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Use ACL entries for choices in Web

Sherwin Amagan
Rating: -2.50- (out of 5)
Authors, Names and Readers fields have choices formula of "Use Access Control List
for choices". But this only works in Notes Client. Now, here's how to use this feature in
the Web using Lotus Script. All you have to do is to call the agent in the
WebQueryOpen event of the form. This tip is useful especially if you want to set a
readers or authors field based on the ACL of a database.

In the form that has the field named fieldACLEntries, it can be a checkbox, combo box,
Listbox, and setting for choices for the field must be Use Formula for choices and the
formula must be the name of the field itself. You can also use
@Name([CN];fieldACLEntries) in the formula of the field to get only the canonical
name of the Entries.

Dim session as New NotesSession
Dim db as NotesDatabase
Set db=session.currentdatabase
Dim acl as NotesACL
Dim Entry as NotesACLEntry
Set acl=db.ACL
Set Entry=acl.GetFirstEntry
Dim aclentries as variant
Redim aclentries(0)

While Not(Entry Is Nothing)

If (Entry.IsPerson) Then
If (ctr<>0) Then
Redim Preserve aclentries(Ubound (aclentries)+1)
End If
End If

Set Entry=acl.GetNextEntry(Entry)
Dim doc as NotesDocument
Set doc=session.documentcontext

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