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Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, Rizal Technological University, Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong city
Qualitative analysis of the compounds of medicinal importance in Basella rubra Linn was performed on its ethanol, methanol, and aqueous extracts from leaves and stems. Phytochemical
investigation of this plant yielded more than seven (7) different compounds; mainly cardiac glycosides, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, carbohydrates, and reducing sugars. Highest
yield of cardiac glycosides in ethanol extracts leaves and stems, tannins in methanol and ethanol extracts of leaves and stems, respectively, terpenoids in aqueous and ethanol extracts of
stems, carbohydrates in aqueous extracts of stems and reducing sugars were found in aqueous and ethanol extracts of leaves. These secondary metabolites showed inhibitory effects in all
test organisms. The antimicrobial properties of alugbati leaves and stems extracts were tested against Gram-positive bacteria ( Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureaus) and Gram-negative
bacteria (Proteus vulgaris Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella typhii) and pure cultures of fungi such as Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, and Rhizopus stolonifers.
In this study, the results of the various extracts revealed that the maximum activities were exhibited by methanol and aqueous extracts in stems against Salmonella typhii and Proteus vulgaris
whereas, aqueous extracts in leaves showed no inhibitory activity against Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both leaves and stems of ethanol extracts possessed the highest
inhibition for Bacillus subtilis and Salmonella typhii. Alugbati leaves and stems extracts showed antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans and Rhizopus stolonifers. A. niger
has the highest mean inhibition in ethanol extract of stems, and least inhibition in ethanol extract of leaves. No activity was seen in aqueous, and methanol extracts in leaves except Candida
albicans and Rhizopus stolonifers in ethanol extracts of leaves.

INTRODUCTION Table 1. Phytochemical analysis of Basella rubra Linn.

All of the three extracts of Basella rubra Linn. showed
Basella rubra (Malabar nightshade leaves or alugbati), a perennial herb (Alugbati). varying degrees of antimicrobial activities against the test
is abundant and can be found in the backyards in the Philippines. It has organisms, and their effectiveness were assessed by the
spread throughout the tropical countries and is one of the best tropical Phytochemical Aqueous Ethanol Methanol diameter of inhibition zones. In this study, the results of the
spinach widely adapted to a variety of soils (Omar,2004). Alugbati is a Screening Extract Extract Extract various extracts revealed that the maximum activities were
succulent, branched, smooth, twinning, herbaceous vine, several meters Stem Leaves Stem Leaves Stem Leaves exhibited by methanol and aqueous extracts in stems
in length. Leaves are fleshy, ovate or heart-shaped, 5-12cm long, against Salmonella typhii, (29.67mm in stem and in leaves
stalked tapering to a pointed tip with a cordate base. Basella rubra had - + +++ +++ ++ ++
14.33) and Proteus vulgaris (22.67mm) whereas, aqueous
1. Cardiac-Glycosides
been studied to exhibit antimicrobial property against many different test extracts in leaves showed no inhibitory activity against
organisms, with an exception to Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Sen et.al, 2. Saponins ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ +++ Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both
2010). It has an emollient and astringent properties which soften, soothe, 3. Tannins + ++ + +++ +++ +++ leaves and stems of ethanol extracts possessed the highest
and correct dryness and sealing of skin. It also constricts body tissues ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
inhibition for Bacillus subtilis (19.67 mm) and Salmonella
4. Flavonoids
and effective in stopping the flow of blood and other secretion. A typhii (17.67mm). The results indicated that the different
phytochemical analysis of alugbati is necessary in determining the
5. Terpenoids + +++ +++ ++ ++ ++
extracts of alugbati have inhibitory effect on the growth of
essential components which makes the Alugbati a very important plant in 6. Carbohydrates +++ + ++ + ++ + the test organisms due to the active compounds present
pharmaceutical industry. The objectives of the study are:to qualitatively + +++ ++ +++ ++ ++
(Table 3).The immense inhibition of aqueous extract in
7. Reducing sugars
stem may link to the highest presence of carbohydrates in
screen the phytochemical properties of Basella rubra, to determine the Legend: as recorded in Table 1 and the highest presence of Cardiac
effect of using different solvent in the Phytochemical properties of (-) Negative (+) Slight (++) Moderate (+++) Frequent
glycosides of both leaves and stems of ethanol extracts.
Basella rubra and to determine potential antimicrobial activity from the Source: Table 1. Ashutosh, M., Kumar, P., Ranjan, M., Susil, K., Ashutosh, M
2009).Phytochemical Screening of Ichnocarpus Frutescens The highest occurrence of tannins and saponins may
leaves and stems of Basella rubra. Plant Parts, International Journal of Pharmacognosy and
Phytochemical Research,1(1): 5-7. constitute to the inhibition of methanol extracts of both
In this study, table 2 shown the amount of aqueous leaves and stems. In Table 4, Aspergillus niger has the
crude extracts yielded from the various solvents. This highest mean inhibition of 10.33 mm in ethanol extract of
MATERIALS AND METHODS result shown that the different solvent used in the stems, and least inhibition in ethanol extract of leaves. No
extraction method affects changes in the content of the activity was seen in aqueous, and methanol extracts in
extracts. It was also observed that the effects were leaves except Candida albicans (3 mm) and Rhizopus
higher in methanol and aqueous extracts and less in stolonifers (3.67 mm) in ethanol extracts of leaves. There
ethanol extracts. This indicates that the active are several reasons for the lack of antifungal activity in the
constituents of the plant parts have more ability to extract, either the plant part used or the type of extraction
dissolve in methanol and aqueous solvent than ethanol might have resulted in the lack of activity in this study or the
solvents used in this study. Though ethanol solvent time of collection of herbal material and climate, which
produced lower amount of extract they exhibited might, in turn, affect the amount of active constituents in the
relatively higher effect than aqueous and methanol plant material (Obasi et. al, 2010).
solvent which was obtained in lower quantity. It indicates
that the amount of yield does not always influence in
inhibiting the growth of bacteria but the active Figure 1. Comparison of different solvent system extracted from the leaves
and stems of Basella rubra Linn. on the inhibitory activities of Different
compounds found in the extract play a major role microorganisms
(Jeyaseelan et.al, 2011). A single solvent extraction may
not be enough to exhaustively extract certain compounds
responsible for the activity (Hebsibah & DhanaRajan,
Table 2. Average recovery of different solvent extracts from 100g of
alugbati leaves and stems

