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U.S. DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEC 27 2000 FILED United States District Court 3:37 Pm District of New Hampshire (Concord) USA, Ex Rel et al., Plaintifis, 1:10-cv-00321-JL v USA et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF PLAINTIFFS’ ENTITLEMENT TO & COMPLIANCE WITH ORDER OF “ADDITIONAL TIME” DEMAND FOR FBI’S NECESSARY RETURN OF RAIDED FILES & COMPLAINT “12/13/2010” “ORDER OF ADDITIONAL TIME TO SERVE COMPLAINT” (DOC. # 15] 1, The Hon. Magistrate Judge Landya B. McCafferty had ordered: | '12/132010 | 15 ORDER granting in part and denying in part 9 Motion for for judicial notice of FBI file. The motion is granted in part, to the extent that i |_| plaintiffs shall have additional time to serve the complaint. The motion | is denied in all other respects. The Clerks Office is directed to provide | plaintiffs with the necessary blank summonses and waivers. Signed by 1_, Magistrate Judge Landya B. McCafferty. (emp) (Entered: 12/13/2010) EBLNEEDS TO RETURN NECESSARY COMPUTER FILES AND COMPLAINT 2. Here, ‘plaintiffs shall have additional time to serve the complaint’, and the FBI needs to return the absolutely necessary files and Complaint so that the Plaintiff whistleblowers can actually “serve the Complaint”. Otherwise, Government Officials will continue to obstruct justice, court access, and any ‘service of the Complaint’.

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