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The infinite trembles under a summer light,

A gentle smell of innocents and freedom is dancing, through
the foliage,
The air is so warm with so much feeling, but the time is
Desires are the same as ever, just reflected on a different
Today, the story is fusing in a lake,
The only refuge of a flower dream.
The hero is a lotus blessed with love,
And only water is the witness and the moonbeam
And he was floating in a paradise of frogs,
And he believed in loneliness and vanity,
Until he saw a velvet water rose,
And fairytale disguised illusion in reality.
Two lotus are melting in a gleam,
They send their kisses through the rain,
For them the lake creates a magic screen,
Two hearts a beating in a gleam veiled by a flame.
And only water helps him to touch her face.
Because of that they cherish every wave.
Her smile reflects an emerald of grace,
And the tender reed transforms the lake into their love cave.
And when the night come with it darkness,
They fall asleep and there’s no fright.
Because in every morning he breathes her smell,
And contemplate her candor, purity,
And the love the petals are still alive
Listening to the sound of eternity…
Traducerea in limba plaiurilor mioritice 

Vis de floare
Infinitul tremura intr-o lumina de vara ,
O mireasma suava de inocenta si libertate danseaza prin
Aerul este atat de cald si plin de sentimente, dar timpul e
Dorintele au ramas aceleasi , dar reflectate pe o alta fila.
Astazi, povestea se nuanteaza intr-un lac,
Unicul refugiu al unui vis de floare.
Eroul e un nufar ce s-a indragostit,
Doar razele lunii si apa ii sant martori.
Si ‘’el’’ plutea intr-un paradis de broaste,
Credea doar in vanitate si singuratate.
Pana cand a zarit un trandafir de ape,
Si basmul a deghizat iluzia in realitate.
Doi nuferi se topesc intr-o sclipire,
Si saruturile si le transmit prin intermediul ploii,
Iar lacul a creat pentru ei un ecran magic,
Doua inimi bat intr-o vapaie invaluite de o flacara.
Doar apa il ajuta sa-i atinga fata,
Si de-aceea ‘’ei’’ pretuiesc fiecare val.
Zambetul ei e precum un smarald de gratie,
Iar trestia transforma lacul in pestera iubirii lor.
Cand vine noaptea cu-al sau intuneric,
Ei adorm fara nici-un fel de teama,
Caci in fiecare dimineata el respira cu parfumul ei
Si-i contempla candoarea, puritatea,
Iar dragostea, petalele sant inca viabile
Ascultand sunetul eternitatii.

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