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Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page

M|crosoft Cert|f|ed I1 rofess|ona| (MCI1)
repared 8y Muhammad 2uba|r
1eacher Mr 1ah|r Caz| (tah|r2k22@hotma||com)
Locat|on Corv|t Lahore (14CIII Gu|berg III)
5tart|ng Date 20
5eptember 2010

MCI1 course cons|sts of 5 Lxams
Lxam1 W|ndows 5even Dep|oyment Lxam Code (70680)
Lxam2 W|ndows 5erver 2008 Network Infrastructure Conf|gur|ng
Lxam Code (70642)
Lxam3 W|ndows 5erver 2008 Act|ve D|rectory Conf|gur|ng
Lxam Code (70640)
Lxam4 W|ndows 5erver 2008 App||cat|on Infrastructure Conf|gur|ng
Lxam Code (70643)
Lxam5 W|ndows 5erver 2008 Lnterpr|se Adm|n|strator
Lxam Code (70647)
8ook source www4sharedcom/d|r/kG|Cbnp/MCI1htm|
assword pak|stan
Couise: NCITP

Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page

Lecturer no1
llrsL module ls relaLed Lo Wlndows 7 ln Lhls course Lhere are malnlv Lwo
operaLlna svsLems one ls Wlndows 7 and second one ls Wlndows 2008 Server 82
Wlndows 2008 Server 82 ls Lhe mosL recenL release of MlcrosofL ln Lhe markeL aL
Lhls Llme Cn cllenL slde flrsL Wlndows vlsLa were used buL Lhere were some
lssues ln Wlndows vlsLa LhaL ls whv Wlndows 7 ls released ln CcLober 2009 lL ls a
facL LhaL new producLs ln a markeL fulflll Lhe requlremenLs of lndusLrles beLLer
Lhan old ones
llrsL lecLure ls abouL Wlndows 7 deplovmenL buL before aolna Lo Lhls we wlll
dlscuss anoLher module called operaLlna svsLem fundamenLals reclselv vou can
sav Wlndows 7 fundamenLals
8elna a svsLem admlnlsLraLor whaL Lhe lndusLrv wlll expecL from vou or whaL ls
Lhe work of a svsLem admlnlsLraLor and whlch Lools ln Lhe operaLlna svsLem vou
can use Lo run lL properlv ln anv envlronmenLs?
1he [ob of Lhe svsLem admlnlsLraLor ls Lo ensure buslness conLlnulLv 8ecause of
anv companv lmporLanL Lhlna ls buslness AL Lhe end of Lhe dav Lhe lmporLanL
Lhlna for a companv ls monev maklna lor all Lhese Lhlnas Lhe proper work of Lhe
lnformaLlon Lechnoloav deparLmenL ls necessarv lL means LhaL a companv needs
Lhe work of a svsLem admlnlsLraLor or neLwork admlnlsLraLor
Some companles buslness ls noL l1 orlenLed buL Lhelr buslness process needs Lhe
work of l1 deparLmenL lor example 8anks does noL alve l1 servlces buL for Lhelr
processes Lo run properlv Lhev need l1 deparLmenL because Lhelr daLa bases wlll
run on a compuLer Lhelr accounL svsLem ls sLored ln a compuLer Lhelr bllllna
svsLem ls on compuLer so lf Lhe compuLer wlll noL work Lhen Lhelr buslness wlll
noL conLlnue
now lL ls Lhe responslblllLv of a svsLem admlnlsLraLor Lo flnd ouL Lhose compuLers
whlch are asseL for a buslness means lf Lhose compuLers wlll noL work or down
Llme comes Lhen buslness wlll noL conLlnue
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Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page

uown Llme means when Lhe buslness ls ouL of servlce lor example lf compuLer
sLop worklna for an hour on whlch bllllna svsLem or credlL cards are avallable Lhen
bllllna svsLem or credlL card process wlll noL work SomeLlmes we see LhaL A1M
machlne ls ouL of servlce means lL's Lhe down Llme of LhaL compuLer Lhen vou
cannoL make anv LransacLlon uown Llme suffer Lhe cusLomers and Lhe companv
wlll lose LrusL of cusLomers All Lhese lssue wlll handle a person called svsLem
admlnlsLraLor whlch ls responslble for buslness conLlnulLv
1here are Lwo approaches wlLh a svsLem admlnlsLraLor
1 eact|ve Approach ln 8eacLlve Approach lf problem occurs Lhen Lhev wlll
Lake acLlons oLherwlse no preparaLlon for LhaL problem ln advance lor
example lf llahL ls aone Lhen Lhev wlll check Lhe aeneraLors lf fuel ls noL
avallable Lhen Lhev brlna fuel from Lhe bazaar and Lhen sLarL lL
2 roact|ve Approach ln proacLlve approach vou musL be menLallv prepared
for all problems and vou musL Lake approprlaLe soluLlons for Lhose
problems lor example ln CorvlL a person ls alreadv prepared Lo sLarL Lhe
aeneraLors lf Lhe llahL ls aone means Lhe admln offlcer has alven Lhls
responslblllLv Lo a person lf Lhls problem occur Lhen vou wlll provlde Lhls
soluLlon lL ls called roacLlve Approach
ln roacLlve Approach Lhe svsLem admlnlsLraLor flrsL ldenLlfv Lhe svsLems
and Lhen he makes a repllca (means copv) Cne svsLem wlll offer servlces
whlle Lhe oLher wlll be ln sLandbv mode lf a problem occurs ln Lhe runnlna
svsLem Lhen Lhe sLandbv compuLer wlll Lake over and wlll provlde servlces
ln Lhls case Lhe down Llme wlll be verv less ln some buslnesses down Llme
ls less affordable and ln some buslnesses down Llme ls noL affordable A
buslness ln whlch down Llme ls noL affordable Lhen svsLem admlnlsLraLors
make clusLers or real Llme repllca CosL wlll lncrease bv decreaslna down
CperaLlna svsLems Lools are malnlv dlvlded lnLo Lwo caLeaorles
1 D|agnost|c ulaanosLlc means problem lndlcaLor lL wlll noL alve
soluLlons buL wlll alve an apparenL wav Lo solve Lhls problem lor
example LhermomeLer onlv checks Lhe LemperaLure lL does noL alve anv
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Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page

medlclne 1he svsLem admlnlsLraLor knowledae ls checked when all Lhe
dlaanosLlc sLeps alves no resulL
2 1roub|e 5hoot|ng
1rouble shooLlna ls done Lhrouah dlaanosLlc Lool uevlce manaaer
(devmamLmsc) ls a Lool or conLrol panel ls a Lool 1herefore dlaanosLlc
ls LhaL Lool whlch lndlcaLes Lhe problem and wlll noL alve anv soluLlon
CperaLlna svsLem malnlv conslsLs of Lwo Lhlnas llrsL one ls dev|ce
dr|vers and second one ls serv|ces lf vour devlce drlvers ls ok and also
vour servlces ls runnlna Lhen lL means LhaL vour operaLlna svsLem ls
worklna properlv
8uL lf Lhe operaLlna svsLem ls noL worklna properlv Lhen vou wlll check
Lhese Lwo devlce drlvers and servlces
llrsL dlaanosLlc Lool ls ms|nfo32 lL alves lnformaLlon abouL svsLem
1vpe ms|nfo32 ln Wlndows 7 run wlndow and press ok
Cllck on componenLs
Cllck on prob|em dev|ces (lf vou check Lhe messaae so lL wlll be
wrlLLen LhaL Lhe devlces are dlsabled lL does noL know LhaL how
Lhese devlces wlll be enabled? lf vou rlahL cllck here noLhlna wlll
now cllck on software env|ronment
Cllck on serv|ces ( lL wlll alve lnformaLlon abouL servlces whlch
one ls sLarL and whlch ls sLop buL vou cannoL sLarL or sLop anv
servlce from here)
lL ls a verv aood Lool vou can sav lL ls a laboraLorv of a compuLer where all
klnds of LesLs can be done ?ou can also check svsLem summarv bv cllck on
Lhe svsLem summarv opLlon ?ou can also check baslc lnformaLlon of
hardware bv cllcklna on Lhe hardware resources opLlon 1hls Lool Lells vou a
bla plcLure abouL Lhe devlces and also abouL Lhe servlces
Lventvwr ls anoLher Lool whlch alves more deLall abouL a problem lL also
alves lnformaLlon abouL new problems llke lf new vlruses are come LvenLs
vlewer means evenLs can show and evenLs are slmplv messaaes lor
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Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page

example lf vou booL vour svsLem someLlmes messaae dlsplav LhaL cerLaln
servlces are falled Lo sLarL 1hese messaaes are saved ln a place called
wlndows loa flles

