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TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Office of he General Counsel December 18, 2009 Julian L. Care, J.D. CERTLSED MAIL, RETURN RECELPT Research Associate REQUESTED 7008 0500 0001 1512 2709 PETA SOE Front St. Norfolk, VA 23510 RE: Texas Public [nvormation Act Request December 4, 2009, Request for WACUC und Other Tn lormation ‘Dear Mr, Cam: ‘On December 4. 2009, Angelo Stae Liniversity (ASU), a component of the Texas Tech University System, revolved your request lor the following information: re and Use Committe (ACUC)-approved protose protocal modifications “or live animal use in physfoiogy courses at ASU; = Worksheets, handouts, lab manus, syllabi and course descriptions related to the use of animals in physiology courses at ASU Qatnary (, 2009-date of fulfitlment) = Allveterinary and a ASU (January |, 2009-date of fulfitiment) = Most recent Institutional Animsl C use records related to the use of animals in physiology courses ar = All adverse event and nozcompliance reports and complaints related to the use of animals 1 physiolgy courses at ASU (January 1, 2008-date of fulfillment) ‘The requested information responsive to reqaasts Gne ane -wo above are enclosed for your review. “There are no dccuments responsive to requests chree and four. If you have any questions or ned anycling farther, please Let me know. Vary teuly yours, Badkl Roiny’f. Wall “Asaoziate Genoral Counsel Enclosures: Approsimesely 92 Pages ‘Box 42021 | tubbodk Texas 79409-2021 | T806,742.2136 | F 806.742.2330 sot Preston Lewis Director, Communications and Marketing Angelo Stale University ASU Stotion #11021 San Angelo, TX 76909-1021 [New policy pasted August 19, 2009] Angelo State University Operating Policy and Procedure OP 56.06: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (FACUC) DATE: August 10, 2009 PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (DP) is to esiablish policies and procedures to comply with the Animal Welfare Act (7 USC, 2131-2159), 28 amended, and the Public Health Service Poliey on Animals in Research, These policies und procedures also follow the guidance provided by the Guide for she Care andl Use of Laboratory Animais (LAR Cvide) pubiisted by the Tnstiute of Laboratory Animal Resourees and the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals tn Agricultura! Research and Teaching (Az Gvide) published by the Federation of Animet Science Societies REVIEW: — This OF will be reviewed by March 1 of every odd-numbered year by the institutional official (0), with recommended revisions forwarded through the vice presidents to the president by March 15. POLICY/PROCEDURE 1. Authority Puiite Lavy 99-158 Angelo Stats University shall establish an Institutional Animal Care end Use Commit (ACUC) in accordance with Public Law 99-158, The president of Angelo State Universi shail appoint the Institutional O*¥icial (10) who, in turn, will appoint fhe members of the JACUC. The 10 and the TACUC, together, are charged lo oveesee the use of vertebrate ‘enimals in cesearoh and teaching in secordance with the federal faw, regulation, and guidelines referenced above, 2, Committee Appointment and Composition ‘The JACUC is appointed by the TO, in censuliation with the dean of the College of Graduate Studies, The membership of Angelo State University’s IACUC will be consistent with ‘pplicable laws, regulations, and guidelines. At minimum, members ill inclnde: 2. Atleast one veterinarians 'b. Atlesst one scientist from each academic department that uses animals, ¢. At least two animal scientists (required by Ag Guide}, 4, One member from the community, and Page 1 ofS oP 56.06 [Now policy posted August 10, 2600] @. Onenon-scientist (note: the community member and the nom-seientist may or may not be the seme person). No department may have more than three members on she IACUC, 3. LACUC Responstbitities The LACUC chall: a, Reviewsthe universily’s program for humane care and use of animals at least once every six months, b. Inspect all of the university's animal facilities, including enimal study ereas at least once every six months, e. Prepare reparls ofits evelaations conducted as required by subscetions (2) znd (b) above, and submit the zeports to the 1O. If deficiencies are noted, the reports must contain & reasonable and specific plan and schedvle with dates for corrosting each daficiency. Auy failure to adhere to the plon and schedule that results in a significant deficiency remaining uncomsctod shall be reported in writing within 15 business days by the LACUC, through 180 10, to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and any federal agency finding that activity: 4. Review and, if warranted, investigate concems involving the care and use of animals ut ‘he university resulting from public complaints and fiom reports of noncompliance received (rom laboratory or university employees; ¢. Make recommeadetions to the 10 regarding any aspect of tho university's aniracl program, fecilities, or personnel taining; 2. Review and approve, require modifications in (fo secure approval), or withkold approval of those components of proposed activities related to the care and use of animals; g. Review and approve, reqprire medifications in {to secure approval), or witkbold approval of proposed significant changes regarding the care and use of animals in ongoing aciivilios; and h. Be authorized Wo suspend ae activity involving animals in accordance with the specications set forth in the regulations reforenccd above, 4. Review of Activities Involving Animals The IACUC shall seview oll university activities related to the care and use of animals and determine whether the proposed activities meet the following requirements fo ensire that: 8, Procedures involving animals will evoid or minimize discomfort, distress, and paia to the animals; b, The pringipal investigator bas considered altematives to procedures that may veuse more then momentary or slight pain or distress Co the animials and has provided ¢ writtoa Page 2 of S OP 56.06 [New policy posted August 10, 2002] arcative desctiption of the methods and sources (ag., the Animal Welfize tnformation Conter was used to detesraine that aitematives were not available); ‘c, The principel investigator has provided writen assurance that the activittes do not necessarily duplicate previous experiments, d. Procedures that may cause more than momentary o: slight pain or distress to the anisnals wit: (2) Be performed with appropziaic sedatives, enalgesics or unesthotics, unless withholding such egents is justified for scientific reasons, ia writing, by the principal investigator ard will continue for only the necessary period of tinue, ©) involve, in their planning, consultation with the attending veterinarian or his of Ber cesignees @) Not inctude the use of paralyties without anesthesia unless setentifically fustified or approved by the IACUC; ¢. Animals thai would otherwise experience severe or chronic pain or distress that cannot be relieved will be painfessty euthanized at the cad of the procedure or, appropriate, during the procedures ‘The animals! tiving conditions will be appropriate for their species and contribute to their ‘health and comfort, The housing, feeding, and noamedicel cate of the animals wall be directed by the attending veterinarian or other scientist trained and experienced in the proper azo, handling, and use of the species being maintained or stucied: Medial care for animats witl be available and provided as necessary by a qualified veterinarian; b. Persounel conducting procedures on the species being maintained or studied will be appropcinicly qualified and (rained in those procedures; i. Activities that involve surgery include appropriate provision for pre-operative and post- Cporative cate of the animals in accordance with established vetorinary medical and nursing practices. All survival surgery will be performed using aseptic procedures, including sugical gloves, masks, sterile instruments, and aseptic techniques. Major ‘operative procedures on non-redionts will he conducted only in facilities intended for that purpose which shall be operated and niaintzined wnder aseptic conditions. Non-major operative procedures and ell surgery on rodents do not require a dedicated fecilty, but must be performed using aseptic procedures. Operative procedures conducted at iekd sites need not be performed in dedicated Zacilitics, but must be pecfocmed using asepie procedures: |. No animal will be used in more than one major operstive procedure from which itis allowed to recover, wnless: {C) Itis justified for seieatific reasons, in wnting, by the principal investigator; Page 30f 5 OP 56.06

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