Different solvent extract Leaves Amount Stems Amount

(mL) (mL)
Aqueous 320mL 290mL
Ethanol 120mL 70mL
Figure 2. Effects of Inhibitory activities different extracts -Aqueous, Ethanol,
Methanol 150mL 180mL and Methanol of leaf and stem in Different microorganisms

Alugbati demonstrate different active compounds such as cardiac
glycosides, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids,
carbohydrates and reducing sugars. However, the presence of
these compounds varies significantly depending on the solvents
used, some solvents showed extreme occurrence of specific
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS compounds and some solvents had minor presence. Furthermore,
the antimicrobial properties of Alugbati have shown substantially
Qualitative analysis of the compounds of Basella rubra Linn were high in all test organisms however depending on the solvents
performed on ethanol, methanol and aqueous extract of leaves and being used. Aqueous extract inhibited some test organism but RECOMMENDATION
stems. The medicinal value of these plants lies in some chemical does not demonstrate consistency since aqueous leaves is the
only extracts that showed inhibition. These results might be
substances that have a definite physiological action on the human body. The phytochemical substances present in alugbati leaf
because different solvents extracted different bioactive
The most important of these bioactive constituents of plants are compounds, and we used polar solvents so that, in effect it only and stem should be isolated and purified to obtain their
alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and phenolic compounds (Hill, 1952). extracted polar compounds. In addition to that these bioactive maximum therapeutic potentials. The sensitivity to other
Phytochemical investigation of this plant has yielded more than 7 compounds may represent the distinction between the inhibition of bacterial strains in Alugbati extract may also be used to
different compounds; mainly cardiac glycosides, saponins, tannins, bacterial and fungal strains especially the inhibition it demonstrate
further analyze the potential of the extract as
in a very resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
flavonoids, carbohydrates, and terpenoids, as shown in Table 1. antimicrobial agent. Other solvents are also
Also the experiment provides some scientific justification for the recommended for the extraction process because we
utilization of the stems and leaves extracts from alugbati to treat only used polar solvents and other non polar solvents
infectious diseases. However, it is important to be further purified extract non polar compounds. It is important to further
through antibacterial activity guided fractionation to isolate,
study the Basella rubra efficacy as an antimicrobial
characterize and elucidate the compound responsible for
antimicrobial activity. agent by isolating specific compounds.

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