed himself.)


Caesar, aged 7, begins his bare-b a ck l"-iding a~batics with Armando's circus. (With political repression the smaller circuses haTe been forced to play to dwindling country audiences, thus helping Caesar to aToid dangerous publicity)

There are massive educational programs within the community. They face little harassment beeause, elsewhere in the country and perhaps the world, the Ape rebellion is spreading. Th. gOTernment·s breakdown has begun and it cannot police itself as in the pest.

Tensions grow until •••••

December: NUCLEAR WAR.

Laser defense ABH systems prevent war from utterly destroying life. Major cities bombed but surrounding areas liTable--- to a certain degree.


The liuJllall population that remains is in a stat. of shock. There is little or no communication over great distances SO Caesar's community, now completely isolated, takes in the survivors in it's area and a new Ape/Human Society begins to de ve Lop,

Despite Caesar's wishes humans become effectively, second class citizens, and cultural diTisions begin to diTide the Apes. Aldo names himself "General" and begins to train an "army" of Gorillas. Caesar's son by Lisa is born, and named Cornelius after his grandfather.

Meanwhile, another branch of humanity is deTeloping; the ones that surTived the war and stayed in the cities--- Mutants, They haTe radioactive flesh on decaying bones. Inspector Kolp has taken OTer in the remains of San Fernando and runs

a scavenger city full of repressed hat ••

(These • Mutants' have not mutated into monsterous beings with

a";el;o_ pov-erl.. Th-"y an just

humans malformed by the radtatioa, and most of them, including Kolp, are _d.)

2004 NOTember:

The eTent. of ''BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES" begin and conclude. Caesar has ·finally made complete equqtty between the Humans and

the Apes.


The. idea of peaceful co-existanc. has spread around the glObe. Both Ape. and Humans realize that they mu.t li". in peace to preTent the detonation of the Alpha-Omega Bomb in 3955.

After 2670: ?

- - ~.- -


The ,.ear of the Plague from Space. It is brought back by an Astronaut, and all the cats and dogs die. It appears to be harmlesa to all other species, including Man.


Humans replace their lost pets by taking in other animals, and eTentually the larger primates become pets. In this generation of Apes, the Plague's genetic effects show themaelTes:- Both their stature and intelligence are increased.

(This Piague appears to be different fro. the Plague of the unaltered history of Earth. It's origin place could haTe been nearer to our planet, SO it was diecoTered earlier, and it affected the Apes in the 10181 shown above.)

There is a Tast reTeree migration of people from the suburbs into the cities. This results in the large town. becoming almost feudal forts ~ed by farMlands; the "proTince". Pollution in many areas is brought under control. In 1989 a mRasiTe air purification plant is built in the Rockies that keepe California air perfectly clean. The Apes become a slave class. Ape Management is incorpora -ted as a semi-public branch of the government in. 1986, and the Apes' mental deTelopment is accelerated by the DlassiTe trainin programs of that establishment.

(In about six years, the Apes have progressed, if you can call it

that), from being pets to slaTes. That this could have happened SO fast must haTe been a result of the GOTernment' s fears of the Apes reTolting, as predicted by Cornelius and Zira. So it appears that the two talking Chimpanzees had influenced the past, and therefore changed the future.)

Well there you haTe it. The Chronology is a long one, co .... ring nearly two thousand years plus . nearly seTen hundred years agan.

There is a lot of room for endless speculation and a multitude of new tilms. ·For ,example,. anything could haTe happened ,in the first history between the dates 3085 and 3954. A lot can happen in nearly 900 years. And what happened after 2670 at the end of the Chronology? Did the

world get blown up, or was it saved? A film is definately called for here. Maybe the new fUm, "The Secret On The Planet of The Apes", will proTide an 8lIsver.

In "The Planet of The Apes", Cornelius shovs us a map of the terrain near New York. When you compere it to a present-day IIIlP, the Ape City could be said to be

situated in New Jersey somewhere along the Raritaa River.

The lake into where Air Force One first crashed IIIQst be opposite New York, but further inland. At the end of 'Planet.' Taylor comes acrosA the Statue of Liberty, and it is on the seashore. This means that somewhere along the line the

Hudson RiTer must haTe dried up. This theory is reinforced

as Brent and NOTa rode from what was New Jersey to Manhattan without coming acrosS any water. They. entered Queensborough Plaza subway station on East 51st Street/5th ATenue. They then went past the remains of the New York Public Library,

the Stock Exchange and Radio City (a falDOus Theatre/Cinena)

to end up near Lexington Ave. beside st. Patrick's Catherdral. If this route is traced out on a map, Brent and Nova

entered the underground labyrinth in the centre of Manhattan, just below Central Park. They then went South, turned around, and arriTed back near where they had first come fro •• Why they were not taken by the Mutants before they did all that was neTer made clear.

There is one date specified in the .first film that I, decided to disregard completely in the Chronology. When Taylor's Starship crashed in the lake, the chronometer aboard read 3978. But in the second film, Brent said the

date was 3955. But again (Arrghl) in the third film Zira said that Taylor's chronometer had now read 39551 What had

caused this mysteriouB change of date? .

The way out of this contradiction, as I ~ee it, i. to say that the chronometer aboard Air Force One had been broken

1991 April:

Armando and Gaeear visit a part of Los Angeles, San F~rnando. The eTents of "CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES" begin.

(The city they Tisited must have been S8lI Fernando as in 'Battle for ••• ' the city is said to be South of a rural area where Ape City is situated. The large city best suited to these specifications is San Fernando, as it is South of a relatiTly rural area, the Joaquin Valley.)


Caesar, aged 17, leads an Ape rebellion and defeats the human forces of the city.

(This is another way in which the two dead Chimpanzees haYe influenced the past. Only their son, Caesar, is intelligent enough to lead a successful Ape Rebellion as early as 1991. In the other history it took the Apes three centuries .to rebel. )


Caesar leads his people from the city '~to the provinces. In this case, the Joaquin V~lley. Here, Caesar attempts to build a home for his people with the aid of a few human adTisors.



SIMI"'" AND MAN: 1'I-lA5E iwO

MAN AND ft~~ 'PttASe "-HR.e~


ill tha craah, and bad. th_ .hova the 1oIrOAg date. Who. Dr. MUo repairecl the aalYaged St&rah:1p, the chrOJlOMter bad the. shova the real date - 3955.

The Ape. Sap baa beeA .. t in aJlother, ablost parallel,

U.h.r ... (To co.plicate thinga eft. turtherl). Thia baa be .. proYed .. all the Astronauts have WOrA the eable. A.H.S.A. instead of N.A.S.A., and be.ide., we could not haft Hnt abipe to the star. as earl,. &II 1972.

In working out the ChroIlologJ, I could not fit in the original MarTel Collic. storiea.

There are too JlUl,. of the. to be conaiatant and the,. are not really part of the _pificant Science FictiOJl of the fift fil_. The date. and eftnt. gift. ia the noyela cannot be depended upoD as the "real" .tuff. The,. haft be_ writte. fro. the original Screenpla,.. of the fi_, and Dot fro. the ....rsiona that finally r_checl. the acre_. So far, except for 'Planet.~.', the Marftl adaptiona haft be_ taken fro. the noftu, not the fil_, eo they couldJl't be uaed for info~tiOJl either. The onl,. way to ga.' the accurate facta ia to sit through the fift fil.ae with a notabookl

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