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Venomous snakes, friends can be yoh!

Backbiting your shadow, pretending to be your angels

Yet are longing for your fall.

So Amadi, was such a friend, we ate together

We laughed together, Amadi’s sorrows became my sorrows

And all my fears, became his fears.

Behind the shadows, he roamed Emmy

Dirtifying my good name, bringing chaos in our friendship

And confusion in our lives.

So he told her, I am a lover

Of a number of other girls, am unfaithful , I am a liar

Emmy loosened, her love for me.

Never could I ever forgive her, for believing Amadi’s lies

Neither will I forgive him,

For the downfall, he brought to us.

I spend a year, trying to calm her

[Neither] Never did I saw Amadi

He departed for the unknown

Leaving behind, a troubled Emmy.

Ever watchout for your friends,

For not all of them have good intentions

They might be having a bitter taste…

On your progress and your life.

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