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GEEM: Francisco Portilho de Melo

Professora: Larissa Souza

Aluno(a): nº:______ 1º ano:______

1ª Avaliação de Inglês
Não Rasure!

1- Preencha com a forma correta do verbo to be:

1. He a good student
2. They old friends
3. I a student
4. We both students
5. The dog black
2- Passe as frases para o negativo e para o interrogativo:
1. She is a clever girl
2. They are football players
3. It is a good movie
4. We are cousins
5. I am a dentist

3- Coloque os resultados em Inglês:

1. 8-3= 4. 5x3=
2. 9+5= 5. 14+5=
3. 18:6=

4- Substitua os nomes próprios pelo pronome pessoal:

a) John Smith is a lawyer.__________________________________________________.
b) Henry and Paul are in London now. _______________________________________.
c) Steve and I are married! ________________________________________________.
d) My dictionary is so big and heavy! _________________________________________.
e) Paola is a lawyer.________________________________________________________.
Boa Prova!

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