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Document Sheet


TITLE Tunisian Regulations




DATE 03-02-04

Rev. Date Reason for Issue Prep´d Chck´d App’d

by by by
0 03-02-04 1st issue AS AS

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I. GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3

II. TUNISIAN PRESSURE VESSELS / PIPING REGULATION ....................................................................... 3

III. NATURAL GAS ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

IV. WASTE MANAGEMENT & DISPOSAL.............................................................................................................. 6

V. ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION ............................................................................................................................... 7

VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY................................................................................................................. 7

VII. ELECTRICAL MATERIAL ................................................................................................................................ 8

VIII. LPG/LIQUID HYDROCARBONS REGULATION................................................................................... 8

Ministerial order dated November 9th 1989 relating to authorization issue of new liquefied flammable gas
tanks (Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1989 relatif aux conditions d’éloignement auxquelles est subordonnée la
délivrance de l’autorisation des nouveaux réservoirs de « gaz inflammables liquéfiés »)....................................... 9

Ministerial order dated May 10th 1993 relating to storage of flammable gas liquefied under pressure
(Arrêté du 10 Mai 1993 relatif au stockage de gaz inflammables liquéfiés sous pression). ..................................10

Ministerial order dated March 19th 1999 relating to ammonia and liquefied flammable gas storage tanks
(Arrêté du 19 Mars 1999 relatif réservoirs de stockage de gaz inflammables liquéfiés et d’ammoniac)...........12

Ministerial order dated May 3rd 1995 relating to mounding of liquefied flammable gas tanks (Circulaire
DPPR/SEI du 3 Mai 1995 relative aux installations classées pour la protection de l’environnement : Mise
sous talus de réservoirs de gaz inflammables liquéfiés). ...............................................................................................12

Ministerial order dated August 20th 1996 relating to liquefied flammabl e gas loading & offloading station
(Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 20 Août 1996 relative aux gaz inflammables liquéfiés - Poste de
chargement/déchargement). ................................................................................................................................................13

Ministerial order dated May 5th 1995 relating to liquefied flammable gas tanks and their isolation
conditions (Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 5 Mai 1995 relative aux installations classées pour la protection de
l’environnement : Réservoirs de gaz inflammables liquéfiés et conditions de leur isolement).............................13

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This report covers the most particular Tunisian Regulations used in oil & gas projects and provides a short
explanation/clarification for each relevant Regulation group.
All Tunisian Regulations can be supplied only in Arabic or French languages. Moreover, it is commonly adopted
in Tunisia to use internationally recognized norms and many times French and/or European norms and standards
in the absence of specific Tunisian norms/codes.
A list of available Regulation on electronic format (PDF file) is provided in Annex 1.


List of Tunisian laws, decrees and ministerial orders :

Item Title
1 Décret du 12 Juillet 1956, portant règlement pour les appareils à pression de gaz
2 Arrêté du Ministre des Travaux Publics du 14 décembre 1956 réglementant les appareils de
production , d’emmagasinage ou de mise en œuvre des gaz comprimés, liquéfiés ou dissous.
3 Arrêté du Ministre des Travaux Publics du 24 mai 1957 réglementant dans les appareils à vapeur et à
pression de gaz, la soudure à bords fondus sur fer ou acier.
4 Arrêté du Ministre de l’industrie du 22 février 2000 portant approbation du cahier des charges relatif
aux critère d’agrément des organismes de contrôle technique.

Explanation / clarification :

Pressure vessels :

According to Tunisian regulation (decree of July 12th , 1956), all vessels (separator, heat exchanger, air cooler,
pump, compressor,…), handling compressed gas, liquefied gas or dissolved gas are considered as pressure
vessels when the following conditions are meet :

TV = 4 barg AND P x V > 80

Where :
TV = vapor pressure at operating conditions (barg)
V = volume (liter)
P = maximum operating pressure (barg)

For such equipment, a Pressure Vessel Data Book (Final dossier or supplier dossier) is required by the Tunisian
Authorities and shall include at least the following documents :
• Material certificates (including filler metal certificates).
• Calculation notes.
• General arrangement drawings and cross-sectional drawings.
• Inspection and testing plan.
• Inspection report of the equipment prior to Hydrotest (*).
• Hydrotest report and record chart.
• Certificate of compliance (*).
• Descriptive report of the equipment and manufacturing process (*).
• Welding Procedure Specifications.
• Welding Procedure Qualification Reports.
• Welder Performance Qualifications.
• Heat treatment procedures and record chart.
• Test report for production test coupons.
• Impact testing procedures and certificates, if any.
• NDT operator qualification certificates.
• NDT test reports (US, X-rays, Magnetic particle, tightness etc).

