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Everyone can make million of friends but the best friend is the person who can stand with

u when million are against u.so its very difficult to find such a person in 2days era but m
soooooooooo lucky that i have met such a person in ma life..♥♥♥

We both have different nature and are interested in different activities but i think that that
is one of the biggest things that brings me closer to u.Having the opposite peron exactly
like you n maintaining long lasting frndship in futher lyf ,I think dis would be ma greatest
achievement in ma lyf

Akanksha u r stubborn (ek bar jo maine commitment ker di uske baad mein apni bhi nahi
sunkti) like dat type n dats d best attitude in u
U always use abusive language like aee…,oyee…,abbey…..frankly I really hate it but I
make up ma mind “chal frndship hai yaar aur todna nahi hai”
U r smtimes rude but its needed in todays world
I don’t know ur childhood but I can guess from ur present k tere mein bahoot kaminapan
hai,masti hai,…….
In addition u r alwys needful, smart girl …..u r girl wid frndly nature….n dats d reason I
never wanted to broke up(frndship) wid u
I hav never taken u as granted b’coz I might wake up 1day n realized I hav lost a
Diamond while busy in collecting stones………
N Ur Frnz Life R Surely Joyful Bcoz Of U………!!!!
I can blindly say dat u r Genuine frnd to me.!!!! N I m very very very very much sure dat
u wont broke ma trust else …….(leave else ka sawal hi paida nahi hota)
U r really good person in dis bad world………

.......these are my words 2 describe my BFF...

There was a time we had fights frequently n I think some fights,misunderstandings r

necessary in understanding true relationship…..so I didn’t regret for it kehte hai na ki “jo
hota hai acche k liye hota hai”

I wanna dedicate 1 song for u:

“Jaane Nahin Denge Tujhe, Jaane Tujhe Denge Nahin”
DuA mEiN YaAd RaKhNa.!!!!!!!!!

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