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Figure 6.


1. Now that you’ve completed your project, please circle the three words below which best sum up your feelings about it:
challenging tedious enjoyable unrewarding worthwhile straightforward scary Are there any other words that come to mind?
exasperating useful time-consuming interesting hard rushed exciting gruelling

2. From the project documentation were you sufficiently clear about:

yes no yes no
• how the project would differ from previous work undertaken? ■ ■ • the role and availability of your supervisor during the project? ■ ■
• submission deadlines and procedures for the project components? ■ ■ • the criteria by which your project would be judged? ■ ■

3. To what extent did the briefing meeting help to clarify: How could the briefing meeting be improved?
a lot somewhat not at all
• the appropriate scope of the project? ■ ■ ■
• the standard expected in your research and write-up? ■ ■ ■
• how to go about carrying out the project? ■ ■ ■

4. How well did your supervisor help you: ✓✓ ✓ ✗ ✓✓ ✓ ✗

• to refine the focus of your research topic? ■ ■ ■ • to gauge the progress of your research ■ ■ ■
• to pace your project work? ■ ■ ■ • to set feedback on your written work? ■ ■ ■

5. As regards the amount of contact with your supervisor, was this: ■ Too much ■ Just right ■ Too little
Any other comments?

6. Please indicate any problems encountered during the course of your project and what would have helped you to deal with them.

Reviewing Your Teaching • Kate Day, Ruth Grant and Dai Hounsell • Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment,
The University of Edinburgh in association with the Universities' and Colleges' Staff Development Agency, 1998

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