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distillations this difference is negligible. If any distillate very inexpensive. Including the labor of construction and
enters the manometer it will enter the large chamber, and the price of the glass tubing and mercury, the cost
will not interfere with the reading of the column. of the apparatus does not exceed $2.00. For this reason
No stopcock is necessary in connecting the manometer it is possible to use it in classes of general organic chemistry
to a system. It can be connected directly by attaching a as well as by research workers in industrial and educational
rubber hose to the tapered tube, which is bent a t a right institutions. The glass blowing was done by E. F. Grienke
angle. The absence of a stopcock makes the manometer of this university.

Solubility of Paraffin W a x in Pure Hydrocarbons'

Paul Weber and H. L. Dunlap

ERY few data are available in the literature on the Kodak Company and refractioned. The others were pre-

V solubility of solid paraffins in the liquid hydrocarbons

of lower molecular weight. Sakhanov and Vasil'ev2
determined the solubility of solid paraffins and the solidi-
pared from alcohols using methods for synthesis suggested by
the Eastman Kodak Company-namely, the Wiirtz reaction.
These hydrocarbons, after treatment with cold sulfuric acid,
fying temperatures of materials containing them. The sol- washing with sodium carbonate solution, drying over metallic
vents used were liquid paraffins, benzene, machine oil, and sodium and the final distillation, gave the constants indicated
acetic acid. They found that the solubilities increased rather in Table I as compared with those given in the International
rapidly with rise of temperature. For any particular sol- Critical Tables.
vent the solubility is greater the lower the melting point of
the paraffin, and for any paraffin the solubility decreases Table I-Constants of Liquid Hydrocarbons
wit'h the increasing density of the solvent. Sakhanov3 BOILINGPOINT SPECIFIC GRAVITY
HYDROCARBON Found I. C. T. (2Oo/4O C.)
determined the solubilit'y of paraffin in various gasolines, 0 c. OC. Found I.C.T.
kerosene, solar oil, paraffin oil, fuel oil, benzene, alcohol, +Pentane 36.1-36.3 36.2 0.631 0.631
n-Hexane 68.9-69.2 69.0 0.661 0.660
and acetic acid. n-Heptane 98.2-98.4 98.4 0.684 0.684
Sullivan, McGill, and French4 determined the solubility n-Octane 124.5-124.6 124.6 0.706" 0.707"
Isodecane 159.8-160.1 160.0 0.721 0.722
of closely fractionated paraffin wax of various petroleum a Temperature 15'/4' C.
fract'ions. The following conclusions were drawn from this
work: Solubility Determinations
1-The solubility of paraffin waxes increases as the melting
point of the wax decreases. APPARATUS-Ade Khotinsky thermostat with which tem-
2-The solubility of paraffin waxes in petroleum oil decreases perature could be regulated to one-tenth of a degree was
with increasing viscosity of solvent. used for the bath. By using a strong salt solution and plac-
3-Differences in solubility due to differences in the melting
point of the wax, or to variations in the viscosity of the solvent, ing the thermostat in a cold room, the lower temperatures
decrease with decreasing temperature. were easily maintained. Receptacles for the solutions con-
sisted of ground-glass-stoppered wash bottles to which con-
The present authors determined the solubility of a fairly densers had been sealede6 These flasks, with their condensers,
pure paraffin in the pure lower molecular-weight hydro- were attached to a frame, which was rotated almost a quarter
carbons in order to find out if any relationship existed be- turn in the bath by an arm attached to a motor-driven wheel.
tween the decreasing solubility and the increased molecular PROCEDURE-ApprOXimately 200 cc. of solvent were placed
weight of the solvent hydrocarbon. in the flask and then solid paraffin was added until a slight
Preparation and Purification of Solid and Liquid Alkanes excess remained undissolved at the temperature at which
the solubility was to be determined. At least 5 hours were
SOLID PARAFFIX-The solid hydrocarbon was obtained allowed for equilibrium to be reached before the first sample
from a sample of refined paraffin by careful recrystallization was taken. The flasks were then raised out of the bath,
three times from benzene, the sample used being about 25 warmed to dissolve some of the excess paraffin, replaced in
per cent of the original amount. That part which first the thermostat, and the second sample taken after a mini-
crystallized from the benzene was taken for the next recrys- mum of 5 hours. All determinations were discarded that
tallization each time. The last traces of benzene were re- did not check within 0.1 per cent. The samples were placed
moved by distillation under reduced pressure with a fine in 50-cc. glass-stoppered weighing bottles to eliminate loss
stream of air bubbling through the molten paraffin. This of solvent by evaporation before weighing. The solvents
product undoubtedly contains several constituents, but as were then evaporated in a closed vessel (reduced pressure
no purer products could be obtained, it was used for the com- for isodecane) until the paraffin residue gave a constant
parative figures. The melting point of the paraffin was weight.
56" C., and the density 0.775 a t 20"/4" C. This method was used for each of the solvents with known
LIQUIDHYDROCARBOKS-The liquid hydrocarbons were weights of paraffin, and the exact procedures in which the
n-pent,ane, n-hexane, n-heptane, n-octane, and isodecane. paraffin could be recovered were used for the unknown sam-
The pentane was secured by a careful fractionation of natural ples. The melting points of the paraffin residues checked
gasoline. The heptane was obtained from the Eastman the original melting points within 1" C.
1 Received November 4, 1927. EXPERIMENTAL DATA-The solubility of the solid paraffi
2 X e f f y a n o e Khozyaisfuo, 6, 820 (1924). in the liquid hydrocarbons is calculated and recorded as
* Petroleum, Z.,21, 735 (1926).
4 Ind. Eng. Cliem., 19, 1042 (1927). 5 Weber and Dunlap, Ind. Eng. Chem., 19, 481 (1927).
grams paraffin per 100 cc. solvent and also as grams solid Table 11-Solubility Data-Grams Paraffin per 100 cc. Solvent
paraffin per mol of solvent. (Tables I1 and 111) Data TEMPERA-PEN- HEX- HEP- Oc- Iso-
for solubilities are given to two decimal places only. The 0 (1.

