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Create an account.

Click the CREATE tab at the top of the page.

Under Start a New Mixbook, complete the information including Title, Description, and
Tags. Tags can be anything that describes your book.

For Category, choose Education.

Viewable by: Click Choose Options.

Choose Everyone.

Contributes – you can add your group members to edit the book by including their email
address. However, they will need to create an account with Mixbook.


Select a size. (Although you are not purchasing this, just choose one.)

Choose theme.


To find your images/photos for your book, you have a couple of options.

Choose FLICKR tab to reveal great images. Do not choose Google tab – it takes you down a
very bad path.

Make sure you notice where you found your images. You will need to put these on the last
page as a credits page (works cited).
To add photos, click on the left side of the screen – ADD PHOTOS.

With upload, find your image that you just saved from Creativecommons.

(When you add photo, it does give you an option for Yahoo. You can use this as your search
tool to grab photos as well. Just remember where you found your photos.)

Continue adding Photos and Text to complete your book.

Don’t forget to SAVE. (It SHOULD automatically save, but it never hurts to click the SAVE
option when you make changes.)


Save your book.

Get out of the editing screen.

You should probably see CUSTOMIZE MY BOOK on another page. Click YOUR NAME under
Welcome, ___(NAME)____ at the top of the page.

You should then see all your Mixbooks.

CLICK PUBLISH (next to the Mixbook you want to turn in to Mr. Ostroski.)

Make sure all your information is correct. Then click PUBLISH MIXBOOK.

To get it to Mr. Ostroski –

Grab the URL at the top of the page. (You must have published your Mixbook before doing

Open your BV email account and send the URL to Mrs. Bolton’s email –
cybolton@bluevalleyk12.org. Please include your name(s) and hour.

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