1vpe eventvwr ln run wlndow and press ok
AfLer execuLlna Lhls command vou wlll see dlfferenL loa flles llke
AppllcaLlon securlLv svsLem eLc buL we are malnlv concern wlLh
svsLem 1hese loas are dependenL on machlne operaLlna svsLem
SecurlLv loa can onlv be vlewed bv svsLem admlnlsLraLor lf vou
open Lhe loas vou wlll see evenLs 1here are manv caLeaorles of
evenLs buL Lhree are verv lmporLanL le error lnformaLlon and
warnlna because Lhev are relaLed wlLh Lrouble shooLlna
lnformaLlon evenLs onlv alve slmple lnformaLlon or reporLlna lL ls
sLored ln a loa because someLlmes lnformaLlonal evenLs solve
vour problem ?ou have Lo remember evenL lds especlallv of
svsLem loas lor example 7036 ld Lells LhaL serv|ce status change
lL wlll alve lnformaLlon whlch one servlce ls sLop and whlch one ls
sLarL means when Lhe sLaLus chanae of whlch servlce AnoLher
evenL ld 6008 whlch Lells abouL un expected shutdown
lf vou wanL Lo sLarL or sLop Lhe servlces Lhen vou wlll run anoLher
Lool called serv|cesmsc
AnoLher dlaanosLlc Lool ls perfmon lL ls used Lo monlLor or LesL hardware's and
1vpe perfmon ln run wlndow and press ok
Cllck on Lhe performance monlLor (lL wlll show cpu memorv
uLlllzaLlon ln araphs reporLs eLc lL can also show vou LhaL how
much load a processor aaln when vou are worklna ln some
appllcaLlons llke word or noLepad)
Couise: NCITP

Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page

Lecture no2
W|ndows 7 dep|oyment
Insta||at|on prerequ|s|tes or m|n|mum hardware requ|rements of w|ndows 7
rocessor 1 Claa herLz
8AM 1 C8
ard ulsk (lree Space) 13 C8
As a professlonal vou should noL keep vour svsLem on Lhese mlnlmum
requlremenLs 8ecause vou wlll lnsLall oLher appllcaLlons also 13 C8 of free space
on a hard dlsk ls mlnlmum requlremenL and 20 C8 ls recommended 1hls space ls
requlred on LhaL parLlLlon on whlch vou are lnsLalllna wlndows 7
Insta||at|on 1ypes
1here are Lwo Lvpes of lnsLallaLlon
1 Manua| Insta||at|on ln Manual lnsLallaLlon we wlll aLLend Lhe lnsLallaLlon
2 Automat|c Insta||at|on ln AuLomaLlc lnsLallaLlon vou wlll noL aLLend Lhe
lnsLallaLlon process fullv
1he lndusLrv ln whlch vou wlll work as a svsLem admlnlsLraLor can be of Lwo
Lvpes Cn ls vendor companv and Lhe oLher ls cusLomer companv
vendor Companv ls LhaL companv whlch provldes compuLers and Lhelr servlces Lo
Lhe cusLomers for example uell
CusLomer Companv ls LhaL companv whlch uses LhaL compuLe for Lhelr buslness
for example banks
8equlremenLs of CusLomer Companv does noL chanae rapldlv buL Lhe
requlremenLs of Lhe vendor Companv chanaes verv rapldlv
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Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page

lor example lf Lhere are 200 brand new machlnes are vou are asked Lo lnsLall
wlndows 7 on all 1hen auLomaLlc lnsLallaLlon ls Lhe besL meLhod Lo use because lL
ls Llme savlna vou can lnsLall wlndows 7 onlv ln one dav
8uL Lhe quesLlon ls how brand new svsLems wlll booL because Lhere ls no
operaLlna svsLem on lL Lhelr hard dlsk ln blank
Second quesLlon when vou normallv lnsLall CS Lhen vou provlde source of
operaLlna svsLem LhaL ls lnserLlna operaLlna svsLem Cu ln Lhe Cu 8CM now for
200 machlnes wlll vou need 200 operaLlna svsLem Cu's? Cf course no leL us
assume LhaL vour lnsLallaLlon process wlll perform from one locaLlon and lL onlv
requlres one operaLlna svsLem Cu and Lhls locaLlon ls called ulsLrlbuLlon Server
whlch dlsLrlbuLe wlndows 7 Lo cllenL compuLers
?ou wlll perform lnsLallaLlon on dlsLrlbuLlon server bv vourself lL ls noL auLomaLlc
whlle lnsLallaLlon on cllenL compuLers wlll be performed bv dlsLrlbuLlon server
rerequ|s|tes of d|str|but|on server
Cn dlsLrlbuLlon server we requlre a servlce Lhrouah whlch we lnsLall operaLlna
svsLem on cllenL compuLers and Lhls servlce ls called w|ndows dep|oyment
serv|ce or WuS 1hls servlce were lnLroduced ln wlndow server 2003 wlLh Lhe
name 8lS (8emoLe lnsLallaLlon Servlces)
equ|rements of WD5
We need Lhree servlces whlch are requlred or vou can sav LhaL Lhese are Lhe pre
requlslLes of WuS
1 AuS (AcLlve ulrecLorv Servlces)
2 unS (uomaln name SvsLem)
3 uC (uvnamlc osL ConflauraLlon roLocol)
4 n1lS arLlLlon on WuS Server
8emember LhaL everv MlcrosofL operaLlna svsLem ls runnlna ln one of Lhe Lwo
envlronmenLs le Workgroup (decenLrallze manaaemenL of resources) and
Doma|n (cenLrallze manaaemenL of resources)
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Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page 8

lf vou wanL Lo use Wlndows ueplovmenL Servlces (WuS) Lhen envlronmenL musL
be domaln ?ou can make domaln envlronmenL bv lnsLalllna AcLlve ulrecLorv
1echnlcallv vou can use WuS for a slnale svsLem also buL MlcrosofL recommend
LhaL lf vou have 30 or more machlnes Lhen use WuS oLherwlse do manual
C||ent Mach|nes rerequ|s|tes
8ooLable nlC (lnslde booLable nlC Lhere ls chlp called 8ooL 8om or xL
booL 8om lL means re 8ooL LxecuLlon LnvlronmenL lf Lhls chlp ls avallable
Lhen lL ls booLable nlC)
now a dav all deskLop compuLers come wlLh Lhls supporL lf Lhere ls no xL
8CM on cllenL compuLer Lhen vou cannoL use WuS When vou booL cllenL
compuLer press l12 for booL menu and Lhen selecL booL from neLwork
Note 8ooLable Cu ls one for whlch vou don'L need operaLlna svsLem Lo run whlle
for non booLable Cu Lo run vou need an operaLlna svsLem
reparat|on of D|str|but|on 5erver
llrsL of all vou wlll lnsLall Wlndows 2008 Server 82 on vour compuLer 1hen vou
wlll lnsLall neLwork servlces (AuS unS uC eLc) from Server Manaaer ln
admlnlsLraLlve Lools ln wlndows 2008 server unS uC eLc are called 8oles
Cllck on Server Manaaer
Cllck on 8oles
Cllck on Add 8oles
Cllck on Server 8oles
SelecL AcLlve ulrecLorv Servlces uC and unS
Cllck on conflrmaLlon
Cllck on lnsLall
lf vou are uslna Wlndows 2008 Server 81 Lhen Lhe conflrmaLlon opLlon wlll noL be
vlslble aL LhaL Llme when vou don'L dlsable uC lv6 sLaLeless mode
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Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page 9

now we have Lo lnsLall WuS lL ls noL necessarv LhaL WuS uC AuS unS musL
be lnsLalled on Lhe same svsLems ?ou can lnsLall WuS on one svsLem and AuS
uC unS on oLher svsLem buL Lhe domaln musL be Lhe same 8uL vou requlre
n1lS parLlLlon on LhaL machlne on whlch WuS ls lnsLall 1he maln advanLaae of
uslna WuS ls Llme savlna
5teps for |nsta|||ng WD5
Cllck on Server Manaaer
Cllck on 8oles Lhen Add 8oles
SelecL Wlndows ueplovmenL Servlce (Lhere are Lwo componenLs of WuS
one ls 1ransporL Server and oLher ls ueplovmenL Sever 1ransporL Server ls
one whlch push operaLlna svsLem and ueplovmenL Server sLores Lhe
lnformaLlon Lherefore selecL boLh componenLs)
Cllck on lnsLall
MlcrosofL has developed a new flle formaL whlch ls WlM (Wlndows lmaalna
lormaL) avallable ln Wlndows 7 Cu 1he sole purpose of maklna Lhls formaL ls
remoLe lnsLallaLlon 1here are Lwo flles wlLh Lhls formaL wlLhln Lhe sources folder
of wlndows 7 Cu Cne ls booLwlm and oLher ls lnsLallwlm ln Lhls case booLwlm
ls LhaL flle whlch sLarLs Lhe machlne and Lhe acLual wlndows ls lnsLalllna bv
Conf|gurat|on of WD5
Cllck on sLarL Lhen wlndows deplovmenL servlces
lL wlll show a warnlna slan LhaL server ls noL veL conflaured
8lahL cllck on lL and selecL conflaure server cllck nexL
?ou wlll see cremoLe lnsLall (n1lS parLlLlon ls requlred for Lhls flle ln case
of 8lS Lhls folder ls noL allowed Lo sLore on C drlve buL now lL wlll alve onlv
a warnlna buL vou can sLore lL on C drlve)
SelecL drlve for Lhls folder and cllck nexL
now Lhere are Lwo opLlons
4 Do not ||sten on port 67 (noLe we have lnsLalled Lwo uC one
uC ls lnsLalled when we selecL add 8ole and oLher uC ls wlLhln
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Piepaieu By: Nuhammau zubaii Coivit Lahoie Page