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• Stamped Nameplate photography.

• Hydraulic test certificate (delivered by Tunisian Authorities).

(*)This document shall be signed by the manufacturer (in the country of goods origin) in the nearest Tunisian
Consulate or Embassy (for signature legalization).

Moreover, a waiver from the Tunisian Authorities is required if using a joint efficiency factor of 0.85 or 1.
The waiver demand shall be issued and signed by the purchaser and submitted (with at least a preliminary
dossier) to the Tunisian Authorities by a Tunisian Third Party Inspector.

The preliminary dossier shall include at least the following documents (non-limitative list) :
• Calculation notes.
• General arrangement drawings and cross-sectional drawings showing the wall thickness for pressure
containing parts.
• WPS , PQR.
• Descriptive report.
• Inspection and testing plan.

For a joint efficiency of 1, the experience shows that the waiver is granted only when 100% radiographic
examination is performed (RT1 according to ASME VIII Div.1).

Pressure vessel hydrostatic test shall be performed after obtaining the test authorization certificate (l’autorisation
d’épreuve) from Tunisian Authorities.
The Tunisian Third Party Inspector shall fill a special form and submit a test dossier (dossier d’épreuve) in
advance to Tunisian Authorities in order to obtain the test authorization certificate.
The hydrostatic test can only take place once the authorization certificate is obtained. The Tunisian Third Party
Inspector shall witness the Pressure vessel hydrostatic test.

The Pressure Vessel Data Book is required by the Tunisian Authorities in order to process customs clearance.

Piping system :

All piping just in contact with harmful or flammable gas compressors and up to the first used equipment
(upstream and downstream the compressors) are considered as pressure vessels when the following conditions
are meet :
Inside diameter : > 8 mm.
Operating pressure : = 25 barg.

A complete data book shall be provided for those piping systems and shall include all required documents as for
pressure vessels.

Tunisian Third Party Inspection (TTPI) :

Tunisian Third Party Inspector is a third party inspectorate acting on behalf of the Tunisian Government in
particular the Tunisian Ministry of Industry.
Certain apparatus when purchased must have correct certification suitably endorsed by the Tunisian Third Party
Inspector and Tunisian Authorities prior to arrival at Tunisian customs for importation into Tunisia.
Only Tunisian Third Party Agencies approved by the Tunisian Ministry of Industry are allowed to practice this
work. Copy of valid agreement certificate shall be requested.

Once the supplier/vendor’s Inspection and Testing Plan is submitted, the purchaser will mark-up TTPI’s
intervention points. Therefore and normally, the TTPI is excluded from supplier/vendor scope.

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Generally, TTPI is involved during fabrication/testing in order to :

• Verify conformity to Tunisian Regulations before proceeding with manufacture. At this stage, some
documents are required, i.e. :
§ Calculation notes.
§ General arrangement drawings and cross-sectional drawings showing the wall thickness
for pressure containing parts.
§ WPS , PQR.
§ Inspection and testing plan.
• Request waiver and test authorization certificate from Tunisian Authorities.
• Pressure Vessel Data Book verification.
• Witness the test pressure and vessel nameplate stamping.

The WPS, PQR as well as hydrotest chart shall be approved and signed by the TTPI.

