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V àaineEntrance.com is a specialized coupon marketplace
that promotes coupon offers instantly on its homepage
and within specific categories.
V We enable consumer, affiliate, consultant and business
member registrations free of charge which allows them
to post coupons, interact, review ads, and network.
V àembers may modify their profiles and edit coupon
V Listing stats are available per ad to show how many
views it receives.
× Would you like to increase traffic to your website or at your place of business?
× Do you promote specials or coupons in flyers, newspapers, and on other types of
× Would you post a coupon or offer if it gave you instant traffic from potential clients?
× How many different coupons would you post if you knew that it was totally free to
due so?
× How many coupons would you post if you knew that the more you posted the better
your website will rank in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Alexa?
× Would you post more coupons if you knew people were sharing your ads on Twitter,
Facebook, Yahoo360, StumbleUpon and more popular social networking websites?
× What if I told you that you could benefit from all of the above and submit your
coupons and offers absolutely free of charge and right now until àarch 31st, 2011 plus
we include paid listing features until that time?
× J    
× goupons entice consumers especially now more than ever.
× gonsumers are alerted of new coupons from our homepage, Twitter, and
through shopping feed syndication instantly!
× gonsumers may clip, print, and visit your website for more details.
× It will always be free to post your coupons, but while we are beta testing the
website you will enjoy the paid listing features for free as well, giving you
more opportunities to grow (paid listing features will expire 03/31/11).
× Posting your coupons regularly on the àaineEntrance.com you¶ll increase
traffic to your website and/ or storefront by 10% to 1,000% depending on
the type coupons you offer.
× No other coupon website in àaine can compete with our business model so
if you want more àaine customers you¶ll be glad that you joined our coupon
× Your banner ads are targeted to a àaine audience that are interested in saving
money on the products and services you offer.
× You won¶t be charged per click instead you are paying for an entire month of
advertising with ad rates low as $29 dollars, some merchants pay that much per
× You do not have to be a registered member or located in the State of àaine to
advertise banner ads on our website.
× We offer both month-to-month and committed advertising plans. With the
committed ads the advertiser is lock into the current ad rates for as long as they
want to commit. àonth-to-month advertisers are susceptible to ad rate
increases on a monthly basis, no matter what our ad rates will stay affordable.
× We are growing at a staggering rate and with each coupon added we are gaining
new consumer interest based on the ad content not to mention referred by
àainers everyday that are addicted to the savings and features we provide.
Homepage http://maineentrance.com/

J out Us http://maineentrance.com/about/

Contact Us http://maineentrance.com/contact/

My Jccount http://maineentrance.com/my-account/

Post Coupon http://maineentrance.com/post-ad/

Manage Coupons http://maineentrance.com/manage/

Jertise With Us http://maineentrance.com/advertise/

Frequently Jske Questions http://maineentrance.com/faq/

Register Jn Jccount http://maineentrance.com/register/

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