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May 26, 2011 www.interaction.



Sue Pleming: 202.341.3814 (Cell) or spleming@interaction.org

Tawana Jacobs: 202.552.6534 or 202.297.1696 (Cell) or tjacobs@interaction.org


G8 urged to do more to protect civil society groups in Arab Spring nations

The following quotes on the Arab Spring and Libya have been released by InterAction, the
biggest alliance of U.S.-based international NGOs doing relief and humanitarian work abroad:

InterAction supports new aid packages to Arab Spring nations Tunisia and Egypt, which are
expected to be announced on Friday at the summit in Deauville, but hopes the G8 leaders will
also try to make it easier for civil society groups, including NGOs, to work in those nations.

“We welcome plans to implement a generous aid package for Egypt, Tunisia and possibly other
Arab Spring nations. But G8 leaders should go one step further and try and improve the working
environment of NGOs and other civil society groups,” said Samuel A. Worthington, president and
CEO of InterAction, many of whose members are working in the region.

“The building of local, democratic institutions requires an active civil society which is not
burdened by heavy-handed government interference,” added Worthington.

NGOs are very concerned for the safety of civilians caught up in the conflict and would like
greater protections for them as well as for people who have fled to border areas and neighboring

“Parties to the conflict have an obligation under the Geneva Conventions to avoid targeting
civilians and to facilitate access by humanitarian agencies to civilians in areas they control.
“There also needs to be closer attention to those who have fled to neighboring nations or are
trapped on the borders with little access to services,” said Worthington.

Visit www.interaction.org/g8g20-resources to learn more about what NGOs are saying about
G8 issues.

InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based nongovernmental international organizations with more than
190 members. Our members operate in every developing country, working with local communities to
overcome poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life. Visit www.interaction.org

InterAction | 1400 16th St. NW, Suite 210, Washington D.C. 20036 | 202.667.8227 | ia@interaction.org

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