Further, the TTPI will be in charge to obtain the Tunisian Ministry of Industry endorsements on the certificates
and Pressure Vessel Data Book in order to receive the Final Approval of Tunisian Authorities for equipment’s


List of Tunisian norms :

Item Title
1 NORME TUNISIENNE HOMOLOGUEE NT 109-01 (1984) : Sécurité pour les ouvrages de
transport de gaz combustible par canalisation.
2 NORME TUNISIENNE HOMOLOGUEE NT 82-01 (1991) identical to ISO 6976 (1983) : Gaz
naturel – Calcul du pouvoir calorifique, de la masse volumique et de la densité.
3 NORME TUNISIENNE HOMOLOGUEE NT 82-02 (1991) identical to ISO 6568 (1981) : Gaz
naturel – Analyse simple par chromatographie en phase gazeuse.
4 NORME TUNISIENNE HOMOLOGUEE NT 82-09 (1992) identical to ISO 6974 (1984) : Gaz
naturel – Détermination de l’hydrogène, des gaz inertes et des hydrocarbures jusqu’en C8 – Méthode
par chromatographie en phase gazeuse – Méthode de référence.

Explanation / clarification :

Ø NT 109-01(1984) is a Tunisian regulation that covers some aspects related to the safety, design,
fabrication, installation and testing of pipeline used for the transportation of combustible gas.

• This norm is applicable only when the following conditions are simultaneously fulfilled :
§ Pipe material shall be wealdable and ductile steel material, resistant to aging, with an
elongation = 18% for location Category B or C and 15% for location Category A. The
ratio of the yield strength to the tensile strength shall be less than 90% for seamless
pipes and 85% for welded pipes.
§ Maximum operating pressure (P) = 4 bars.
§ P x D = 1500 where D is the external nominal diameter (mm).
§ Non corrosive gas which means non susceptible to react with pipe material or modify
material physical characteristics.
§ Maximum operating temperature = 100°C.
• Location categories for design and construction :
Category A : location such as deserts, mountains, farmland which has a human occupancy per
hectare less than 6.
Category B : location such as :
Fringe areas around cities, country areas which has a human occupancy per hectare
between 6 and 30 maximum.

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At less than 75 m from public receiving buildings or premises in such a state as to be

prejudicial to health or constituting a nuisance or defense installation.
River, marine or public road estates.
Category C : location such as residential areas has a human occupancy per hectare more than 30.
• The maximum operating pressure Pc shall be equal to (2Te/D), where :
T : transverse stress (hbar) which shall not exceed the following values :
0.73 E, for Category A.
0.60 E, for Category B.
0.40 E, for Category C.
with E equal to the minimum yield strength.
e : minimum specified thickness (mm).
D : nominal external diameter (mm).
• Pipe fabrication, inspection and testing shall be witnessed by a Tunisian Third Party Inspector. The
hydrostatic test of each pipe shall be performed at 90% of the specified yield strength.
• All gas pipelines shall be buried in a trench with a minimum of 0.8 m depth for Category B & C
and no less than 0.6 m depth for category A.
• The maximum distance between two successive section valves shall be 20 km for Category A & B
and 10 km for Category C. Further, the volume of gas measured at normal conditions (0°C, 1 atm)
between two successive section valves shall not exceed 90 000 m3 .
• Each pipeline section shall be hydrostatically tested . The test pressure shall be maintained at least
during two hours. A watertightness test shall also be performed. All these tests shall be witnessed
by a Tunisian Third Party Inspector.

Ø NT 82-01(1991) is a Tunisian regulation that shall be used for density, specific gravity & heating values
calculation of natural gas and is identical to ISO 6976 (1983 edition). The last ISO 6976 (1995 edition)
is not applicable. Only the 1983 edition of the ISO 6976 is identical to NT 82-01.

Ø NT 82-02 (1991) is a Tunisian regulation that shall be used for natural gas analysis by gas
chromatography and is identical to ISO 6568 (1981 edition). The 1981 edition is the last edition of
ISO 6568.

Ø NT 82-09 (1992) is a Tunisian regulation that shall be used for determination of natural gas
composition by gas chromatography and is identical to ISO 6974 (1984 edition). The last edition of ISO
6974 (2000/2001 edition) is not applicable. Only the 1984 edition of the ISO 6974 is identical to
NT 82-09.


List of Tunisian laws, decrees and ministerial orders :

Item Title
1 Loi N° 96-41 du 10 Juin 1996, relative aux déchets et au contrôle de leur gestion et de leur

Explanation / clarification :

Ø The present law is applicable to any activity which generate waste or hold products susceptible to have
negative effects on soil, fauna, flora, ground water table, or can involve site and health degradation.
Such waste products shall be removed and eliminated (Article 4).
Ø Opencast waste products incineration and their use as combustible is prohibited, except for vegetable
waste . Incineration or burning operations are allowed only in authorized sites (Article 7).