Lhe WuS whlch ls lnsLalled wlLh WuS 1he uC wlLhln WuS ls noL
compleLe lL alves parLlal supporL and work slmllar wlLh normal
uC Lverv appllcaLlon has a porL number on Lhe lnLerneL l1 has
21 11 has 80 unS has 33 and uC has 67 now Lhere are Lwo
uC so whlch one wlll work 8v selecLlna Lhls opLlon vou are
sLopplna WuS uC
4 Conf|gure DnC opt|on 60 to kLC||ent (when vou selecL Lhls opLlon
lL Lells Lhe cllenL LhaL afLer aeLLlna l address also Lake an lmaae from
Lhls compuLer When uC and WuS are lnsLalled on one compuLer
Lhen make lL a rule of Lhumb Lo selecL Lhese Lwo opLlons)
AfLer cllcklna nexL Lhere are Lhree opLlons
4 Do not respond to any c||ent computer (lL means LhaL don'L sLarL
WuS servlces rlahL now lor example lf vou planned Lo sLarL
deplovmenL on Mondav buL evervLhlna ls readv on lrldav Lhen selecL
Lhls opLlon noL Lo sLarL servlces veL for securlLv reasons because lf
vou don'L check Lhls opLlon and somebodv plua ln hls LA1C Lhen
lnsLallaLlon wlll sLarL)
4 espond on|y to known c||ent computers (lL Lells Lhe server Lo
respond or alve lmaae Lo onlv Lhose compuLer whlch vou know now
how Lhe compuLer wlll be known Lo Lhe server one Lhrouah hls name
whlch ls noL avallable aL Lhls Llme second l address whlch ls also noL
avallable aL Lhls Llme so Lhere musL be a mechanlsm Lhrouah whlch
server know compuLers before lnsLallaLlon 1here are uulu or Culu
of each compuLer whlch wlll provlde vou bv manufacLurer or vendor
and Lhese lus are wrlLLen on Lhe caslna or vou can see lL ln 8lCS
uulu means unlversallv unlque ldenLlfler and Culu sLands for
Cloballv unlque ldenLlfler lL conslsLs of 32 characLers 1hls process ln
whlch vou alve uulu or Culu of cllenL compuLers Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon
server Lo become known Lo lL ls called pre sLaalna
4 espond to a|| (known and unknown) c||ent computers (lL means
LhaL respond Lo everv one or alve lmaae Lo everv LhaL connecL Lo Lhe
neLwork )
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or unknown c||ents not|fy adm|n|strator and respond after
approva| (lL means LhaL lf vou selecL Lhls checkbox Lhen
dlsLrlbuLlon server wlll noL re[ecL lnsLallaLlon on unknown
compuLers buL lL wlll lnsLall CS when admlnlsLraLor allow lL for
lnsLallaLlon 1he unknown devlces lnsLallaLlon wlll be pendlna
ln a folder called pendlna devlces ln a hlerarchv ln Lhls folder
when admlnlsLraLor rlahL cllck on lLs Culu and selecL Approve
Lhen lnsLallaLlon wlll sLarL )
Cllck nexL
now ln Lhe hlerarchv Lhere wlll be Lwo folders one ls booL lmaae and
anoLher one ls lnsLall lmaae
8lahL cllck on booL lmaae and selecL add booL lmaae Lhen browse for
wlndows 7 Cu and cllck on booLwlm flle
8lahL cllck on lnsLall lmaae folder Lhen selecL add lnsLall lmaae browse for
wlndows 7 Cu and cllck on lnsLallwlm flle
AfLer creaLlna Lhese Lwo lmaaes now ln uC vou wlll alve l addresses
LhaL can be asslaned Lo cllenL compuLers durlna lnsLallaLlon
now booL vour cllenL compuLer and press l12 Lo ao Lo booL menu and from
Lhls menu selecL booL from neLwork adapLer lnsLallaLlon wlll sLarL
Note lf vou wanL Lo creaLe an lmaae of Lhe runnlna envlronmenL ln whlch
alona wlLh operaLlna svsLem appllcaLlon sofLware's (word v8 llash eLc) wlll
also be lnsLalled 1hen for Lhls vou wlll use a Lool lMACLx lMACLx ls a WlM
creaLor and modlfler (ClMACLx/capLure) vou wlll aeL lMACLx ln WAlk
(Wlndows AuLomaLed lnsLallaLlon klL) whlch can be downloaded from
mlcrosofcom buL unforLunaLelv aenulne wlndow check wlll be done
All porL numbers can be vlewed ln a flle
lor AcLlve ulrecLorv lnsLallaLlon an acLlve neLwork connecLlon ls requlred lf
vou are worklna on a slnale compuLer wlLhouL neLwork Lhen lnsLall a loop back
adapLer as
Co Lo devlce manaaer bv wrlLlna Lhe command ln run (devmamLmsc)
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now to Ass|gn UUID or GUID to D|str|but|on 5erver
Cllck on AcLlve ulrecLorv users and compuLers
8lahL cllck on compuLer
SelecL new compuLer
Clve anv name Lo compuLer
Cllck nexL Lhen enLer uulu or Culu ln Lhe LexL fleld
now to conf|gure DnC
Cllck on uC ln AdmlnlsLraLlve Lools
8lahL cllck on lv4
SelecL new scope
8lahL Cllck on scope
SelecL acLlvaLe and alve l address ranae
now to start WD5 5erv|ces
Cpen WuS
8lahL cllck and selecL All 1asks
Cllck on new
Cllck on sLarL servlces
lf vou wanL Lo modlfv some opLlons of WuS Lhen open WuS rlahL cllck on lL and
selecL properLles
Lecture no3
D|sk Management
1here are Lwo Lvpes of dlsks wlLh reference Lo operaLlna svsLem
1 8aslc ulsk
2 uvnamlc ulsk
ln 8as|c D|sks we made parLlLlons whlle ln Dynam|c d|sks we made volumes
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1here are Lwo Lvpes of parLlLlons on 8aslc ulsk le pr|mary part|t|on and
extended part|t|on
We make prlmarv parLlLlon because lL sLarLs our machlne 8ooL flles are sLored on
prlmarv parLlLlon ?ou can onlv mark prlmarv parLlLlon as acLlve bv rlahL cllcklna
on LhaL parLlLlon and vou cannoL make an exLended parLlLlon as acLlve
1here are LoLal number of parLlLlons are four lL means LhaL maxlmum numbers of
parLlLlons are 4 ?ou cannoL make more Lhan four parLlLlons because of
archlLecLural llmlLaLlons lf vou wanL Lo make onlv prlmarv parLlLlons Lhen onlv
four drlve leLLers wlll be dlsplav ln Lhe compuLer 8uL lf vou wanL Lo dedlcaLe
separaLe drlves for markeLlna flnance 8 l1 supporL securlLv means for seven
deparLmenLs 1hen vou can make exLended parLlLlon LxLended parLlLlon alves
vou Lhe ablllLv Lo make more Lhan four drlves (noL parLlLlon)
arLlLlon lnformaLlon ls sLored ln a Lable called parLlLlon Lable 1he slze of
parLlLlon Lable ls 64 bvLes Cne parLlLlon descrlpLlon consumes 16 bvLes 1haL ls
whv 16 x 4 64 1herefore vou can onlv make four parLlLlons
lL ls noL necessarv LhaL onlv operaLlna svsLem can reslde on a prlmarv parLlLlon
whlch ls acLlve Cn acLlve parLlLlon onlv booL secLor on whlch booL conflauraLlon
daLa ls sLored ?ou can lnsLall operaLlna svsLem on oLher loalcal drlves also 8ASlC
ulsk cannoL alve some advance or enLerprlse feaLures 1haL feaLures are
|mproved performance and fau|t to|erance (ablllLv of a svsLem Lo conLlnue work
of one of Lhe svsLem componenL fallure)
uvnamlc dlsk were lnLroduced ln wlndows 2000 Dynam|c D|sk provldes Lhese
Lwo feaLures one ls lmproved performance and second one ls faulL Lolerance ln
dvnamlc dlsk volume lnformaLlon ls sLored ln 1 M8 daLa base lL ls for laraer Lhan
64 bvLes
Cpen dlsk manaaemenL bv uslna dlskmamLmsc command from run wlndow
lor hard dlsk or sLoraae admlnlsLraLlon Lhere are Lwo Lools Cne ls D|sk
Management and Lhe oLher ls D|skpart command
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ulsk manaaemenL ls a araphlcal Lool whlle dlskparL ls a command llne Lool for dlsk
admlnlsLraLlon ulsk parL alves advance admlnlsLraLlon of sLoraae devlces lL ls
lnLroduced ln wlndows 2003
1vpes of volumes ln uvnamlc ulsk
1 Slmple volume (requlre 1 dvnamlc dlsk)
2 Spanned volume (requlre 2 32 dvnamlc dlsks)
3 SLrlped volume (requlre 2 32 dvnamlc dlsks)
4 Mlrror volume (requlre onlv 2 dvnamlc dlsks)
3 8Alu3 volume (requlre 3 32 dvnamlc dlsks)
?ou can converL 8ASlC ulsk Lo u?nAMlC ulsk wlLhouL loss of daLa buL all daLa wlll
be losL when vou converL uvnamlc dlsk lnLo 8aslc dlsk 8ecause vou can
accommodaLe 64 bvLes ln 1 M8 8uL vou cannoL sLore 1 M8 daLa lnLo 64 bvLes
8v araphlcal Lool vou can make Lhree prlmarv parLlLlon and one exLended
parLlLlon ln 8aslc ulsk lf vou wanL Lo devlaLe from Lhls sLrucLure Lhen vou wlll use
ulskparL Lool
5teps for mak|ng part|t|on |n 8as|c D|sk
8lahL cllck on dlsk
CreaLe new
Clve slze of parLlLlon
Asslan drlve leLLer
lormaL drlve and cllck flnlsh
ln Lhls case vou can make Lhree prlmarv parLlLlon and one exLended
ln order Lo run Lhe CS or Lo make Lhe hard dlsk usable vou musL make prlmarv
parLlLlon lL means LhaL prlmarv parLlLlon ls necessarv whlle exLended ls noL
5teps for mak|ng vo|umes |n Dynam|c D|sk
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1 5|mp|e vo|ume ls [usL llke parLlLlon 8lahL cllck on Lhe allocaLed space and
selecL make new slmple volume follow Lhe sLeps and cllck flnlsh
2 5panned vo|ume requlres aL leasL Lwo dvnamlc dlsks 8lahL cllck on Lhe dlsk
and selecL spanned volume Add dlsks for spanned volume Lhen selecL
space flrsL from one dlsk Lhen selecL space from anoLher dlsk for spanned
volume lL wlll show Lhls comblned space wlLh one drlve leLLer Spanned
volume ls Lhe onlv volume LhaL comblnes unequal spaces lL wlll nelLher
alve lmproved performance nor faulL Lolerance lL alves onlv Lhe ablllLv Lo
use scaLLered space on dlfferenL dlsks lf vou remove one hard dlsk Lhen Lhe
whole drlve become un accesslble
3 5tr|pe vo|ume alves lmproved performance ln read and wrlLes operaLlon
SLrlp volume Lakes equal space from each dlsk lor example lf vou wanL Lo
copv a flle of 3 M8 on sLrlpe volume of Lwo dlsks Lhen flrsL 64 k8 wlll sLore
on dlsk 1 and nexL 64 k8 wlll be sLored on dlsk 2 and so on unLll Lhe whole
flle ls copled lL means LhaL 23 M8 ls sLored on dlsk 1 and 23 M8 ls sLored
on dlsk 2 8oLh hard dlsks are lndependenL of each oLher boLh hard dlsks
head ls used ln readlna and wrlLlna ln a flle LhaL ls whv lL wlll alve fasL read
and wrlLe response
4 M|rror vo|ume alves faulL Lolerance feaLure and lmproved performance
onlv ln read operaLlons Mlrror volume requlres onlv Lwo dvnamlc dlsks
Cne flle wlll be copled ln boLh hard dlsks LhaL ls whv lf one hard dlsk ls
falled Lhe flle ls sLlll avallable on oLher hard dlsk LhaL ls whv lL ls called faulL
Mlrror volume uses 30 slze for faulL Lolerance When vou rlahL cllck on
Lhe dvnamlc dlsk and selecL new mlrror volume 1hen selecL boLh dlsk and
alve space for example 300 M8 from one and 300 M8 from oLher buL lL wlll
show onlv 300 M8 ln Lhe LoLal volume because lL use anoLher 300 M8 for
faulL Lolerance 8oLh dlsks wlll have same drlve leLLer for mlrror volume
Mlrror volume can be made bv Lwo wavs Cne meLhod ls Lo creaLe mlrror
bv slmplv cllck on one dvnamlc dlsk and selecL creaLe mlrror volume
Second meLhod ls rlahL cllck on alreadv creaLed volume wlLh daLa and
selecL add Lo mlrror LlLher boLh dlsks wlll have unallocaLed space (for
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creaLlna mlrror) or one dlsk has unallocaLed space (add Lo mlrror) for mlrror
1here ls a dlfference beLween backup and faulL Lolerance laulL Lolerance ls
Lhe fallure of a componenL (hard dlsk) whlle backup ls dlsasLer recoverv
(flood flre earLh quake)
3 AID5 vo|ume ls noL posslble ln cllenL verslon of operaLlna svsLem laulL
Lolerance ls a server slde feaLure ?ou can onlv make 8Alu3 volume ln
server verslon of operaLlna svsLem lL requlres mlnlmum 3 hard dlsks lor
example we have 3 dlsks and we wanL Lo make 8Alu3 volume LeL's Lake a
space 600 M8 from Lhese 3 hard dlsks lL wlll lnLernallv dlvlde each hard
dlsk ln Lhree sllces ln Lwo sllces lL wlll keep daLa and on one sllce lL wlll
sLore sLrlpplna lnformaLlon SLrlpplna lnformaLlon ls used for daLa recoverv
So on 3 hard dlsks LoLal space ls for 8Alu3 volume ls 1800 M8 ln whlch
1200 M8 for daLa and 600 M8 for sLrlpplna lnformaLlon lf one dlsk ls falled
lLs daLa can be recovered on Lhe basls of sLrlpplna lnformaLlon buL lf Lwo
hard dlsks are falled Lhen vou cannoL recover daLa ln 8Alu3 wasLaae of
space ls verv mlnlmum as compared Lo oLhers

