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Internet social friends family school handphone ___________________

attitude personal financial law breaking __________________________________
Problems created by teenagers:
over slumber- unresponsive bullying- unacceptable torture
disrespectful in class excessive usage of cellphone punctured teacher's
tyres-sport rim etc.
gangsterism- fight Moral values internet remp-it motorists
-wikang & willy
juvana case- rape, over bully cyber games
vandalism- public amenities Addicted to the internet chatting over Socialise with dif genders
/facilities irresponsible act
playing truant- outing – lingering in the cellphone- uncontrolled socialise
shopping malls wth male/female accompany
smoking, drug, alcoholic lay parking everywhere and absence money -very lavish spender
frm class
easily influenced by friends stealing-friends' property, grafitti or scribble
-lost in a peer pressure school's property

“I have a dream”
You are the observer or the victims.What are the possible solutions to the problems?
No Problems Solutions
1 Bullying Report to the warden, don't react by yourself
2 Stealing -Take care of your belongings
-report to the warden
- make a dua' Yassin to avoid any danger
3 Socialise Coupling - Give advice to them
- create a firm committee to make a roll call

4 Shopping mall lingering -punish them with rattan

5 Motorist remp-it— deafening noise in -firm the regulations
the neighbourhood -report to the police to make a roll call or gv warning
-contact their parents
6 Lay parking w unbeneficial empty -regulations
talks - prepare some compulsory activities for them to do
ie. rakan muda-camping, abseiling, PLKN
7 Cellphone -
8 Vandalism
9 Gangsterism

10 Disrespectful towards- parents,

teachers, old folks and friends
11 Lost in peer pressure
-easily influenced by peers
- don't hv any affirmed personality

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