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Ø Waste materials, litter, transport packing, unsuitable excavated materials and any other used or
unsuitable products arising from any activity shall be transported to an external authorized dumping
area and disposed of in accordance with the present Tunisian law .
Ø Leakage, spillage, contamination, etc shall be immediately attended to, the source of such pollution
eliminated and contaminated areas cleaned up. Any costs to perform such tasks including analysis,
transport, etc shall be to waste producer’s account (Article 8 & 9).
Ø Dumping areas are classified in three categories according to waste products type : harmful or
dangerous waste, urban or non-dangerous waste and inert waste (Article 16).
Ø Dumping areas management is performed by local communities or can be entrusted or sub-contracted to
private or public companies (Article 20).

Notes :
The local communities through the Municipalities can advise on the location and category of each
dumping area.


List of Tunisian laws, decrees and ministerial orders / Tunisian norms :

Item Title
1 NORME TUNISIENNE HOMOLOGUEE NT 106-04 (1994) : protection de l’environnement –
valeurs limites et valeurs guides pour certains polluants dans l’air ambiant, en dehors des locaux de

Explanation / clarification :

According to Tunisian Regulations, there are no restrictions regarding the exhaust emissions levels at the source
of emission. Therefore, and in the absence of local Regulations / norms; the French norms and/or European
norms are commonly used in Tunisia.
Nevertheless, the Tunisian Regulation NT 106-04 (out door ambient air quality) specifies the maximum
pollutant concentrations in ambient air (in the order of ppm) as well as the method of analysis .


List of Tunisian laws, decrees and ministerial orders :

Item Title
1 Décret N° 91-362 du 13 Mars 1991 relatif aux études d’impact sur l’environnement

Explanation / clarification :

Ø Impact study is a required document in order to obtain any administrative authorization to built, revamp
or extend an industrial plant. This document shall assess, evaluate and measure direct and indirect
effects, at short and long term, of the plant on the environment (Article 1).
Ø Impact study shall include, as a minimum, the following points (Article 9) :
• Detailed description of the project.
• Site initial state analysis and natural environment.
• Analysis of foreseeable consequences.
• Technical explanation regarding the choice of the project and the adopted process.
• Planned preventive measurements to remove, reduce and if possible compensate harmful
consequences and correspondent costs estimation.
Ø The Environmental Impact Study (EIS) shall be submitted by the contracting authority or petitioner to
the following (Article 10) :
• Three (03) copies to the environment protection national agency (ANPE : Agence National de
Protection de l’Environnement).
• One (01) copy to each ministry that can be involved in the project realization authorization.

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Ø Within three (03) months, the ANPE shall notify their decision. When the allowed period expire
without any decision from the ANPE, the project is considered as fully conform to environment
preservation norms (Article 12).

Notes :
All requirements set out in the EIS shall be fulfilled as these are a pre-condition for the approval of the
Normally, such studies are performed by local specialized companies.


List of Tunisian laws, decrees and ministerial orders / Tunisian norms :

Item Title
NORME TUNISIENNE HOMOLOGUEE NT 88-90 (1988) : Postes HT/BT de distribution
d’énergie électrique alimentés à partir des réseaux de distribution publique – Règles générales.

Explanation / clarification :

This norm is more or less equivalent to the French norm NF C13.100 (1983) : Postes de livraison établis à
l’intérieur d’un batiment et alimenté par un réseau de distribution publique de deuxième catégorie.


