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Proclamation By The Honorable Thomas A. AMcBermatt, Je. Mayor, Gity of Hammond, Indiana WHEREAS, tise preservation tan effective too fr managing growth ant ‘atin development evialing reper fnrng es pide ‘dating coment cater whl coercing Lali and WHEREAS, historic prserotion evant for commits ao eration, oth (ula rl nd or Areas al aps all was fia al slic ackroands and WHEREAS, itis import io ect roe history in rvs the ‘onto mae by dedicat pins wo reser he ‘bt eects of th erage that ar shaped te ool an WHEREAS, "Cseeting Hammons Tete” sth theme fo Nation reservation Mont 2011. a spnsoed by Hanon Hise Frese Commis of he Cy of Hae in onenton withthe avons clan sponse by he Nana! Tr iste NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Thomas M.MéDumet Jr. Meyer ofthe Ci of Hannon Toda do shy prota he month of ay 2011 23 National reservation Month encourage al sides ofthe City of Hanon join tc wien sos the nied Stes io eseasng an paige thi pecans IN WITNESS WHIEREOF, {Ie rst yd al case he Self the City ‘ttn nda oe fine ths 3° day of Agel 201 Major, iy of Hammon

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