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Assignment #16: Digestive System: Oral Cavity

1. Using slide #9 and #109, find an example of each lingual papilla (4 in total). [2]

2. Using slide #109, annotate a circumvallate papilla including underlying connective

tissue. Indicate 6 labels. [3]

3. Name two features that distinguish tonsils from other lymphatic organs. [2]

Tonsils are distinguished by their Stratified Squamous Epithelium Lining, and the presence of
tonsilar crypts

4. Using slide #51, annotate a section of a tooth. Include 8 labels. [4]

5. Through which structure(s) is the tooth anchored to the mandible or maxilla? [1]

The periodontal ligament anchors the tooth to the mandible or maxilla

6. Using slide #97, annotate a section of a submandibular gland. Include 4 labels. [2]

7. What specialized cells assist glandular acini with secretion of their mucous or serous
products? [1]

Serous Cells.

Bonus: What diverse group of animals has the most highly developed sense of taste?

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