List of commonly used laws, decrees and ministerial orders in Tunisia:

Item Title
1 Directive du conseil N° 82/501/CEE du 24 Juin 1982 concernant les risques d’accidents majeurs de
certaines activités industrielles (SEVESO I).
2 Directive N° 96/82 du conseil du 9 Décembre 1996 concernant la maîtrise des dangers liés aux
accidents majeurs impliquant des substances dangereuses (SEVESO II).
3 Arrêté du 10 Mai 1993 relatif au stockage de gaz inflammables liquéfiés sous pression.
4 Arrêté du 24 Août 1998 relatif aux prescriptions techniques de la rubrique 1414.
5 Arrêté du 19 Mars 1999 relatif réservoirs de stockage de gaz inflammables liquéfiés et d’ammoniac.
6 Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1989 relatif aux conditions d’éloignement auxquelles est subordonnée la
délivrance de l’autorisation des nouveaux réservoirs de « gaz inflammables liquéfiés ».
7 Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1972 fixant les règles d’aménagement et d’exploitation des dépôts
d’hydrocarbures liquides.
8 Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1972 relatif à l’aménagement et l’exploitation des dépôts d’hydrocarbures
9 Circulaire du 7 Mai 1991 relative à la prévention des risques dus aux stockages anciens de gaz
combustibles liquéfiés.
10 Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 3 Mai 1995 relative aux installations classées pour la protection de
l’environnement : Mise sous talus de réservoirs de gaz inflammables liquéfiés.
11 Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 5 Mai 1995 relative aux installations classées pour la protection de
l’environnement : Réservoirs de gaz inflammables liquéfiés et conditions de leur isolement.
12 Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 20 Août 1996 relative aux gaz inflammables liquéfiés - Poste de
13 NORME TUNISIENNE ENREGISTREE NT 109-14 (1988) : Les règles d’aménagement et
d’exploitation des dépôts d’hydrocarbures liquide de 1 ère et 2 ème Classe.

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Explanation / clarification :

Except the use of Tunisian standard NT 109-14 , the French norms and/or European norms (as listed above) are
commonly used in Tunisia for liquid hydrocarbons and LPG storage & processing facility plants in the absence
of local Regulations / norms .

The main requirements of the used French regulations are provided hereafter with some notes including
commonly adopted recommendations especially for LPG storage tanks.
Tunisian standard NT 109-14, which regulate the development and exploitation of liquid hydrocarbon storage
sites (already with NT 109-15 which regulate liquid hydrocarbon storage sites with a global fictitious capacity
not exceeding 1000 m3 ), is more or less equivalent to the French regulation (Ministerial degree dated November
9th 1972)

Ministerial order dated November 9th 1989 relating to authorization issue of new
liquefied flammable gas tanks (Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1989 relatif aux conditions
d’éloignement auxquelles est subordonnée la délivrance de l’autorisation des nouveaux
réservoirs de « gaz inflammables liquéfiés »).

Ø The present ministerial order is applicable for liquefied flammable gas (with exception to hydrogen,
ammonia and liquefied natural gas) which have an absolute vapor pressure at 15°C exceeding
100 000 Pa.
Flammable gas are called “liquefied under pressure” when they are maintained liquefied at a
temperature such as the correspondent absolute vapor pressure equal or exceed 160 000 Pa.
Flammable gas are called “liquefied at atmospheric pressure” when they are maintained liquefied at a
temperature such as the correspondent absolute vapor pressure is less than 160 000 Pa. (Article 2).

Are subjected to the present order liquefied under pressure flammable gas storage tanks with a capacity
exceeding 120 m3 and liquefied at atmospheric pressure flammable gas storage tanks with a capacity
equal or exceeding 400 m3 .

External buildings (“constructions extérieures”) means external buildings intended for human
occupancy and located outside the site where the considered tank is implemented.
External gangways (“voies de circulation extérieures”) means :
§ Gangways outside the site (other than site access roads) with a traffic exceeding 200
vehicles/day .
§ Railways other than site access lines and lines without passenger traffic or basically with local
passenger traffic.
External important buildings (“constructions extérieures importantes”) means :
§ Very high buildings.
§ Public receiving buildings.
External important gangways (“voies de circulation extérieures importantes”) means :
§ Highways and high traffic roads with a flow exceeding 2000 vehicles/day.
§ Main line railways.

Ø The minimum applicable distance in relation to external buildings and gangways is measured from the
external surface of the storage tank. This distance d (in m) varies according to tank capacity M (in kg).
For external buildings and gangways, d = 3.12 M 0.425 (lethal limit)
For important external buildings and gangways, d = 4.71 M 0.4 05 (significant burns limit)
The minimum distance to the fence site is 50 m. (Article 3)

New above ground storage tanks with a capacity exceeding 500 m3 are prohibited.