D|skpart Commands
ulskparL command ls used for advance manaaemenL of dlsks ln C1 (Cul
based arLlLlon 1able) vou can make 128 parLlLlons
1vpe cmd ln 8un wlndow
now Lvpe D|skpart ln command llne lnLerface and press enLer
ulskparL ||st d|sk (press enLer lL wlll show all Lhe avallable dlsks ln
Lhe svsLem)
ulskparL ||st vo|ume (press enLer lL wlll dlsplav all volumes on all
ulskparL se|ect d|sk 2 (press enLer lL wlll selecL hard dlsk 2 and now
all operaLlons wlll be performed on dlsk 2 ln Lhls case)
ulskparL create vo|ume s|mp|e s|ze 500 (press enLer 1hls command
wlll creaLe a slmple volume on dlsk 2)
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ulskparL create vo|ume str|pe s|ze 300 d|sk 0 1 (press enLer 1hls
command wlll creaLe a sLrlpe volume from Lwo dlsks 0 and 1 because
mlnlmum requlremenL for sLrlpe volume ls 2 and wlll Lake equal slze
of 300 from boLh dlsks)
ulskparL create vo|ume m|rror s|ze 250 d|sk 0 2 (press enLer lL wlll
creaLe a mlrror volume on Lwo dlsks 0 and 2 because mlrror volumes
requlre onlv Lwo dlsks for maklna volumes lL wlll Lake equal slze
from boLh dlsks)
ulskparL se| vo| 1 (press enLer lL wlll selecL volume 1)
ulskparL add d|sk 2 (press enLer lL wlll perform add mlrror meLhod
of creaLlna mlrror volume ln whlch one ls exlsLlna volume 1 and lL wlll
Lake un allocaLed space from dlsk 2)
ulskparL create vo|ume ra|d s|ze 200 d|sk 0 1 2 (press enLer 8ald3
requlres aL leasL 3 hard dlsks lL wlll Lake 200 M8 space from each
drlve for maklna rald volume buL Lhls command onlv works on server
noL on cllenL)
ulskparL se|ect d|sk 1 (press ok uesk 1 wlll be selecLed because for
spanned volume flrsL we Lake slmple volume and Lhen exLend lL Lo
spanned volume ?ou cannoL make spanned volume dlrecLlv)
ulskparL deta|| d|sk (press ok lL wlll dlsplav deLall lnformaLlon abouL
dlsk 1 because ln flrsL command we have selecLed dlsk 1)
ulskparL se|ect vo|ume 2 (press ok ln Lhls command we have
selecLed volume 2 on dlsk 1 because lL ls a slmple volume)
ulskparL extend s|ze 500 d|sk 0 (press ok 1hls command wlll creaLe
spanned volume from dlsk 1 and dlsk 0 ulsk 1 ls alreadv selecLed and
we exLend lL on dlsk 0)
ulskparL ass|gn |etter I (press enLer lL wlll asslan drlve leLLer ! Lo Lhe
selecLed volume)
ulskparL deta|| vo|ume (press enLer 1hls command wlll show
lnformaLlon abouL selecL volume)
ulskparL create part|t|on pr|mary s|ze 500 (press enLer lL wlll creaLe
prlmarv parLlLlon of 300 M8 on 8ASlC dlsk)
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ulskparL create part|t|on extended s|ze 400 (press enLer lL wlll
creaLe exLended parLlLlon on baslc dlsk of slze 400 M8)
ulskparL create part|t|on |og|ca| s|ze 200 (press enLer lL wlll creaLe
a loalcal parLlLlon wlLhln exLended space of slze 200 M8)
Note lf drlve leLLers ls flnlshed Lhen lnsLead of asslanlna leLLer vou wlll use mounL
polnL as (ulskparLasslan mounL c folder name (enLer)
5cr|pt|ng ulskparL ls baslcallv used for scrlpLlna ScrlpL ls a flle ln whlch
commands are wrlLLen LoaeLher and saved as a baLch flle wlLh baL exLenslon
Cpen a noLe pad flle
WrlLe Lhe followlna commands
SelecL dlsk 1
CreaLe parLlLlon prlmarv slze 200
CreaLe parLlLlon exLended slze 300
CreaLe parLlLlon loalcal slze 100
Save Lhls flle LesLbaL ln C drlve
now flrsL selecL C drlve Lhen wrlLe Lhe followlna command
C ulskparL /s LesLbaL (press enLer lL wlll creaLe Lhe above parLlLlons on
dlsk 1)
?ou can expand a parLlLlon bv asslanlna more space from oLher drlves unallocaLed
space bv uslna shrlnklna wlLhouL loss of daLa

