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A system of political organization, in which an elite individual

called a "lord" has control over several common people, or
"vassals" who till the land, serve as warriors, and conduct
other work for the lord.
History Of Feudalism

A set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe.

Flourished between the ninth and fifteenth centuries
Feudalism describes a set of reciprocal legal and military
obligations among the warrior nobility, revolving
around the three key concepts of lords, vassals and fiefs
Advantages of feudalism

The benefits of feudal system brought defense and protection to the community.
The king gave land to the nobles and arch-bishops and abbots. In return the noble
gave taxes, advice and military support. The arch-bishops and abbots gave advice
and loyalty in return. The knights gave protection and support to the peasants
(serfs) and in return the peasants gave free labor, taxes and loyalty.
Disadvantages of feudalism
The feudal system was a class system, dooming the majority of the
peoples to life's of extreme poverty, hopelessness and no little
suffering. Also the biggest disadvantages had the serfs. They stayed
serfs for their whole life, like as well their children. They did not
know anything about the outside world. Nobles could at that time
have more than one lord, but in times of war a noble had to pick a lord
for serving him, which is a disadvantage for the lord.
Is there feudalism in Pakistan
• Yes there is feudalism in Pakistan because of
some political parties.
• The party would abolish ‘feudalism’ to turn
Pakistan into an egalitarian society

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