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Camellia School of Engineering & Technology

Assignments of
Data Structure Lab(CSE/ECE/IT)

Sub Code: CS 392 Year: 2nd

Year(July’10 – Dec’10)
1. Write a program in C to find the GCD of two integer nos.

2. Write a program in C to check whether a particular number is present or not in a single

dimensional array.

3. Write a program in C using recursive function to calculate the sum 1 +2+3+....+n.

4. Write C code to implement single Link-list ADT with following operations....

a. Create _list() – to construct a link-list

b. Search () – to search a specific node.

c. Delete() – to delete a particular node.

d. Purge() – to destroy the list

e. Sort() – to arrange the nodes either in ascending or descending order.

5. Write C code(using array) to implement the Stack ADT with following operations.....

a. Push() – to insert a new element into the stack.

b. Pop() – to retrieve an element out of the stack.

c. Display() – to show the contents of the stack.

6. Repeat all the operations of question no 5 using dynamic memorial operation.

7. Write a C code to evaluate a given postfix expression.

8. Write a C code to convert an infix expression to postfix expression.

9. Write C code to implement the Queue ADT with following operations....

a. Insert() – To insert a new element in to a queue.

b. Delete() – To delete an element from the queue.

10.Write C code to implement Binary Search Tree ADT with following operations...

a. Create() – To construct a BST

b. Inorder() – To traverse the tree in inorder

c. Preorder() – To traverse the tree in Preorder.

d. Postorder() – To traverse the tree in Postorder.

e. Count() – To find the total no of nodes in the tree

11.Write C code to implement Binary Search

12.Write C code to implement the following sorting methods...

a. Bubble sort

b. Insertion sort

c. Selection sort

d. Quick Sort

e. Merge sort

13.Write C code to implement Linear Probing method of hash collision resolution


14.Write C code for following Graph Traversal method.

a. BFS

b. DFS

15.Write C code to add two sparse matrices.

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