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Ø The applicable distance between retention pond walls of liquefied flammable gas tank and external
gangways & buildings is provided in the following table : (Article 4)

Unit Capacity (UC) External gangways External buildings

(m) (m)
UC < 1 500 m3 50 100
3 3
1 500 m < or = UC < 10 000 m 100 200
3 3
10 000 m < or = UC < 50 000 m 250 500
UC > or = 50 000 m 450 900

The applicable distance is doubled in relation to external buildings and gangways of important category.
All the above listed distances are valid only when the following measures are fulfilled :
§ The storage tank is equipped with a retention pond that can hold 110% of the stored liquid
§ The external tank wall is reinforced. Jacketed tank with a capacity less than 1500 m3 is allowed
unless the distance for higher category (between 1500 m3 and 10 000 m3 ) is applied.

The liquefied flammable gases with an absolute vapor pressure at 15°C equal or exceeding 20 bars will
not be stored inside tanks of 120 m3 or more at a temperature such as their vapor pressure exceed 5 bars.
The distances related to third parties as specified above are applicable to tanks containing such gases for
the pressure range where they are stored.

Ministerial order dated May 10th 1993 relating to storage of flammable gas liquefied
under pressure (Arrêté du 10 Mai 1993 relatif au stockage de gaz inflammables liquéfiés
sous pression).

Ø The present ministerial order is applicable for liquefied flammable gas storage facilities with a capacity
exceeding 200 tons, with exception to hydrogen and ammonia, and set out risk preventive
measurements for above ground storage tank with a capacity exceeding 50 tons. (Article 1).

Ø Flammable gas are called “liquefied under pressure” when they are maintained liquefied at a
temperature such as the correspondent absolute vapor pressure equal or exceed 160 000 Pa. (Article 2).

Ø The over filling is prevented by a liquid level control :

This level is continuously measured. The result of the measure will be kept available, on a real time
basis, to the operating staff.
As a minimum the following safety limits will be fixed by operating staff :
§ “High” limit correspondent to the filling limit in operation, which shall not exceed 90% of the
storage tank volume.
§ “High High” limit correspondent to the safety maximum filling, which shall not exceed 95% of
the storage tank volume.
The “High High” level crossing shall be detected by two separate and redundant systems, which one of
them can be the continuous level measurement system and/or the high level detection system. Failure of
any transmission and signal processing element being a common failure mode involve placement in a
safe condition.
By appropriate devices, the “High” level crossing shall involve, eventually after temporization, the
automatic shut-off of storage tank feeding and operating staff information. The “High High” level
crossing shall actuate, in addition to the previously mentioned actions, the shut-down valves on the
storage tank feeding lines, placement in a safe condition and operating staff alarm (Article 3).

Ø Each storage tank shall be equipped in all circumstances, except during immediate replacement for
maintenance, with at least two relief valves connected in parallel and having a set pressure not
exceeding the maximum operating pressure.

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If (n) is the number of relief valves, (n-1) relief valves mu st be able to evacuate the gas in such a way
that the storage tank internal pressure never exceed by 10% the maximum operating pressure.
Each storage tank shall be equipped with a pressure measuring device (Article 4).

Ø In order to protect storage tanks from projectiles susceptible to be produced in case of explosion on a
nearby facility, the following measures must be taken :
§ The cylindrical storage tanks and wagons must be judiciously oriented with regard to the most
important tanks.
§ Failing that, obstacles as safety nets, abutments will be well arranged.
Any storage site shall be kept under surveillance in order to detect any intrusion attempt and raise the
alarm. The surveillance is realized by security or electronic surveillance.
The site shall be effectively fenced. The fence height shall not be less than 2.5 m (Article 5).

Ø Gas detectors must be installed in order to detect any gas leakage. The operating staff shall prepare a
gas detection plan specifying the sensors arrangement, concentration limits and all devices controlled
by this system (Article 6).

