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Perfect Combination by L.A.

ACTIVITY 1: Listen to the song and complete the lyrics with the words you hear:

That’s the perfect combination,

that is really what I wanna live with you
Everybody dreams about it
that is really what I wanna do woth you

Cause baby it's so hard to live without you

it's so hard to live without you

It's so hard speaking bout the girl of that day

trying to make the things going easier,
oh easier
Baby it's so hard

If you wanna see my smile

Only colse your eyes
If you ever realize things twice

Tears apart baby

don't think about it
It's so easy I just wanna sleep with you

Cause baby it's so hard to live without you

it's so hard to live without you

It's so hard speaking bout the girl of that day

trying to make the things going easier,
oh easier
Baby it's so hard

Baby it's so hard

Speaking bout the girl of that day

trying to make the things going easier,
oh easier

Speaking bout the girl of that day

trying to make the things going easier.
ACTIVITY 2: Find all the irregular verbs in the song and complete the following table:


Be Was/were Been Ser/estar
Do Did Done Fer
Speak Spoke Spoken Parlar
Make Made Made Fabricar
Go Went Gone Anar
See Saw Saw Mirar
Think Thought Thought Pensar
Sleep Slept Slept Dormir

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