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Facilitating Change

Clayton R. Wright, PhD

Introducing new technologies
or new environments

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Develop a vision of
where you want to be
Is it congruent with the organization’s mission?

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Establish goals
- address the needs
of learners

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Conduct a SWOT analysis
- strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats

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Ascertain the benefits
of change
What would occur if
no change takes place?

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Revise goals
Where are you now and
where do you want to be?
What are the priorities?

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Obtain institutional support
Do you have the kind of support
that will actually help your cause?
Have you spoken to all stakeholders?
What tangible support have you received?

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Address local concerns
Can you achieve consensus?

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Identify change leaders
or champions
Do they exhibit values that you value?
Who are likely to follow the champions?

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Develop action plans with
criteria of success and milestones
Are the criteria realistic?
Does the action plan include timelines?
Is the plan sustainable?

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Communicate the vision
Did you address the needs of different

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Assign tasks and resources
Have accountabilities and deliverables been
specified and communicated clearly?
What resources are needed to improve and
maintain the infrastructure?

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Establish and maintain a
sense of urgency

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Provide continuous support
and training

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Empower action,
remove barriers

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Start small and
build on successes

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Review program and
modify as needed

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across the organization

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Address issues as they arise

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Evaluate accomplishments

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Note unexpected outcomes

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future directions

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Inform stakeholders

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Success depends on:
• Leadership and collaboration
• Unfettered communication
• Selling the realistic benefits of change
• Listening
• Developing trust
• Providing recognition and/or positive incentives
• Being flexible - walking a line between polarities
• Defining success before you begin
• Providing resources for the long term

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Remember, people like to hear
their names and
receive recognition.

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Thank You!
Clayton R. Wright, PhD
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