Ø In case of flammable gas detection at a concentration exceeding 20% of the Lower Explosive Limit
(LEL), the detectors must activate alarms perceptible by concerned people.
In case of flammable gas detection at a concentration set by operating staff, less or equal to 50% of the
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL), the complete storage facility is placed in a safety state. Unless otherwise
justified, this safety state consist in closing transfer lines automated valves, shutdown pumps, motors
and compressors and energy supplies except those necessary for safety and intervention equipments
working. (Article 7).

Ø The quantity of gas susceptible to escape due to a leakage on a connected line to the storage tank liquid
phase is limited by the following devices :
§ A positive safety valve located as close as possible to the tank surface.
§ A positive safety internal valve or positive safety hydraulic or pneumatic check valve (if
technically possible).
§ A positive safety valve on tank supplying lines.
The above listed devices will be controlled by the gas detection systems. All valves shall be remote
An appropriate injection device shall allow substitution of the leak gas by water, unless justified
contraindication by operating staff and due to the gas nature or storage temperature (Article 8).

Ø Each tank shall be equipped with a retention device with the following characteristics : (Article 9)
§ Ground on a slope under the tanks.
§ Receptacle far from tanks such as the thermal flux of a retention pond fire is detrimental to
their integrity. Unless products incompatibility, this receptacle can be shared to several tanks.
§ Proximity of potential leakage points such as escaped gas in liquid phase is collected.
§ Receptacle capacity taking into account the hazard study conclusions and at least equal to 20%
of the biggest tank capacity.
§ Receptacle surface as small as possible in order to limit evaporation.

Ø When suitable emulsifiers to stored products and conditions exist, retention ponds will be equipped by
foam spillways. The operating staff shall have foam generators and necessary emulsifier reserves
(Article 10).

Ø Storage tanks will be protected from fire thermal effects by uniform water streaming with a minimum
flow rate of 10 liter/m2 /min, or by any other device of the same efficiency, over their surface and all
equipments necessary to maintain their integrity. The spraying device shall be permanently installed
and kept operational in case of retention pond fire.
The water flow rate shall be maintained on the storage tank on fire and tanks exposed to fire during at
least two (2) hours. Any water resource not providing this flow rate shall be assisted by means kept at
premise disposal (Article 11).

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Ø Tank cooling is controlled at least by fire detection. The spraying flow rate can be adjusted by the
operators from a safe area (Article 12).

• Glass level indicators are prohibited.
• All valves shall be fire-safe valves.
• Valves should be equipped with a visual indication of their status (open/closed). All valve actuators
should be fire protected.
• The accessibility of all remote actuated valves shall be provided from two different places, the
accessibility of one of them shall always be ensured.
• The operating line in gaseous phase shall be equipped with a remote actuated valve.
• Relief valves normally designed for fire case and over-loading.
• Vent pipe height of relief valves shall be at least 2 m. Vent pipe shall be equipped with low point
drain well oriented in order to ovoid, in case of fire, “torch effect” on the tank surface.
• The connection of relief valve discharge piping to flare system is prohibited.
• “Interlock” system is commonly used for relief valve systems.
• Tank drainage shall be equipped with two valves : the first one shall be installed closer to the tank,
fire-safe & quarter turn valve (fast closure); the second one (progressive opening) shall be a “dead-
man” wrench type valve.

Ministerial order dated March 19th 1999 relating to ammonia and liquefied flammable
gas storage tanks (Arrêté du 19 Mars 1999 relatif réservoirs de stockage de gaz
inflammables liquéfiés et d’ammoniac).
Ø The present ministerial order is applicable for liquefied flammable gas storage tanks with a capacity
exceeding 120 m3 , with exception to ammonia.
The present order is not applicable to storage tanks which all draw off and filling lines are jacketed or
equipped with internal shut-off valve or valve installed immediately at tank nozzle (Article 1).

Ø All lines sections used for tank filling or emptying are checked by non-destructive examinations in
order to assess their status. This checking shall be performed from the external tank surface up to the
first shut-off valve (Article 2).

Ø After the inspection, a certificate is issued, dated and signed by the person who has supervised the
execution of the examinations. This certificate is also dated and signed by the tank owner (Article 3).

• Piping in liquid phase should be minimized.
• Where an expansion could take place, Piping & valve material shall be cold resistant material.

