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Para o estrogonofe:

- 2 colheres (sopa) de azeite

- 1 cebola picada
- 1 colher (sobremesa) de alho picado
- 1 colher (sopa) de conhaque
- 500 g de molho de tomates (pronto ou feito em casa)
- 300 g de alm�ndegas fritas (reserve o restante - 300 g - para o brodo)
- 1 colher (sopa) de mostarda
- 2 colheres (sopa) de catchup
- 1 colher (sopa) de molho ingl�s
- 1 tablete de caldo de carne dissolvido em 1 x�cara (ch�) de �gua quente
- 1 x�cara (ch�) de cogumelos frescos cortados em l�minas
- 1 colher (sopa) de salsinha picada
- Sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto
- 1 � x�caras (ch�) de creme de leite fresco

- 1 kg of meat (shaorma)
- 500 mL of Milk Cream
- 3 Onions in medium pieces
- 2 garlic well smashed
- salt (a lot - by taste - remember that milk hides the salt)
- peper (by taste)
- 100 mL of cognhaque
- 2 big Spoms of mostard
- mushrooms
- meat sauce (knor)

- Fri the garlic and onions till be golden
- put the knor sauce (must be dissolved in a bit of water)
- put the mostard and peper
- put the meat and cook it, but not too much.. must be smooth - dont fri!!
- in the middle of the cooking put the cognhaque
- put mushrooms
- when the meat become well cooked but not fried, put the milk cream
- let it dry a bit in small fire
- serve hot

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