Network sett|ng
1o seL properLles of a neLwork ls called neLwork seLLlna ln wlndows 2008 Lhere ls
a mandaLorv supporL of lv6 Some of Lhe uLlllLles ln wlndows 2008 use lv6 llke
dlrecL access and wlndows meeLlna space uefaulL proLocol of wlndows 2008 ls
lv6 lor example lf vou Lvpe cplna loopback (enLer)
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lv4 ls a 32 blL address and lv6 ls 128 blL address lv4 sLrucLure ls represenLed
ln doLed declmal formaL whlle lv6 sLrucLure ls represenLed ln hexadeclmal
formaL ln lv4 each ocLaLe ls separaLed bv doL () whlle ln lv6 each 16 blLs block
ls separaLed bv colon ()
lv4 address 19216811
lv6 address 43 f 3 c 210
lf ln lv6 conLlauous 0's are presenL Lhen lL ls represenLed bv colon onlv lor
l 00000003 Lhen vou can wrlLe lL as l3
lv6 ls also called nexL aeneraLlon address
Network propert|es selecL lv6 lf vou are uslna wlndows meeLlna space
lf mulLlple neLwork connecLlons are avallable Lhen vou can seL prlorlLv lor Lhls
press AL1 kev on Lhe kevboard menu wlll be dlsplaved Lhen cllck on advance
opLlon Lhen cllck on advance seLLlna and use arrow kevs Lo move up Lhe
connecLlon ln Lhe prlorlLv llsL
?ou can vlew baslc lnformaLlon abouL a neLwork bv selecLlna neLwork properLles
vou wlll see Lhe followlna Lhlnas
I Address lL ls an lv4 address of Lhe compuLer
5ubnet Mask lL ls used Lo flnd ouL neLwork ln subneL mask all Lhe neLwork blLs
are 1 and hosL blLs are 0
Defau|t gateway lL ls Lhe address of a rouLer
DN5 5erver unS converL name lnLo l address
Dev|ce Management 1here are Lwo caLeaorles of devlces Cne ls called lua and
lav devlces and Lhe oLher ls called non lua and lav devlces 1vpe devmamLmsc
(MlcrosofL console) ln run wlndow Lo enLer lnLo devlce manaaer
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|ug and |ay dev|ces has Lhe quallLv LhaL Lhere drlvers are alreadv lnsLalled ln
Lhe operaLlna svsLem lf vou run devmamLmsc Lhen a llsL of plua and plav devlces
wlll be dlsplaved 8lahL cllck on each drlve and selecL properLles Lhen vou can
perform some operaLlons llke updaLe drlver rollback or dlsable drlver eLc
Non |ug and |ay dev|ces need drlvers Lo be lnsLalled for worklna 1hese are noL
alreadv lnsLalled vou have Lo lnsLall Lhem when vou plua lL 1o vlew non plua and
plav devlces cllck on Lhe vlew opLlon ln Lhe menu and Lhen selecL show hldden
devlces AfLer Lhls non plua and plav devlces wlll be dlsplaved ln Lhe devlce
manaaer Cllck on anv non plua and plav devlce selecL properLles Lhen cllck on
drlvers and Lhen cllck sLop lf vou wanL Lo sLop Lhe devlce
emote Management
lf vou wanL Lo perform manaaemenL of a svsLem whlch ls avallable ln oLher
counLrv or aL some remoLe locaLlon Lhen vou wlll use remoLe manaaemenL lL ls
lnLroduced ln wlndows 2003
8u (8emoLe ueskLop roLocol) ls alwavs runnlna beLween svsLems afLer
esLabllshlna a remoLe deskLop sesslon 1hls proLocol uses a porL number
llrsL of all vou wlll check connecLlvlLv of Lwo svsLems bv uslna plna command
ulsable flre wall on LaraeL compuLer lor remoLe loaalna vou wlll need Lo know l
address or name of Lhe LaraeL compuLer ?ou wlll enable Lhe opLlon of allowlna
remoLe access opLlon on Lhe LaraeL compuLer ?ou can ao Lo Lhe remoLe seLLlna
bv presslna wlndows kev+ ause break kev Lhen cllck on remoLe seLLlnas Lhen
check elLher second opLlon or Lhlrd opLlon for allowlna access
now Lvpe mstsc (M|crosoft term|na| serv|ces c||ent) ln Lhe compuLer from where
vou wanL Lo esLabllsh remoLe sesslon AfLer Lhls vou wlll alve l address or name
of Lhe LaraeL compuLer 1hen cllck on opt|ons Lhen cllck on exper|enced tab Lhen
selecL LAn (10 meaa blLs per second) Lhen cllck on advance tab and selecL
connecL and don'L warn me for fasL loaalna Lhen cllck on connect buLLon When
vou enLer Lo Lhe LaraeL compuLer lL wlll be loa off lf vou wanL Lo remoLelv loa on
Lo server machlne and Lhe oLher user ls also loaaed ln Lhen vou wlll do Lhls bv
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cllcklna bv adm|n|strat|ve too|s Lhen selecL remote desktop serv|ces Lhen cllck on
remote desktop sess|on host conf|gurat|on Lhen cllck restr|ct each user to a
s|ng|e sess|on and selecL lL No
?ou can copv and pasLe flles from remoLe compuLer Lo vour compuLer because ln
wlndows 2008 cllpboard ls shared
Lecture no5
8ranchCache lL ls a new feaLure of Wlndows 2008 Server 82 LhaL speeds up
branch offlce access Lo flles hosLed on remoLe neLworks bv uslna a local cache
1hls feaLure ls noL avallable ln prevlous verslon of Wlndows 2008 Server 81 and ln
oLher operaLlna svsLems llke wlndows server 2003
lor example lf a companv have a cenLral offlce ln karachl and branch offlce ln
eshawar 8ranch offlce users wanLs Lo access some daLa from cenLral offlce Lhen
a requesL ls senL bv one of Lhe branch offlce compuLers Lo Lhe cenLral offlce
server 1he daLa ls dellvered Lo Lhe branch offlce compuLer bv cenLral offlce now
lf anoLher compuLer wanLs Lhe same daLa from cenLral offlce Lhen he wlll noL senL
a requesL Lo Lhe cenLral offlce server lnsLead Lhe cllenL checks Lhe cache on Lhe
branch offlce LAn Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe requesLed daLa ls alreadv cached
lf Lhe daLa ls cached alreadv a check ls made Lo see lf Lhe daLa ls up Lo daLe and
wheLher Lhe cllenL has permlsslon Lo access lL
lf Lhe daLa ls noL alreadv cached Lhe daLa ls reLrleved from Lhe server and placed
ln Lhe cache on Lhe branch offlce LAn 1hls Lechnlque ls called 8rachCache 8uL ln
8ranchCache onlv lnLerneL daLa ls sLored
8ranchCache reduces Lrafflc on WAn llnk and speeds up Lhe response Llme
8rachCache for network f||e ls anoLher feaLure of 8ranchCache LhaL sLores non
web relaLed daLa le onlv sLores lnLernal neLwork flles and folders
8ranchCache cover web daLa ln branch offlce ln order Lo cache (sLore) cenLral
slde daLa Lwo Cache Modes are used ln branch offlce
1 D|str|buted Cache Mode ln dlsLrlbuLed Cache Mode Lhe cenLral offlce daLa
ls sLored onlv on cllenL compuLers runnlna wlndows 7 on Lhe branch offlce
