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The dangers of untreated hypertension can be deadly!

If left untreated, the arteries can

become hardened and less elastic to carry adequate blood to the organs. The heart, brain and
kidney are most vulnerable. High blood pressure is the highest risk factor for stroke and heart
disease. High blood pressure causes the heart to enlarge and become less efficient, known as
left ventricular hypertrophy. This dangerous condition can lead to heart attacks. Many
connect stress with high blood pressure and heart rate. Example : air traffic controllers who
have high-pressure jobs, have a two to four times higher rate of hypertension and heart

Paul C. Bragg and Pactricia Bragg, 2003. High blood pressure is often symptomless. Healthy
HEART. United States California : HEALTH SCIENCE, Box 7, Santa Barbara,
California 93102 USA, pp.29.

Study after study shows that it is essential for overall health and can make a
major improvement in your arthritis symptoms. In fact, lack of exercise can add
to pain and contribute to depression.

Doctors used to think that moving diseased joints would damage them more.
Now we know it’s essential to keep moving to build up the muscles that hold
joints in place and to help pump nutrients into cartilage. If you cannot walk by
yourself, you can still get the benefits from exercising programmes designed to
be done with a walker or from a chair or bed – even seated in the bath.

Dr. Paul Lam and Judith Horstman, 2002. Exercising for health. In: Pip Morgan,
ed., Overcoming Arthritis. Australia : 250 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell, Vic 3124,
Pp 36

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