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David L. Williams
4623 County Road 42
Auburn, IN 46706-9799
(260) 573-6204

Technical Expertise:
Operating Systems: Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, Ubutnu, SUSE,
KateOS, FreeBSD, and Windows: Server 2008, Server 2003,
Windows 7, Vista, XP Pro.
Languages: Perl, PHP, MySQL, XSLT, XML, HTML, CSS,
Javascript, Java, and C
Misc. Software: Microsoft Office, Open Office, WordPerfect
Office, Maple, Mathmatica, Minitab, Illustrator, Photoshop,
Freehand, and many others too numerous to list.

SOA Examinations: ID# 357599

Exam P/1, Passed (8) - 03/2010
Exam FM/2, Sitting - 08/2010


Master of Science - 05/2007
Major: Mathematics
Overall GPA: 3.93/4.0
Major GPA: 4.0/4.0
Graduate Certificate - 05/2007
Major: Applied Statistics
Bachelor of Science - 05/2005
Major: Mathematics
Honors: With Distinction
Overall GPA: 3.97/4.0
Major GPA: 4.0/4.0

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