neLwork When a cllenL runnlna Wlndows 7 reLrleves conLenL over Lhe
WAn lL places LhaL conLenL lnLo lLs own cache lf anoLher 8ranchCache
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cllenL runnlna Wlndows 7 aLLempLs Lo access Lhe same conLenL lL ls able Lo
access LhaL conLenL dlrecLlv from Lhe flrsL cllenL raLher Lhan havlna Lo
reLrleve lL over Lhe WAn llnk When lL accesses Lhe flle from lLs peer lL also
coples LhaL flle lnLo lLs own cache 1he advantage of d|str|buted cache
mode |s LhaL vou can deplov lL wlLhouL havlna Lo deplov a server runnlna
Wlndows Server 2008 82 locallv ln each branch offlce
2 nosted Cache Mode ln hosLed Cache Mode Lhe cenLral offlce daLa ls onlv
sLored ln Lhe hard dlsk of a dedlcaLed server ln branch offlce osLed Cache
mode uses a cenLrallzed local cache LhaL hosLed on a branch offlce server
runnlna Wlndows Server 2008 82When cllenLs needs LhaL daLa Lhev wlll
onlv requesL Lo Lhe dedlcaLed server lnsLead of sendlna requesLs Lo Lhe
cenLral offlce 1he advantage of nosted Cache mode over ulsLrlbuLed
Cache mode ls LhaL Lhe cache ls cenLrallzed and alwavs avallable osLed
Cache mode requlres a compuLer runnlna Wlndows Server 2008 82 be
presenL and conflaured properlv ln each branch offlce ?ou musL conflaure
each 8ranchCache cllenL wlLh Lhe address of Lhe 8ranchCache hosL server
runnlna Wlndows Server 2008 82
uependlna on whlch 8ranchCache mode ls used LhaL cache ls elLher hosLed on
a server runnlna Wlndows Server 2008 82 or ln a dlsLrlbuLed manner amona
cllenLs runnlna Wlndows 7 on Lhe branch offlce neLwork
1he 8ranchCache feaLure ls avallable onlv on compuLers runnlna Wlndows 7
LnLerprlse and ulLlmaLe edlLlons 8ranchCache can cache onlv daLa hosLed on
Wlndows Server 2008 82 flle and Web servers ?ou cannoL use 8ranchCache Lo
speed up access Lo daLa hosLed on servers runnlna Wlndows Server 2008 81
Wlndows Server 2003 or Wlndows Server 2003 82
5teps for 8ranch Cache |n nosted Cache Mode at 8ranch off|ce
Co Lo Server Manaaer
Cllck on 8ole Lhen cllck on add 8ole (for lnsLalllna flle servlces and
8ranchCache for neLwork flles)
Check llle Servlces ln Lhe llsL and cllck nexL
SelecL 8ranchCache for neLwork flles
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Cllck flnlsh
now for lnsLalllna 8ranchCache cllck on leaLures
Cllck on Add leaLure
SelecL 8ranchCache and cllck on lnsLall
5teps for enab||ng c||ents for 8ranchCache at branch off|ce
ln order Lo lnsLall 8rachCache on cllenL compuLers aL branch offlce vou have Lo
modlfv aroup pollcv ln Lhe domaln envlronmenL Lhere ls defaulL aroup pollcv
1herefore modlfv Lhls pollcv and lL wlll be auLomaLlcallv applled on cllenL
1vpe gpmcmsc (Lhls ls a uLlllLv whlch ls used Lo modlfv aroup pollcv) ln run
wlndow and press enLer
AfLer applvlna Lhls command aroup pollcv manaaemenL snap ln wlll be
dlsplaved expand lL
Cllck on domaln Lhen cllck on aroup pollcv ob[ecLs
now rlahL cllck on defaulL domaln pollcv and choose edlL
Cllck on compuLer conflauraLlons
Cllck on ollcles
Cllck on AdmlnlsLraLlve 1emplaLes
Cllck on neLwork
Cllck on 8ranchCache
now aL Lhe rlahL hand slde wlndow flve opLlons wlll be dlsplaved
8lahL Cllck on 1urn on 8ranchCache and choose edlL
SelecL Lhe enable radlo buLLon Lo enable lL
now rlahL cllck on set 8ranchCache d|str|buted cache mode and choose
SelecL enable radlo buLLon Lo enable lL
now rlahL cllck on set 8ranchCache hosted cache mode and choose edlL
SelecL enable radlo buLLon Lo enable lL
lor hosLed mode vou wlll enLer lCun (lullv Cuallfled uomaln name 1o
check lCun rlahL cllck on compuLer selecL properLles and check Lhe pc
name Lhen check domaln name and comblne boLh whlch ls called lCun)
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8lahL cllck on Conf|gure 8ranchCache for network f||es and choose edlL
Cllck on Lhe enable radlo buLLon 8ranchCache becomes acLlve when Lhe
roundLrlp laLencv Lo a compaLlble server exceeds 80 mllllseconds
8lahL cllck on 5et ercentage Cf D|sk 5pace Used or C||ent Computer
Cache and choose edit
Cllck on enable radlo buLLon Lhe cache slze defaulLs Lo 3 of Lhe LoLal dlsk
space of Lhe cllenL compuLer
lor securlLv of Lhe svsLem we normallv use Lhree Lools Cne ls AnLl vlrus
second one ls wlndows defender and Lhlrd one ls flrewall
Ant| V|rus ls used Lo proLecL Lhe svsLem from vlruses whlle w|ndows defender
proLecLs Lhe svsLem from spvware (unwanLed sofLware) and f|rewa|| conLrol
access Lo vour compuLer from ouLslde
Cllck on wlndows flrewall ln conLrol panel and vou can make lL off or on ln Lhe
W|ndows |rewa|| w|th Advanced 5ecur|ty
CreaLe a rule ln Advance seLLlnas
?ou can creaLe Lwo Lvpes of rules ln flrewall Cne ls called lnbound 8ule and
Lhe oLher ls called CuLbound 8ule 1he process for conflaurlna lnbound rules
and ouLbound rules ls essenLlallv Lhe same
SelecL lnbound rule and Lhen cllck new 8ule 1hls opens Lhe new
lnbound 8ule Wlzard
now selecL Lhe Lvpe of rule vou wanL creaLe ?ou can selecL beLween a
proaram porL predeflned or cusLom rule
?ou would creaLe a cusLom rule lf vou wanLed a rule LhaL applled Lo a
parLlcular servlce raLher Lhan a proaram or porL ?ou can also use a
cusLom rule lf vou wanL Lo creaLe a rule LhaL lnvolves boLh a speclflc
proaram and a seL of porLs lor example lf vou wanLed Lo allow
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communlcaLlon Lo a speclflc proaram on a cerLaln porL buL noL oLher
porLs vou would creaLe a cusLom rule
lf vou declde Lo creaLe a proaram rule vou Lhen need Lo speclfv a
proaram for whlch Lhe rule applles lf vou choose a porL rule vou musL
choose wheLher Lhe rule applles Lo Lhe 1C or Lhe uu proLocol ?ou
musL also speclfv porL numbers
ln Lhe nexL sLep vou speclfv whaL acLlon Lo Lake when Lhe flrewall
encounLers Lrafflc LhaL meeLs Lhe rule condlLlons
A||ow the connect|on allows Lhe connecLlon lf Lhe Lrafflc meeLs Lhe rule
8|ock the connect|on blocks Lhe connecLlon lf Lhe Lrafflc meeLs Lhe rule
nexL seL Lo All l addresses and flnlsh lL

