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UCA Rochester

Ba Hon’s CG Arts and Animation

Unit 6 - “Infected by HIV”

Screenplay by Paul Lavey

Draft Script 21st April 2011

Int. Shot: Busy office.

SFX: Ambience sound of busy office.
(Live action) Side profile, close up of shot of woman’s arms typing at a PC.

SFX: Phone rings:

Woman picks up the phone.

PRL consultants, good morning?

Man (on the phone):

Hey.... it’s me....

Oh hey you, I haven’t heard from you since that night in....

Camera movement:
(Live action) Begins to slowly zoom in on the woman’s arm.

That’s actually why I am calling....we have to talk about that night, we didn’t take any

Oh calm down, I took care of it the next day! I told you I am on the pill, this is the 21 st century
after all....

No it’s not that! It’s more serious...

Cross-fade to:
(Live action) Close up shot of woman’s arm with hair follicles clearly visible.

What is it....?
There’s no easy way to say this.... I’ve just got some results back from the hospital...

Cross-fade to:
(CG) “Rollercoaster hair follicle scene”.

 swoops down computer generated hair follicle

 through Epidermis (outer ‘scaly’ skin layer)
 through Basal epidermal layer
 breaks out into Dermis layer of skin
 turns to reveal hair follicle, surrounded by blood vessels
 swoops down towards blood vessel

Int. Shot: Blood vessel

Camera swoops into blood vessel. Healthy red and white blood cells are rushing by. Camera
zooms in on Macrophage engulfing bacteria. A T-cell is floating idle near by. A HIV cell drifts in
from the background.

Cut to:
Close up shot of HIV attaching to T-cell receptors.

Various cross-fades depicting primary infection:

 HIV cell maturing

 “Reverse transcription” – synthesizing viral RNA into viral DNA.
 “Transcription” - viral DNA in T-cell creates viral RNA.
 “Translation” – viral RNA creates viral protein (amino acids).
 Viral protein creates new HIV cells.

Cross-fade to:
Camera panning out of cell with multiple HIV cells ejecting from it’s surface. Further out, red and
white blood cells rush by, other white cells have ‘spots’ of HIV cell infection; Camera continues
to pan out;

 Swoop out of blood vessel into Dermis layer of skin

 Reveals hair follicle, proceeds up the hair root
 Through basal epidermal layer
 Through Epidermis (outer ‘scaly’ skin layer)
Cross-fade to:
(Live action) Close up shot of woman’s arm and hair follicles.

...the results confirm my CD4 count is dangerously low...

What does that mean!?!

Cross-fade to:
(Live action) Side profile of woman’s arm’s at her desk, panning back to starting position.

I’m.... HIV positive.... I’m sorry but... I... I may have infected you...


The woman hangs up the phone in silence amongst the ambience noise of her office.

Fade to black.


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