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Savini Ranaweera

Period 7

Purpose statement: to inform about déjà vu


I. Attention Getter- Have you ever sat in your class and been like “woah, I’ve
seen this before!”? Well this is déjà vu

II. Link-This experience is debated on if its seeing something from a past life or
a neurochemical action

III. Thesis-Déjà vu is one of the phenomenons that show how mysterious our
mind is

IV. Preview statement-Today I’ll be talking about the controversy of what déjà vu
really is.


I. What is déjà vu?

A. means already seen

B. three types

1. deja vecu

a) means already experience or lived through

b) most common, hears,sees or tastes it

c) remains in a person’s memory

2. deja senti
a. doesn’t remain in person’s memory
b. more of a mental feeling
3. deja visite
a. people seem to know their way around a certain location
b. this might be explained by reincarnation
c. (http://www.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?

II. Déjà vu is a neurological process

A. According to a BBC health report as much as 97% of people have

experienced déjà vu.

1. some to the point where it causes depression

2. Performed and experiment to see if the déjà vu feeling could be


a. one part of brain recognizes the scene as familiar, the

other searches for the memory. In déjà vu the second part
may occur by mistake

b. hypnotized volunteers and showed them common words

in different frames. Ones with red frames were the original
and the green frames made them think they’ve seen it
before.10 people said they had a feeling of déjà vu

B. some say it could be disorder of memory,ego,or perceptual disturbance

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