Lecture no6
8lLLocker ls a securlLv feaLure LhaL provldes encrvpLlon of full volume
(drlve) daLa whlch ls confldenLlal Lo Lhe companv LncrvpLlon prevenLs
daLa from readlna unLll decrvpLlon
8efore 8lLLocker LlS (LncrvpLlon llle SvsLem) were used Lhls ls a parL of
Lhe n1lS 8uL LlS onlv provldes flle level encrvpLlon whlle 8lLLocker
provldes drlve or volume level encrvpLlon

easons of us|ng 8|tLocker
lf a compuLer ls sLolen from Lhe companv whlch have confldenLlal daLa
relaLed Lo Lhe buslness of Lhe companv lL ls verv cruclal lf Lhls daLa ls
reached lnLo Lhe hands of a compeLlna oraanlzaLlon
unlversal serlal bus (uS8) flash devlces presenL a slmllar problem
eople ofLen use Lhem Lo Lransfer lmporLanL daLa from home Lo Lhe
workplace 8ecause Lhese devlces are small Lhev are easv Lo mlsplace
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When one of Lhese devlces ls losL Lhere ls a chance LhaL some senslLlve
daLa mav flnd lLs wav lnLo Lhe hands of a compeLlna oraanlzaLlon
8lLLocker handles Lhese problems lf vou losL a compuLer vour daLa wlll
be un accesslble Lo oLher persons lf Lhev wanL Lo reLrleve lL lL prevenLs
an aLLacker from recoverlna daLa from a sLolen compuLer
WlLhouL Lhe 8lLLocker encrvpLlon kev Lhe daLa sLored on Lhe volume ls
lnaccesslble 8lLLocker sLores Lhe encrvpLlon kev for Lhe volume ln a
separaLe safe locaLlon
Cllck on 8lLLocker urlve LncrvpLlon ln ConLrol anel
Cllck 1urn Cn 8lLLocker wlzard wlll be sLarLed
now lL wlll ask a meLhod how Lo unlock Lhe drlve LhaL ls bv uslna a
password or use SmarL card or AuLomaLlcallv unlock Lhe drlve on
Lhls compuLer
SelecL anv one of Lhe above opLlons and cllck nexL
now lL wlll ask how do vou wanL Lo sLore vour recoverv kev 1he
followlna opLlons wlll be avallable
4 Save Lhe recoverv kev Lo a uS8 llash drlve
4 Save Lhe recoverv kev Lo a flle
4 rlnL Lhe recoverv kev
SelecL anv one of Lhe above and cllck on save
Cllck nexL
SLarL encrvpLlna

ulrecLAccess ls an auLomaLlc connecLlvlLv soluLlon LhaL allows cllenLs runnlna
Wlndows 7 Lo connecL seamlesslv Lo Lhe corporaLe lnLraneL Lhe momenL Lhev
esLabllsh a connecLlon Lo Lhe alobal lnLerneL lL ls Lhe feaLure of wlndows server
2008 82 on server slde and wlndows 7 on cllenL slde
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ulrecLAccess ls an alwavson lv6 lsec vn connecLlon lf a properlv conflaured
compuLer ls able Lo connecL Lo Lhe lnLerneL ulrecLAccess auLomaLlcallv connecLs
LhaL compuLer Lo a properlv conflaured corporaLe neLwork
D|fference between D|rectAccess and 1rad|t|ona| VN
1he connecLlon process ls auLomaLlc and does noL requlre user lnLervenLlon
or loaon 1radlLlonallv users musL lnlLlaLe vn connecLlons Lo Lhe
corporaLe lnLraneL manuallv
ulrecLAccess ls bldlrecLlonal wlLh servers on Lhe lnLraneL (Companv) belna
able Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhe cllenL runnlna Wlndows 7 ln Lhe same wav LhaL
Lhev would lf Lhe cllenL was connecLed Lo Lhe local area neLwork (LAn) ln
manv LradlLlonal vn soluLlons Lhe cllenL can access Lhe lnLraneL buL
servers on Lhe lnLraneL cannoL lnlLlaLe communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe cllenL
ulrecLAccess provldes admlnlsLraLors wlLh areaLer flexlblllLv ln conLrolllna
whlch lnLraneL (Companv neLwork) resources are avallable Lo remoLe users
and compuLers
1he followlna four sLeps musL be keep ln mlnd whlle uslna ulrecLAccess
1 ldenLlfv cllenL compuLers
2 Conflaure neLwork lnLerfaces
3 ldenLlLv lnfrasLrucLure servers (uC unS)
4 ldenLlfv AppllcaLlon Servers
now to |nsta|| D|rectAccess
Co Lo Server Manaaer and cllck on leaLures
Cllck on Add leaLures
SelecL ulrecLAccess ManaaemenL Console ln Lhe llsL and cllck nexL
AfLer lnsLallaLlon press close buLLon
now to |nsta|| CA (Cert|f|cate Author|ty)
Co Lo Server Manaaer and cllck on 8oles
Cllck on Add 8oles
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SelecL AcLlve ulrecLorv CerLlflcaLe Servlces from Lhe llsL and cllck nexL
Slmplv cllck nexL nexL and Lhen cllck on lnsLall
now to Issue Cert|f|cate
1vpe mmc command ln Lhe run wlndow
Cllck on llle menu and selecL Add/8emove Snapln
SelecL cerLlflcaLe and cllck add buLLon
SelecL compuLer accounL and cllck nexL
Cllck on llnlsh and Lhen cllck ok
now open Lhe console cllck on personal
Cllck on cerLlflcaLe and aL Lhe rlahL slde rlahL cllck and selecL All Lasks
now cllck on 8equesL new CerLlflcaLe and cllck nexL
Cllck nexL and selecL uomaln ConLroller
llnallv cllck on Lnroll
now lf vou wanL Lo check wheLher Lhe cerLlflcaLe ls asslaned or noL 1o check cllck
on sLarL buLLon Lhen selecL CerLlflcaLe AuLhorlLv and Lhen cllck on cerLlflcaLe
lssued now aL Lhe rlahL slde vou wlll see Lhe compuLer name
rov|de two consecut|ve L|ve ub||c I's and mu|t|p|e network Connect|on
lor ulrecLAccess companv need Lo purchase Lwo llve publlc l's from anv
now lnsLall Lwo neLwork adapLers because ulrecLAccess wlll noL work on
slnale neLwork adapLer (for pracLlce vou can lnsLall loop back adapLer 1o
lnsLall loopback adapLer ao Lo devlce manaaer bv Lvplna devmamLmsc
command ln Lhe run wlndow now rlahL cllck and selecL leaacv hardware
and cllck on neLwork adapLer cllck on nexL Lhen selecL MlcrosofL and Lhen
selecL loopback adapLer and lnsLall lL)
now rlahL cllck on one connecLlon and asslan one llve publlc l and Lhen
cllck on Lhe advance buLLon and alve anoLher llve publlc l 1hls connecLlon
wlll be used for lnLerneL
now rlahL cllck on Lhe oLher connecLlon and alve sLaLlc l 1hls connecLlon
wlll be used for companv own neLwork
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1urn Cn |rewa||
lor ulrecLAccess vou need Lo Lurn on Lhe flrewall ln Lhe compuLer Cllck on
conLrol panel Lhen selecL flrewall and Lurn lL on lf noL enabled
now to Make C||ents and Group
Cllck on sLarL buLLon and selecL AcLlve ulrecLorv users and CompuLers
Cllck on compuLer and aL Lhe rlahL slde rlahL cllck and selecL new
Clve name Lo Lhe compuLe and cllck nexL Lhen flnlsh
Slmllarlv add requlred number of compuLer
now rlahL cllck and selecL new aroup
Clve name Lo Lhe aroup and cllck ok
now rlahL cllck on Lhe aroup and selecL properLles
Cllck on members
Cllck on llnd now and selecL Lhe members from Lhe llsL and add Lhem
now to Conf|gure D|rectAccess
Cllck on sLarL buLLon and selecL ulrecLAccess ManaaemenL Console
Cllck on seLup
ln sLep 1 cllck on conflaure buLLon
Cllck on Advance buLLon
Cllck on llnd now buLLon
SelecL vour aroup and cllck on Add
1hen ln sLep 2 cllck on conflaure buL vou cannoL ao forward lf vou haven'L
Lwo publlc l's
Mob|||ty Cpt|ons (Cff||ne ||e)
Cffllne llles ls a feaLure relevanL Lo porLable compuLers LhaL allows conLenL LhaL ls
sLored on shared folders Lo be cached Lemporarllv on moblle compuLers so LhaL lL
can sLlll be accessed and worked on when Lhe moblle compuLer ls no lonaer
connecLed Lo Lhe offlce envlronmenL When Lhe compuLer reconnecLs Lo Lhe
envlronmenL LhaL hosLs Lhe shared folder Lhe offllne conLenL ls svnced updaLlna
Lhe conLenL on servers and cllenLs as necessarv
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?ou can use Lhe Cffllne llles feaLure Lo ensure access when a cllenL compuLer ls
ouL of Lhe offlce or when a Lemporarv dlsrupLlon such as a wlde area neLwork
(WAn) llnk falllna beLween a branch offlce and a head offlce blocks access Lo
speclallv conflaured shared folders
When a user makes a flle avallable for offllne access Wlndows 7 sLores a copv of
LhaL flle wlLhln a local cache When Lhe flle server LhaL hosLs Lhe flle ls no lonaer
avallable such as when a user dlsconnecLs from Lhe neLwork Lhe user can
conLlnue Lo work wlLh Lhe flle sLored wlLhln Lhe local cache When Lhe flle server
LhaL hosLs Lhe flle becomes avallable Wlndows 7 svnchronlzes Lhe copv of Lhe flle
ln Lhe cache wlLh Lhe copv of Lhe flle hosLed on Lhe shared folder
Cpen flle properLles
Cllck on Advance buLLon
Cllck on Share flle
Cllck on Cachlna
SelecL Cffllne seLLlnas
1here wlll be opLlon for manual cachlna auLomaLlc cachlna and no cachlna
and also a check box for opLlmlzaLlon performance
SelecL vour approprlaLe opLlon and cllck flnlsh

