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Food Facts

Food Facts

Several studies have suggested that the best benefits of vitamins and minerals come when
they’re taken from food rather than at a supplement. Here is how you can get your daily dose
of vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin Food Sources

Vitamin A Meat, dairy products

Green leafy vegetables; yellow and orange

Beta Carotene fruit and vegetables (carrot,
papaya, pumpkin)

B1 Cereal Vegetables

B2 Meat, beans, peanuts, leafy greens

B3 Cereals

B6 Meat, pulses, wheat

B12 Liver, meat, eggs

Fermented foods containing yeast

Folic Acid
(bread, idly, etc); fruit; leafy vegetables

Pantothenic acid Liver, yeast, egg yolk, milk, soya

Biotin Egg, peanuts, cheese, chicken

Vitamin C Citrus fruit, potatoes, green vegetables

Vitamin D Sunlight

Vitamin E Almonds, vegetable oils, cereals, leafy greens

Minerals Good Sources

Calcium Dairy products, bony fish, leafy greens

Phosphorus Supplied by normal eating

Iodine Iodised salt

Magnesium Fruits, vegetables, pulses and whole grains

Zinc Seeds, e.g. til (sesame)

Potassium Cereals, pulses and legumes, leafy greens

Copper, Selenium
Most people get these enough from their diet
and Chromium

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