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‘RANCO TECHNOLOGY TRUST MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (USDS) For Welding Consumables and Rolated Products| Complies with OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 C. FR. 1910.1200 ‘SECTION |- IDENTIFICATION IDENTITY: ARNCO_300XT WELDING WIRE SUPPLIER: AFINCO TECHNOLOGY TRUST, _ EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. -892.214-5200 "ADDRESS: S657 BAIARPARK, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77042 __ TELEPHONE NO. FOR NFOAVATION B3B214-5000| [PRODUCT TRADE NAME (S)_S00XT PRODUCT CLASSIFICATIONS) NA. PHODUUT INGHEDIENTS (NOT AINBOHNE CONTAMINANTS) carton 1% Neket 25% Manganese 1% Boron 4% Slicon Balance fren Balance Niobium 5.5% ‘SECTION I HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS TMEGRTANT. THiS SEOTION GOVERS THE MATERIALS FROM WHICH THE PROOUGT IS MANUFACTURED THE FIMES [AND GASES PRODUCED DURING WELDING WiTH NORMAL USE OF THIS PRODUCT ARE COVERED IN SECTION, ‘THE TERM HAZAROOUS" IN “HAZARDOUS MATERIALS" SHOULD BE INTERPRETED AS A TERM AEGUIRED AND OEFINEO IN.OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD (29 GFR. 19101200) AND IT DOES NOT NECESSARILY BIPLY THE 7 — tooestien (og a.) Kiadt-ngint sous | | motion eas anit mlm Sa eon (el__(7495-69-6) 10° ara} | sine ty ree0-e2-01 18 @ @ omen (©) _asonae-o) @ [] sown im) 0002-8) are a2 Gilices 1 (9e40-24 315-30 i @ | J wiobios we) (ra00-05-3) aw 1 Manganese a] —(7639-06-5) aaa] 4) a) 1. Goaypatienal Safety and Health Mniniatration, 29 C.7.R, 1910.1000 ferniseible pomre tisit (Pm) Drovican Contavence of Covetnnenta) Indus} iygiseist Unset) Threshold alndt Value” CR) 5. hot mown) tileance poresctlate concentration per OSiA 1916-1002, "able 23, 18 5 my/v respicaile Gus and pez foci fa 10 no. fas antopaa.cooce proacta eve non-flammbte, nom explocive, san reactive nen hasarania lewaical seater cae) uigoD |) Sem Gl Jos and tepeasanne: Tatar aveel vive containing minerale and sLloye: odsrese. (SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA [xian 1a TT |des-stat- Conditions: eoly che package for this product will tum [serizeuishics Matias tase product wilt not burn, welding aras and sparks can ignite contustihte end frismanie materials. Use the extinguishing nadia recomended for the burning materials end fice Joituation. ove AIST 149.1 "Sarety in Nelaing ond Gittings and "SRfe Practice" Code SPR, publiedad by the fimesican Welaing Society, 9-0. sex 252080, Mans, Tu. 37199, And HAD SB *Standaed for Pose Peeves cm Jouring Wolaiag, cutting and Other Not nor,” publiatea by the tational Fire Frovection Agsooirt ion, |mstteryensch Park, Quincy, Wa. 02249 for adiicionai fice prevention and protection information [sescial elm clontiag aracmduings ruth protective oguipeent tegiired. Wea involved sn a fire, these Jproascta'nay ent toric and Irritating fumes of the mess, netal oxides ant thelr compen ‘SECTION V — REACEIVATY DATA [RRR SORT EC RE faxastniey: seabte x) esble |) Polymatseatdem wi nat oocur, Ffossystinte-pradacta* tone cursently Rac. fiszarasis dacapasicion gaucista: nelding font conmot be clacedtieg sirply, Theis composition and quantity sv orpeiene pen the eatestal being vorkoly tho prorecs, procedures snd cogaunahlea veel, Other sanditsons Which [nem eaerisn being sorted ouch so ain, plating er suivensing, the nse ce'ehsiag sonst ot Sot Js weit ac the presence ot contoninait'g ie the ateaupbere (euch ae chor‘aated hpdeocesben