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In response to: Bissonette J. (2008) Adherence: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 63(6),

patient’s feelings affect decisions concerning his/her health care

Patient adherence and in turn affect the nurse’s ability to help patients reach a
In the article entitled ‘Adherence: a concept analysis’ in the May desired level of wellness. At this time in nursing history, as nurses
2008 issue of Journal of Advanced Nursing 63(6), pp. 634–643, step back to evaluate our role, as we strive to develop new
the author, Janice M. Bissonnette, presents an excellent review nursing theories and frameworks, as we explore new ways of
on the topic of adherence. Bissonnette seeks to clarify the knowing, it is essential that we not miss the obvious. Nursing
concept by including past and present definitions as well as care is directly related to our patient’s cooperation, ability and
discussing the lack of a patient centred definition of care and desire to enter into a dynamic relationship directed toward
foundational framework about the topic of patient adherence. achieving improved health. This article supports the need for
The article examines the transition in terminology from compli- additional patient centred research as we advance toward
ance to adherence to concordance while revealing the inadequa- evidence based practice.
cies of appropriately defining this phenomenon. In my practice,
Janet Petit
I find adherence to be a very important issue. Patients need to be
Graduate Student
active participants in their care. As nurses how often have we
Towson University, 7560 Greenwood Drive,
scripted, ‘patient is non-compliant’ without addressing the
Highland, MD, USA
factors or circumstances for his or her behaviour. This article
e-mail: jpsboys@aol.com
helps bring to the forefront the importance of identifying how

702 Ó 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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