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Data ONTAP Upgrade (active/active non disruptive)

1. Run a sysstat for 30 seconds. Sysstat –c 10 –x 3 The values in the CPU and Disk Util
columns are strongly recommended not to exceed 50% for all ten measurements
reported. Ensure that no additional load is added to the storage system until the upgrade

2. Send ASUP message ( options autosupport.doit STARTING_NDU )

3. View the /etc/messages file for any obvious errors (disk, firmware, etc)

4. Make a back up of /etc/rc and /etc/hosts files on local machine

5. Download/copy update file to /etc/software folder on both controllers

6. Check cluster status ( cf status )

7. Issue ‘software update <file name> -r’ on both controllers ( use –r flag to NOT
REBOOT controllers after update. Use –d flag to NOT DOWNLOAD the update to
controller. Use of download command required with –d flag)

8. Check FW levels

a. Sysconfig –a = firmware release currently INSTALLED

b. Version –b = firmware copied to boot blocks

c. IF version command is:

i. The same as the installed firmware version displayed by sysconfig, your

storage system does not need a system firmware update.
ii. Later than the installed firmware displayed by sysconfig, your storage
system needs a system firmware update.
iii. Earlier than the installed firmware displayed by sysconfig, do not update
system firmware with the update_flash or update-flash command.
9. IF CIFS in use, issue cifs terminate –t nn from controllerA

10.Issue cf takeover command from ControllerB

11.If you need FW update: At CFE/LOADER/ok prompt press CTRL+C at “waiting for
giveback” message from ControllerA

a. Continue with boot ? message = answer NO

b. At boot prompt enter following command: bye

12.LOADER or CFE = update_flash ok = update-flash

13.IF iSCSI/FCP is in USE, WAIT 10 MINUTES before issuing cf giveback command from
14.IF iSCSI/FCP in USE, WAIT 10 MINUTES after issuing cf giveback command to allow
paths to initialize

15.From ControllerA (newer DOT version), issue cf takeover –n. Waiting for halt. The –n
is not needed if upgrading to DOT 7.3.3 or later.

16.Issue halt command on ControllerB. Reboot controller.

17.Issue boot_ontap from <LOADER> prompt from ControllerB

18.IF iSCSI/FCP in USE, WAIT 10 MINUTES after issuing cf giveback command to allow
paths to initialize

19.Issue cf giveback from ControllerA

20. Both controller boot with up-to-date DOT version

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