vapors tow closning of fstncing acivitiee. Yapote of ehlortoaced parocneton solvenes nil Scns in te Sens o¢hst nt shcravnios ration tl frm Nighy ar poets gb we th fhe iorettnt, ested i" section 1 tnetmpition poorest sorts oeration teslde tare ‘sviginat ing fren Prem norwal use of theae proaicte include a complex of Ee Jocioes ana fitoriaca ot the macariais ‘vated an Saction it ao wil a carbon mominide, carbon Sionide, ceane [znd nitrogen oxides, (rafor to *Characteriastion of Are Melding hmoa® available Exon the fascia Wolain |scistyl. the Tu for Winganeon (0.20/90 crsemiun and Nickel will be rexshed before the general Lonit for weiding fumes of 5 ng/sa ia reaches, Monivor fines for Mickel, Chrentanvand fagoneee 2evelay Jesguiticant amount ot tho Chraniun in the funee can be Homaalent icy which hea 8 very lov exDOOU® init, 0.005 ma/ns {© \a/na! tie caly way to determine the tive daentity of the Geconpooltion pecaict fy’ semi at analysie. The composition abd quantity cf the tua and gases to yhieh a worker may bo Joveronpoond can be dsvarnined fran s sample civained from inaide the worker's helm, it worm, oe fe che jroziera nreathing sone. tae 2051/48 F1-5, "wathosa for Sampling snd Xoalyeina Ghocs| fron helStey and fitiied prccessea, and RIGT/AKGL.1 "Mthods for Sampling Asbore Particles Grmeatsa by Weiding and ALTSed Jroceeoes," avaiisbie tron the american melding soctcty.fooalble bazards Suciog prossaaing by lostdersny, bearing brane welding welding OF ato spray macalzveing : soe ‘camsat frsunt-etoceeis ex working ray create one or wore of the folloving health or jayelcal havarda_ Puce ond ng can be dangarous to Your hesith. Puma/gasee conkaiaing flvcride bern ejee and ekia on cetacean Jesu be fatal if availowe, Electric shock can Nill you. Aes "aya can injure ches and burn skin, Heat 1a¥e [incearea vadiacfon) trem Elam or bot actal can injure yee, hoLae cat dase hearing, Gee MU 209-2 }satery in teldung, Cutting, and Ailved Proossaea available Exon the Rowrican Weldtig Soclery. jectontlak wealth. rttecze- Direct costact with the product caune trritation of the eyes; sveitation of the lecin 12 not cxpastad. If tae prodar sn polveriond the aivtorme dust nay levitate the mcous sexoranse land upeer respiratory tract. Tho dust maj aloo contain exysteliina sities which tet be conaidered 2 seit’ irons tna om 2oenaa.sa0, pone iret mnt be pt blonthneeYowse Secitiog frause-st cemspamice: she primary route of entey of the decompoeition producte fe by éntalation. skin Joatsce, evo concact, and ingestion aze possible. Abcorption by skin contact is unlikely, Men theme Jprouucee are used ao recommeded by nisicd and ventilatica maintains exposure to the lasconporst ion proaicte below the Iinite *ccommended in thie section, overexposure fe uxTdksly lettacte of anute lanort Tent cucceapamira to the sooee, fume, and dusts may inelide irritation of the eyes foe. sone aod throat Sy toni gues aesceiated with widing my cae pultoeary cas, Jttoat ierivatien, teadsche, dlszinace, aifticulty in breathios, frequent coughing, or cheat pain [tee preoence of chronion/chronate in fire can saute isritation of nasal abies un shin. the precence for nicket eoxpounds in fume can exuse uetallic taste, aauaea, tightness of the chest, fever, and allergic |reaceton, ixpasure to the fluoride ien nay cause Iypocalsensa-calciu deficiency in the food tnct can ecule in muscle crarpe and Inflammation and across st main materance Jrespiratory function my have