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1.1 Backcground of the study

Every human being needs language as a medium of

communication among individuals or even nations. Indonesian

people use their native language, that is their local language

and foreign language, in this case English, to make

communication with other people around the world.

As the first foreign language in Indonesia, English is carried

out in education. English is one of the compulsory subjects

taught in SMP and SMA as a foreign language. As a result, the

Indonesian government always makes efforts to improve the

quality of English teaching. By improving the quality of

teachers and other components that are involved in

educational processes, the English teaching in Indonesia

improves from time to time.

English, the international language is used to have communication with

other people in every part of the world, either in oral or written form. It is one

of the tools that are to try any kinds of differences, races, nations,

nationalities, geography, believes, etc. In over the world, it is orally written

conveyed, such as reporting news or information on televition, radio, internet,

books, magazine, newspaper, and other mass media. In order to get knowledge

or to read the books which are in English, people must understand English (as

international languages, the tool of spreading the information in all over the

world). While, it is not always easy to understand without learning first, as

English identifies with language, people need to get use to or familiar with as

language habit, so people need to learn English.

The foreign languages as compulsory subject in junior highs school and

senior highschool is English. English is international language. According to

French (1996:1) say that every advance, silence, in trade, in politics, in very

branch of thought is discussed, printed, disseminated and made available in

English. That is why English become on subject in our school both junior high

school and senior high school program. In most universities and other higher

education institutions English is also a course offered as required subject, it

seem that English has been considered important in all level education except

in the elementary school, but recently must interst has centered on the issue of

teaching English at elementary school.

So English has been thought at school all over the country. In Indonesia

education system, it is thought as a school lesson at elementary school up to

senior high school. But English of children on elementary school just begin to

be introduced in 1994. As stated in the decree of minister of culture and no.

0487/U/1993 about elementary school section IX point B, elementary school

may add a subject in accordance with local condition and its characteristics

without digressing from applied national kurikulum and from the national
education objective. It is called a local content subject. It is also stated in the

decree of minister of culture and education no. 060/U/1993 dated February, 25

th, 1993 that curriculum of elementary school contains a number of

compulsory subject or national content subject. English can be taught at

elementary school, when it is considered necessary by the society at that place

and supported by the skilled teacher to teach the subject. It is stated on

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan of east java no. 1702/104/M/194K

dated March 30th, 1994:

“Mata pelejaran Bahasa Inggris dapat diajarkan di SD bilamana dianggap

perlu oleh masyarakat di daerah yang bersangkutan dan didukung oleh guru

yang berkemampuan untuk mengajarkan mata pelajaran tersebut”

(the English lesson can be taught at elementary school when it considers

by the society in that regions and it is supported by the teacher that has

competence to teach it)

Therefore, teaching at elementary school is given as local content subject.

It is given to elementary school students started from the fourth year to the

sixth grade.

The English teaching learning elementary school prioritizes the four skills

are able to be mastered by their students (they are listening, speaking, reading

and writing) in very simple forms. To support those skills, students have to

acquire vocabularies as much as possible. Vocabulary is important for them to

understand every single word to be written or spoken in their new voreign

language. They are often being confused about what they want to say and
write because of their vocabulary unknowing. With having studied well

English in elementary school. It is give good effects for them to the next steps

for study English in higher level school. Because, study English in elementary

school is important as a base to study English to higher level for junior high


In teaching learning process, a teacher of elementary school should apply

various techniques in teaching English. In presenting vocabulary the teacher

should be creative and the material should stimulate the students interest, it is

not enough to rely on the text book. According Kasbullah (1993:4), in an

English class in conducted in interesting and varied ways and students feel

that they are studying a meaningful and useful, they can respective to high

motivation to study English.

Elementary school of Karangan is located in village that there is not good

or modern media for teaching English. The media that used by teacher must be

suitable with the situation and students. The teacher must be able to select and

used good and interesting material and media in order to increase the students

capability English especially in vocabulary.

According to researchers experiences teaching English at elementary

school of Karangan show that student are poorly in vocabulary mastery. In

teaching and learning vocabulary the students still get difficulty. The problem

of vocabulary acquisition which is faced by the student is complex. Almost all

they find difficulties learning words in foreign language. The difficulty

finding out of the English words and in memorizing new words, sometimes
make the students discoursed. So that, their vocabulary is limited, this problem

makes them difficult to understand and receive the English lesson. And the

researcher tries to use new media for them by using flash cards in teaching

vocabulary. Because the appropriate media seem need to be performed to

support the teaching.

Flash chards are piece of cardboard or thick paper on which a picture, a

word, a phrase or a sentence is written that can be handled easily by the

teacher.”(http://www.wikipedia/flashcards.com) Flash cards as media can be

helpful and easy to make. The used of flash cards is time saving since the

teacher will not write on the board and it will interest the students, especially

to vocabulary.

Based on the background above, the writer would like to hold a study with

the title “ The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Flashcard

to The Fifth Grade of SDN Karangan I Bareng in Academic Year


1.2 Statement of the problem

Based on the statements on the background of the study above, the writer

would like to formulate the problems as follow :

1. How to used flashcard in studying English vocabulary to the fifth grade of

SDN Karangan I?

2. Is the used of flash card effective in studying English vocabulary on the

fifth grade of SDN Karangan I?

1.3 Purpose of the study

Related to the statement of the problem above, the researcher maintains the

purpose of the study as follow :

1. To know how the flashcard used in studying English vocabulary on the

fifth grade of SDN Karangan I.