relation between solubility and carbon content of the solvent 0 2.77 1.37 0.99 ...
5 ... 3.69 2.18 1.69 0.94
is shown in Figure 1. Slight variations in the amounts of ex- 10 5.11 4.81 3.55 2.90 1.44
15 6.94 6.07 5.06 4.24 2.74
cess solid paraffin in the flask alter the solubility data. Thus 20 9.53 8.31 7.18 5.93 4.9s
the figures given may be considered as fairly close for the 25 17.16 16.23 14.36 11.66 9.17
paraffin used. More exact data could be obtained only by Table 111-Solubility Data-Grams Paraffin per Mol Solvent
the use of a solid paraffin which contained only one indi- TEMPERA- PEN- HEX- HEP- OC- Iso-
vidual hydrocarbon. The relative solubilities for a pure par- c.
affin in these solvents would undoubtedly be in the same order 0 ... 3.61 2.01 1.60 ...
as that found in this work. 5 ... 4.81 3.22 2.73 1.84
10 5.83 6.28 5.23 4.67 2.84
15 7.92 7.91 7.48 6.84 5.40
20 10.87 10.83 10.57 9.58 9.80
25 19.48 21.33 21.06 18.81 18.03

Summary of Data
The solubility of a solid paraffin in hydrocarbons of low
molecular weight increases rapidly with rise of temperature.
The solubility increases from that of isodecane to that of
pentane. The increase in solubility with rise of temperature
is more rapid with the higher molecular-weight solvent.
This can be seen by dividing the solubilities a t 10" C. into
the solubility a t 25" C., the ratio being 2.3, 3.8, 4.0, 3.9, and
6.6, respectively, for pentane, hexane, heptane, octane, and
I n Table 111, except for the first three sets of data for
octane and isodecane, the data run fairly constant. This
indicates that the mol ratios of solvents to solute may be
constant, and that we have in each case a definite number
of molecules of solvent associated with a molecule of solute.

Some Azo Dyes Soluble in Non-Aqueous Solvents'

Clarence E. May and Herschel Hunt

IL-SOLUBLE dyes have been used for years in color- aniline in 200 cc. HzO containing enough HCl to show a

0 ing fancy candles, oleomargarine, floor wax, shoe

polish, ethyl gasoline, and plates for radio photog-
raphy. One outstanding oil-soluble dye is the antiseptic
free mineral acidity in the mixture. After standing a few
hours, sufficient sodium acetate was added to destroy the
free mineral acidity. There resulted 11 grams of greenish
oil scarlet used in medicine. This dye is used either as an yellow substance showing the following analysis:
ointment, a solution of the dye in paraffin, or a solution of 0.2000 gram substance gave 0.5770 gram COZ and 0.0930
the sulfonic acid derivative in water as an antiseptic and an gram HzO
aid in the promotion of granulation in wounds that do not Found: C = 78.68%; H = 5.48%. Theory: C = 78.54%;
heal readily. H = 5.18%
The authors have made and studied a number of dyes Azo COCCINERR(ClgHl~NzO)-Commercial xylidine (5
which they have been unable to find in the literature. Each grams) was dissolved in 20 grams c. P. HC1 and 200 cc. HzO
new dye has been given a short name which has been selected cooled to 15" C. This solution was diazotized in the usual
on account of the color, the relation of the dye to some other way and poured into a solution of 6 grams 1-naphthol in 18
dye, or some other point of interest. This work included the grams NaOH and 300 cc. HzO. After standing a day, 8.0
study of thirty dyes each of which was soluble in non-aqueous grams of dark red powder, showing the following analysis,
solvents. None of the dyes showed an appreciable solubility resulted :
in water.
Table I shows the dyes made, the intermediates used, 0.2027 gram substance gave 0.5810 gram COZand 0.1047 gram
and the melting points of the dyes. Found: C = 78.16%; H = 5.81%;. Theory: C = 78.26%;
H = 5.597'30
Preparation of Dyes
BENZIDINEBRom(C2~H20N402)-Thetetrazotization of
ANILIXEYELLOWG(C1gH1,N8)-A solution of 10 grams 5 grams benzidine in 200 cc. H 2 0 and 30 grams c. P. HC1
of 2-naphthylamine in 20 grams of c. P. HCl and 200 cc. was carried out a t 10" C. The tetrazo solution was poured
HzO was made, cooled and diazotized to the point where, on into a solution of 4 grams 1-naphthol, 2.4 grams phenol, and
the addition of a dilute NaONO solution, a permanent pale 20 grams NaOH in 200 cc. HzO. After standing, 8 grams of
blue color remained on the KI-starch paper. The diazo black powder, showing the following analysis, were obtained:
solution was then poured into a solution of 9 grams of dimethyl- 0.2089 gram substance gave 0.5784 gram COn and 0.0851 gram
1 Received November 19, 1927. Ha0

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