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2nd AI conflict: Suez-Sinai Campaign 1956

Stepping stones to conflict:

The Qibya Raid 1953
The Gaza Raid 1955
British-French-Israeli Collaboration
Nationalization of Suez Canal
US reactions of the invasion of Egypt
Results of Suez War:
Nasser’s resounding military defeat + political victory
Israel’s gains
Increased presence of superpowers in ME
Creation of the PLO

-involved Egypt and tripartite allies -> Israel, France & UK
-due to -> economics and post-colonial considerations
-Egypt’s president -> Gamal Abdul Nasser -> came to power in 1953
-Israel & West regarded Egyptian govt with favour
->American aid flowed to Egypt
-Israel saw Egyptian govt -> new opportunity for settlement
-intense secret Israeli-Egyptian diplomatic efforts pursued
->but 1955 ; Nasser refused joining Baghdad Pact and negotiated
Czech arms deal
-Israel-Egyptian tensions arose due to instable border situation
->permeability of Israel’s border
-mid 1950s -> Palestinians increasingly organize -> fedayeen raids
(paramilitary) -> more frequent and successful

Qibya Raid 1953

-first major retaliatory strike against Arabs
->for an attack on settlement of Yehud -> Israeli mother + 2
children killed
-ordered by Israeli PM Ben Gurion
-45 houses destroyed, 69 people killed -> half women & children

Gaza Raid 1955

-1955 -> Egyptian intelligent-gathering squad entered Israel -> killed
Israel cyclist near town of Rehovot
-28 February -> Israel’s retaliation -> launched Gaza raid -> killed 38
Egypt soldiers
-Nasser’s response -> Czechs arms deal & closure of Strait of Tiran
-Israel courted French military aid -> to address issure
**Czechs arms deal -> set in motion Israeli deliberation on pre-
emptibe war

British-French-Israeli Collaboration
-1956 Suez-Sinai war -> consist 2 seperate military operations ->
with aim to depose Nasser
->Anglo-French and Israeli
-Ben Gurion Israeli PM
->saw Nasser; direct threat to Israel
->considered Egypt; main supporter of Algerian nationalists
whose fighting for independence from France
-Israel acquired French war planes & assistance -> develop first
Nuclear reactor
-1956 -> French decision makers conclude -> overthrow Nasser to
control Algerian revolution
->influence in ME decline since 1945
->Suez Canal -> became major focal point of British ME policy
->Egypt -> main obstacle to policy

-Nasser’s pursuit of neutralism -> stood in the way of Anglo-

American attempts to create ME defense organization -> Baghdad
-Nasser’s determination to reform & modernize Egypt economically
and militarily -> provide USSR with entry point
-Nasser able to mobilize support -> remaining conservative Arab
regimes -> against British traditional allies in ME

Nationalization of Suez Canal

-post colonial initiatives -> Nasser sought to industrialize state ->
major project was construction of Aswan Dam
->approached UK & US for funding; received assurance of loan
->mid-July 1956 -> offer withdrawn -> due to Nasser’s increasing
overtures to Soviet Union
->lack revenue -> 26 July 1956; took controversial step of
nationalizing Suez Canal -> to obtain financing for Aswan Dam
provided pretext for Britain and France
-Britian and France -> refused recognize Egypt’s sovereignty over
->Israel called to seize Suez Canal -> Britain & France would ask
Egypt and Israel to withdraw from canal
->counting on Egypt’s refusal -> Anglo-French troops would be
forced to intervene -> to protect Canal
->B&F troops invaded -> military operations forced to halt ->
result of US pressure

US reactions of invasion of Egypt

-Washington’s decision -> call for “collective military, economic and
financial sanctions” against Israel unless it withdraw *anger evident
->blocked in UN Security Council -> dual veto of Israel’s allies in
Conflict -> France and UK
->forced abandon tactics -> sanctions on Israel, also suggest
Sanctions against British and France
-tension triggered by conflict escalated
->Soviets threatened retaliatory attacks on London and Paris
->Washington brought significant political & economic pressure
to bear on UK
-Israel -> condemned for aggression, economic sanctions applied &
Severing of US-Israeli relations threatened should Israel decide to
stay in Sinai
-2 November 1956 -> UN GA approved US-sponsored resolution ->
immediate ceasefire & withdrawal forces from Egyptian territory
-> Israel forced to accept -> under severe US pressure
-> Britiain & France soon followed

Result of Suez Canal

 Nasser’s resounding military defeat + political victory
-hailed as only Arab leader -> able to challenge West and expel
British & French & Israel from Egyptian territory
-able to hold on to Suez Canal
->further nationalize it & remaining British & French holdings
->provide funds for Aswan Dam
->modernization of Egypt
-Acquired international army -> UNEF -> protect Egypt from
Israel’s retaliatory policy
 Israel’s gains
-UNEF -> guaranteed freedom of shipping in Gulf of Aqaba ->
Provide Israel with Red Sea port
-UNEF -> provide limited control over fedayeen infiltration
-military reputation enhanced

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