Ministerial order dated May 3rd 1995 relating to mounding of liquefied flammable gas
tanks (Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 3 Mai 1995 relative aux installations classées pour la
protection de l’environnement : Mise sous talus de réservoirs de gaz inflammables

The present order authorize the use of TEXSOL material to cover spherical pressure tanks. The minimum
TEXSOL thickness shall be 0.6 m.

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Ministerial order dated August 20th 1996 relating to liquefied flammable gas loading &
offloading station (Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 20 Août 1996 relative aux gaz inflammables
liquéfiés - Poste de chargement/déchargement).

The present order list the different scenarios to be considered during the risk assessment and area
management of loading & offloading facilities.
BLEVE scenario shall be considered as design basis for the emergency plan setting. However, the VCE
scenario shall be considered to assess the necessary protection areas around the facilities. Nevertheless,
any preventive measurement specific to each site shall be defined and examined.

• Piping in liquid phase shall be equipped with the following devices : Actuated shut-off valve on the
fix part & Check valve on the mobile part.

Ministerial order dated May 5th 1995 relating to liquefied flammable gas tanks and their
isolation conditions (Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 5 Mai 1995 relative aux installations
classées pour la protection de l’environnement : Réservoirs de gaz inflammables liquéfiés et
conditions de leur isolement).
Ø The present order specify some practical details regarding the improvement of storage safety and strict
management of areas around storage site especially in order to ovoid demographic increase inside
dangerous areas. Practical details are provided for fireproofing of storage tanks with a capacity equal or
exceeding 50 tons.

Ø The use of fireproofing material is considered as equivalent to uniform water streaming with a
minimum flow rate of 10 liter/m2 /min. The fireproofing thickness shall allow a fire exposure duration
not less than four (4) hours.

Ø Depending on the environment around the storage site, the safe/unsafe areas will be established by the
risk assessment study, where both BLEVE & VCE scenarios are investigated.
In all cases, the minimum isolation distance shall be 150 m (for lethal effect zones) and 370 m (for
irreversible effect zones).

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ANNEX 1 : List of provided regulation on electronic format (PDF file)

Item Title PDF file

1 Directive du conseil N° 82/501/CEE du 24 Juin 1982
concernant les risques d’accidents majeurs de certaines Directive 82_501_CEE
activités industrielles (SEVESO I).
2 Directive N° 96/82 du conseil du 9 Décembre 1996
concernant la maîtrise des dangers liés aux accidents
majeurs impliquant des substances dangereuses (SEVESO Directive 96_82_CEE
3 Arrêté du 10 Mai 1993 relatif au stockage de gaz Arrêté du 10 Mai 1993
inflammables liquéfiés sous pression.
4 Arrêté du 24 Août 1998 relatif aux prescriptions Arrêté du 24 Août 1998
techniques de la rubrique 1414.
5 Arrêté du 19 Mars 1999 relatif réservoirs de stockage de Arrêté du 19 Mars 1999
gaz inflammables liquéfiés et d’ammoniac.
6 Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1989 relatif aux conditions
d’éloignement auxquelles est subordonnée la délivrance
de l’autorisation des nouveaux réservoirs de « gaz Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1989
inflammables liquéfiés ».
7 Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1972 fixant les règles
d’aménagement et d’exploitation des dépôts Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1972_HC liquides
d’hydrocarbures liquides.
8 Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1972 relatif à l’aménagement et
l’exploitation des dépôts d’hydrocarbures liquéfiés. Arrêté du 9 Novembre 1972_HC liquéfiés
9 Circulaire du 7 Mai 1991 relative à la prévention des
risques dus aux stockages anciens de gaz combustibles Circulaire du 7 Mai 1991
10 Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 3 Mai 1995 relative aux
installations classées pour la protection de Circulaire du 3 Mai 1995
l’environnement : Mise sous talus de réservoirs de gaz
inflammables liquéfiés.
11 Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 5 Mai 1995 relative aux
installations classées pour la protection de
l’environnement :Réservoirs de gaz inflammables Circulaire du 5 Mai 1995
liquéfiés et conditions de leur isolement.
12 Circulaire DPPR/SEI du 20 Août 1996 relative aux gaz
inflammables liquéfiés - Poste de
chargement/déchargement. Circulaire du 20 Août 1996

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