syrpeane worsened by expacure t0 welding fuss) hemsrees wach reaction cannot jsteacsa ot chenic ceo-taial_oiskacealte to air contaninants my lead to their aecumation in the fg, @ condition which my bv seen az dense areas an chmst x-Layo. the severity of the change 13 JorocoreSonai ts che lensex of the exposure, ihe changes toen ane noe nocosenrily asboclates with symptoms Jor stane of roauced lung function or dleaace. In addition, tho changes oa x-rays may be eased by tom PPR BO EB Jor factors suck az snaking, etc. tong teen exposure to welding ait allie procestes gises, diate and Fimee nay contribute to pulmonary srritation or paeimoconionie, tehalation of sa mich ire cde Tune OVE fing tine can cause eiderosis, senetines calded"iron pigwiation" of eho lung, which can be scan on @ chose Xeray bat causes 1ietle ox po disabLiity. Michal and chtoelun are ccasidared exrsinogente. Lara tem” Joverexoccure 1 nickel Aimee may alco cme pulmomary ttorosis ant stoes, chromates may esse sn wleesstien |sna pextoraticn of tno nasal septum. Liver danage and allersic skin rach have sleo bean ported, oveseaconure to mnmnsen cng my atest he central neva npaeny sane of wich ave lagi, rvs ayston ia dcrwveraibie, Overexposure to respizable crystalline silica may result in pilicoris & [abiing 1uns disease, cverespoeure to reapisable crystalline silica 1 2 kaon cause of carcinogenicity fio mmans. chronic fluoride absorption can result ip cssuais fluorosis, increased radiographic density Jar the nowes and meting of tne tecth. Welding Funes noe otherwise specified) are possibly caresnogente > banana lease Linite for the ingradients are ated in Section 21. she 1999 05:4 "WH tor welding fume Ja feg/aa. fV-Pene should be ned as 2 guide an the contol of hmslth Isard tad met se lee Lanes betwoen jmercfore'n seatutory samputation of the equivalent eapoauce ig required, The equivalent exjoeute value Se ene welding fine mixture shalt alvaye be Aeae thin one, Mien these poaucte ace unm an rocemeed by eae ox, ant the preventive nengurere taught sn thie MDS are followed, ovorexpomure Co BisntGous [esivsnses wit) not secur lameramicy Fltat Ald Waausere: Ta cave of emeraeacy, call for medical aid. miploy frat ata costings [recomended by be Kod cross. if braathing ir dlitiaule, give cayoen aba eal) for piyetcien. foe slestric Jsnoce, atomcnnect and curn ott tho powr. TE not breathing, Darin arcéeiczal regpiration, preferably maith- fermouth. If no detectable polos, eyia Cardio Pulenary Romuocseatin (cia). inaslarely esi & payeicia Jr are burns, epply cold, Clean compresses and call a physician, te Contact: Flush with water 0 a Least fiftmn winites to temive all ceaidie, vf irritation Deraiots, ateain geaieal aesiatance ‘sein contact Promptly fiush with soap waest bo Tenove weaids, IE Leeitation persist, coneult 2 phyetclan Ingestion: Call a physician or your foidon Coptzol Canter Samediatsiy! Aavise of Section II. lcucraves, alkaline as Gr; Chronic Reid and chronates, ant Chromite ote processias) (Chiomitel as cr; jrv-ai, ccatinmed huran carcinosen Jtecmsn (212) iooraenie eanpounia, of Cri BAD not classified as to human cateinoginloty. TARC-3 linctasettiea ac to cesinoseniaity In humana. a4 not claaaitied 42 x hnan eateiaoen, Jonontan v3) inorganic conpounday aa Ce, uatot-Ln9oluples HERA tuman carcinogen, stusies mort a caaial Jauontun (v1) inorganic conpouras; ae Cr, cortain water insotbable; HERA humaa carcinogen, studies siggott [2 causa! asocciacion