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Salam, I just want to share..so if there’s any mistake or what..

do correct me…

1. objectives of this study

a) To describe the social demography factor ( sex) with the birth weight distribution
among various ethnic group in Malaysians newborn in 1980
b) To measure the incidence of low birth weight among the various ethnic group (
Malay, Chinese, Indian ) in Malaysia newborn
c) To compare the mean birth weight between various ethnic groups in Malaysia
d) To compare the low birth weight between various ethnic groups in Malaysia

2. Population of the study

Various ethnic group consisting of Chinese, Malay, and India (20 000 population)

3. Sample of the study

1227 deliveries

4. Importance variable of the study

Dependent variables: birth weight
Independent variables: gestation age, maternal size , age and height, nutritional status,
parity, socioeconomic status and education of the family.

5. Pattern of overall birth weight in Malaysia.

Most of the birth weight is around 2500 g to 3449 g or 72.7%.
11.7% of the newborn weight less than 2500g and 15.2 %
6. Is there any difference of birth weight between ethnic groups and tabulate your
answer. (Yes)
Ethnic group/ range Malay Chinese Indian
of birth weight of
65 34 46
<2500 grams
325 377 191
2500-3449 grams
53 111 25
>3500 grams

7. Is there any difference of the birth weight between overall males and females babies.
Tabulate data.
Range birth ( Male) (Female) TOTAL
according to

Less than 2500 79 66 145

2500-3499 454 439 893

3500 and above 113 76 189

Total 646 579 1227

8. Proportion of the baby born with less than 2500 grams

Proportion = no of babies born with weight less than 2500 grams x100
Total no of babies born
= 145/1227
=11.8 % or 1.18 person per 100 person

9. Difference proportion of low birth weight between ethnic and gender. Tabulate and
make suitable graph.

Ethnic group/ Malay chinese Indian

Male 14.5% 7.0% 19.2%

Female 14.8% 5.8% 15.7%

Graph of low mbirth weight newborn
according to gender and ethnic groups in
Malaysia on 1980





malay chinese indian

male female

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