2. The effectiveness of flashcard in teaching vocabulary on the fifth grade at

SDN Karangan I.
1.4 Scope and limitation

The study focused on the process of learning English vocabulary and

focused on the used of flash chard in teaching English vocabulary on the fifth

grade students of SDN Karangan I Bareng in the academic year 2009/2010.

1.5 Significance of the study

It is hoped that this study will help both students and teacher find new

knowledge and method so the students more enjoy and happy when they learn

English. For :

1. For teacher

It is hoped that study will be useful for them to develop their

competence. In study English arouse their motivation and interest in

learning the material, they are expected to be able to practice the material

and communication much better.

2. For students

This study is hoped can help to the teacher of English find out the

factor that motivate the students in learning English then find the suitable

techniques and strategies to arouse the interest and motivation of the


1.6 Definition of key terms

To give some perception to some words used in this study, the writer needs to

define some key terms, which are as follows :

1. Teaching

Teaching is process of transformation or giving knowledge from a teacher

to the learners. According to Harmer (2003:107), “teaching is about

transmission of knowledge from teacher to student”.

2. Vocabulary

Vocabularies it totals number of word which (with rule for

combining them). Make up a language or list of words in book, As.

Hornby, (1989:171) it is know that vocabulary is a list of words from the

explanation above, vocabulary can be identified in part of speech, for

example adjective, noun, verb, etc. In improving vocabulary listing

vocabulary writs vocabulary and speaking vocabulary.

3. Flashcard

A flashcard or flash chard is a card that is used as a learning aid. One

writes a question an a chard and an answer overleaf. Flashcard can bear

vocabulary, historical dates, formulas or any subject matter that can be

learned via a question and answer format.


4. The effectiveness

a. Producing a result causing a result, especially the desired or intended


b. Having a striking result successful, especially in producing a strong or

favorable impression on people (Bloomsbury, 1999: 600).

c. Effectiveness is having an effect: able to bring about the result

intended. (Hornby 1989:277)



2.1 Vocabulary

2.1.1 The Definition of Vocabulary.

Vocabulary is very important in learning English we can not

communicate and write better and if vocabulary our down. It does not

mean only translating or giving meaning directly words with

dictionary but also giving meaning of the words. According to Hurnby:

“Vocabulary is total number of word which (with rules, combining

them) makes up a language.

Other definition of vocabulary includes not only all the world in a

language, but also the way word collocate (join together) into lexical

phrases and chunks (Harmer, 2007:285)

Vocabulary is a list or collection of words arranged in alphabetical

order and explained a dictionary or lexicon, either of a whole language

a single work or author, a branch of science, or the like, a workbook


April 2010)

Based on the point of vocabulary based on the statement above that

vocabulary is the basic component of a language. Students who wants

2.1.2 The Important Role of vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important think in teaching learning English

language in the world is complex. Teaching language better laugh

native speaker or sound in original language “approach to language

learning where natural is best to speak, led a method of teaching that

stressed that value introducing second language for learners exactly as

native language had experienced (Jean Atchison 1993:196).

Based on the other statement. Vocabulary is important to consider,

because vocabulary mastery plays an important role in process of

achieving language. Jack c. Richards and Willy A state that :

“Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and

provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read

and write. Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for

acquiring new vocabulary learners of ten echieve less than learners

potential. (2002:255)

Based on the statement above that second language is introduce

from native speakers especially in teaching English vocabulary with

native speaker will be better because the learners her the original

speakers in second language.

The role of vocabulary will make :

1. Easy to communication

2. Understanding the reading easily

3. Understanding to receiving information.

2.1.3 Classification of vocabulary

Vocabulary concerns to the words under the topics given in the

teaching learning process, and it includes various parts of speech

(noun, verb, adverb, adjective, as large group/class and preposition,

pronoun, conjunction and article as small group/class). This statement

based on William’s (1974:47)

2.1.4 Teaching vocabulary

2.1.5 Some ideas for recording and storing new vocabulary

2.2 Young Learners

2.2.1 The Characteristic of Young Learners

2.2.2 Teaching English to young learners

2.2.3 Teaching vocabulary to young learners

2.3 Media

2.3.1 Definition of media

2.3.2 Kinds of media

2.4 Flash Card

2.4.1 Definition of flash card

2.4.2 Flash cards as media for teaching

2.4.3 The advantages of using flash card

2.4.4 Making flash card


3.1 Research design

a. Experimental and descriptive study

3.2 Population

SDN Karangan I

3.3 Sampel

At the fifth grade with consist of 26 person male 12 and female 14.

3.4 Instrumentation

a. Questionare

b. Test

c. Participant observation

3.5 Data collection method

a. Questionare

b. Test

 Pre-test

 Post-test

c. Participant observation

3.6 Data analysis

a. Questionare

Where :

P : Percentage of the respondent answer

F : The frequency of the answer

N : Number of respondent

b. Calculating the mean of pre-test (X1) and post-test (X2)

Where :

: The sum of pre-test

: The sum of pst-test

c. Calculating the difference means of pre-test and post-test

X = X2 – X1
Where :

X : The different means of pre-test and post-test

X1 : The mean pre-test

X2 : The mean post-test

d. Calculating t, using :

Where :

t = The differences between post-test and pre-test score of the


= The means of different score

= The sum of each D square

= The sum of different score square

= The number of subject

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