between sipanire and cancer) EPR-K knows haran carcinogen, Tate“ esroinogene C2 fasninas nts contiswad himan satosnogen, WIPE known to bn 4 hah oabesneaen, Jomensn vocal: IARC: uiclagaifiable ag a carcinezenicity in hamena. TWW-hE not elaaasfied as a ban yea Saluhte compounds, a Mor TLN-RO confined animal carcinogen vith unkown seLevence to hunae syn rd Kshs Tox which invitee tanto anna stent Vela eve of fsicket, sllovo--iAa80-28¢ vosotbly carcinogenic co murane fer‘ conpounda ~ Inter" Careinogente te humane; MCL; Suhetances thar oaure canoer {n nan aad cat be ficcxer, tienontal ~ iaac-28, Powoibiy carciosqunic to humana) NIP-R. anova to be 3 human eatoinogeh: Jcriaeniologionl stuaies in home. lckel, Tasoluble Compounds, as Mi - STP-K: Now to bo a lina carcinogen; TW-AL: Conf Seaed tam Jesreinogeny WTP-K- Roown abe « hnan eazcinoge. chal, edule Coneaumd, at Mi” MIP-K: Mowm to bo a baman carcinogen) TMi No. elessi¢icd Sosuned to aaks a significant contribution to cancsr riak; Re?-R: Row to be a human caresnogentickel mone ~ IARC'2* Caxcinogenie to lane WAK-I" Gunseanaed that cauom concer fa nan an can Be ined to make « sigaificane contribution to canser rik; WTP K: mown #9 be a him eancinogea, fisoxex nyarenide ~ rate-1; Careinogenic to hunens, PAK: sulevanoes that cause carees in an and can be PRR EC RE [ecouned to makes significant conteibycion t9 canost tisky Mkt fixate be'a human carcinogen, TONAL Jocariemed tanan carcinogen. fucker 'Sunsrntide ~ ken: Rman corcinogsn, etudse support a casual asgoctatéon betwson s3penire and Jomoor, raRc-2+ Carcinoaeatc to himans; HAKCL! Substances that cause canosr in ain snd an be semana’ to piicr-cvmeation Crstcsnste, stsen-cotalline gutsy 863: Crcngmne to horas MEK: Me [siiica tune = TARC-3: Unclasbitiabie (inadequate evidence) as to carcinagenickty im muman. [vanadium pentoxide va0S = 1ARC~28; eossibly carcinogeaic to funana; "Uiské: Hot clagaifiod at & Numan eLaing Pome not otterwine classified) TA20-28- roasihly carcinogense to bamene. ‘poss de grace ean fo wing ot aking, promis Siar Ge woh conte famcer. (calivornia Hoaleh & Safety Coos 25040.9 62 wep.) “ " soma; This product ooutaine ar produces & chantoal kaon to thn State of Cxlstornia to cnse Cancer ena biseh detocts or other reprowiceive bi). [eulidavnin Honlth & Satety Code SECTION VEZ FAEGNIPVGNG WOR GAPE WNDU [ap WER/AETEZCASLA CUNTRCH MURGURES fea and derstand the nanufactueor’a inetrsctione and the precautisnary Iakel on thie prodiet, Box cscan Wena stant ots WSetehy $5 lain ant Stig pba by the tern Meleng Peinsing Cffice, superintensont of Documenta, 0. Bor 273984, Pattaburgh, Thr 26250-7264 for more faccalt co many or tbe followin Méntilatioa: te enough vont {Lation, local exaust at the ate, or both, to hoop the expoeure ‘thin legal Tinite. ip the workse'a Breathing sone ani the generad sree, fumes and ‘nose aust be Rape below the Tifs and the eguvalact eaparure mane compas co 2eae omic Rete Uo reptab fie raptor oat apd seein won eign here rospiratory protection 1s neseacary, A005! approved Tesplestoey protect ise Stouta be used, the selection of tae appropriate Teeplrstery Protection (asst Fsoplsator, bs] should ba baad on the setuel or potential esvborno coneaminonte ‘nd thatr concontcatione present. However, a lasst'® SIO8H approved type Te-2I-e save Ecatechicn’ haar helmet or uae fase eMield vith fSltey Jens, Ae a rule of thu, start with shad which te too

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