Manag|ng W|ndows Update rocess
1he Wlndows updaLe conLrol panel ls Lhe prlmarv Lool vou use Lo manaae
sofLware updaLes on cllenLs runnlna Wlndows 7 1hrouah Lhls conLrol panel a
user wlLh AdmlnlsLraLor prlvlleaes ls able Lo check for updaLes chanae updaLe
seLLlnas revlew lnsLalled updaLes and revlew hldden updaLes
Cllck on wlndows updaLes ln conLrol panel
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Cllck on Lurn on wlndows updaLes whlch ls recommended
now cllck on chanae seLLlnas Lhe followlna opLlons wlll be dlsplaved
389aII Upda9e8 Au942a9icaIIy (Rec422e3ded) Wlndows updaLe lnsLalls
updaLes auLomaLlcallv aL Lhe Llme speclfled 1hls ls Lhe defaulL seLLlna for
Wlndows updaLe
4w3I4ad Upda9e8 Bu9 Le9 Me Ch448e Whe9her T4 389aII 1hem updaLes
are downloaded Lo Lhe compuLer and Lhe user ls noLlfled LhaL Lhe updaLes
are avallable for lnsLallaLlon
Check F4r Upda9e8 Bu9 Le9 Me Ch448e Whe9her T4 4w3I4ad A3d 389aII
The2 1he user ls noLlfled LhaL updaLes are avallable for download and

Lecture no7
Mon|tor|ng and Cpt|m|zat|on
lL ls a proacLlve approach Lo monlLor Lhe performance of vour svsLem and prepare
a basellne Lo convlnce manaaer of vour companv for up aradaLlon or replaclna of
1here are some Lermlnoloales assoclaLed wlLh performance monlLorlna 1hev are
Cb[ect Ma[or componenLs of a svsLem ls called ob[ecL lor example 8AM ard
ulsk rocessor ls ob[ecLs Cb[ecLs can be hardware or sofLware
Counter 1o check dlfferenL aspecLs of Lhe same ob[ecL ls called counLer
Instance MulLlple of Lhe same ob[ecL ls called lnsLance
8ott|eneck When Lhe componenL ls overloaded Lhen lL ls called boLLleneck
8ase||ne Averaae performance ls called basellne lL convev averaae load
1here are Lwo Lvpes of monlLorlna whlch are
1 ea| 1|me Mon|tor|ng 8eal Llme monlLorlna means Lo monlLor Lhe svsLem
ob[ecLs aL Lhe presenL momenL lL ls slmllar when vou are waLchlna a llve
maLch 1vpe erfmon ln Lhe run wlndow Lhen cllck on + slan Lo open
counLers ln Lhe performance monlLor Cllck on processor and selecL
processor Llme cllck on add and Lhen ok
2 Log Mon|tor|ng Loa MonlLorlna means Lo record or save Lhe monlLorlna
lnformaLlon 1vpe perfmon ln Lhe run wlndow Lhen cllck on Lhe Data
co||ector sets Lhen cllck on user def|ned Lhen r|ght c||ck and selecL new
Lhen selecL Data Co||ector 5eL Lhen g|ve name Lhen create manua||y cllck
on next Lhen cllck on create data |ogs selecL performance counter Lhen
cllck next Lhen add counter cllck ok Lhen next cllck samp|e |nterva| Lhen
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next and selecL root d|rectory and cllck f|n|sh 8uL Lhe Loa monlLor wlll be
sLop unLll vou sLarL lL bv rlahL cllcklna and selecL sLarL
Command ||ne Mon|tor|ng
Second meLhod Lo monlLor Lhe performance of a svsLem ls bv uslna
commands llrsL Lvpe cmd ln Lhe run wlndow Lo enLer ln Lhe command llne
C typeperf "processor (_1ota|)processor t|me" (press enLer)
ln Lhe above command processor ls an ob[ecL _LoLal ls an lnsLance and
processor Llme ls a counLer
Ctypeperf "memory (_tota|)pages/sec" (press enLer)
8uL when vou enLer Lhls command lL wlll alve an error messaae because ln
case of memorv Lhere ls no lnsLance Lherefore doesn'L use _LoLal ln memorv
now aaaln run memorv ob[ecL wlLh processor ob[ecL ln Lhe followlna
Ctypeperf "processor (_1ota|)processor t|me" memorypage/sec"
(press enLer)
?ou can also enLer lnsLance number of processor lf Lhere are mulLlple
processor ln vour svsLem lnsLead of LoLal lor example
Ctypeperf "processor (3)processor t|me" (press enLer)
1|p vou can converL resulLs of a command Lo a flle as CIConf|gtest|og

Commands for Log mon|tor|ng
C |ogman create counter test c "processor(1)processor t|me (press
1he loa flle ls bv defaulL ln sLop mode vou wlll sLarL lL ln command prompL as
C|ogman start test (press enLer)
C|ogman stop test (press enLer lf vou wanL Lo sLop lL)
1hese loa flles wlll be sLored ln Lhe rooL dlrecLorv of loas flles

8ackup and estore
A SvsLem lmaae ls a copv of all Lhe flles and folders on Lhe svsLem dlsk (and
oLher speclfled hard dlsks) on a compuLer ?ou can use a SvsLem lmaae backup
Lo resLore Lhe compuLer Lo exacLlv whaL lLs conflauraLlon was when Lhe
SvsLem lmaae backup was creaLed
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uo noL sLore vour backups on a separaLe parLlLlon on a slnale hard drlve on
vour compuLer lf vou lose Lhe hard drlve due Lo hardware fallure or afLer a
vlrus aLLack vou also lose vour backup
ln wlndows server 2003 ntbackup command were used Lo sLarL a backup
process buL lL has been dlsconLlnued now
ln wlndows server 2008 wbadm|nmsc command ls used Lo sLarL a backup
process Cn server 2008 wlndows backup ln noL lnsLalled bv defaulL whlle ln
wlndows 2003 lL ls bv defaulL lnsLalled
now to Insta|| 8ackup |n 5erver 2008
Co Lo server manaaer and cllck on feaLures
Cllck on add feaLure
SelecL wlndows server backup
Cllck lnsLall
now to take 8ackup |n W|ndows 7
8ackup source and desLlnaLlon can'L be same ?ou can selecL Lhe followlna as
backup desLlnaLlon
A second internal hard drive
An exLernal hard drlve
uS8 flash drlves
neLwork locaLlon
un the 8ackup w|zard
Cpen ConLrol anel cllck backup and resLore and cllck seLup backup
Cllck nexL
SelecL a desLlnaLlon volume for example a second lnLernal hard dlsk
drlve or a uS8 exLernal hard dlsk drlve
Cllck nexL Cn Lhe SeL up 8ackup paae selecL LeL Me Choose Cllck
Cllck sLarL backup

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Lecture no1
Lxam2 W|ndows 5erver 2008 Network Infrastructure
Conf|gur|ng Lxam Code (70642)

DnC (Dynam|c nost Conf|gurat|on rotoco|)
We can asslan l addresses Lo Lhe compuLer bv Lwo wavs 1hev are

1 Manua| I Conf|gurat|on (5tat|c I)
2 Automat|c I Conf|gurat|on (Dynam|c I)

uC alves flexlblllLv or ease of admlnlsLraLlon Lo Lhe svsLem admlnlsLraLor
ln Manual l conflauraLlon we wlll cllck on Lhe properLles of Lhe neLwork
adapLer and alve l address manuallv whlch ls called SLaLlc l address lf vou
have 310 compuLers Lhen lL ls easv Lo manuallv asslan l addresses Lo Lhem

8uL lf vou have a larae envlronmenL havlna 1000 of compuLers Lhen lL ls
qulLe dlfflculL Lo asslan l addresses manuallv 1here musL be an easv wav Lo
perform Lhls Lask and Lhe easv wav ls Lo use uC server ln uC or
AuLomaLlc l ConflauraLlon Lhe l addresses are auLomaLlcallv asslaned Lo
Lhe cllenL compuLers whlch are called uvnamlc l address

lor Lhe flrsL Llme when a compuLer needs l address from uC LhaL has no
l address of uC nor does lL have lLs own l address Lhen lL broadcasL
uC ulscover packeL on Lhe neLwork
1hese uC dlscover packeL ls reached Lo all Lhe devlces on Lhe neLwork lf
Lhe uC server lles ln Lhe broadcasL domaln of Lhe cllenL Lhen lL wlll accepL
Lhe cllenL requesL and asslan lv4 l address Lo Lhe cllenL
CommunlcaLlon beLween cllenL and uC sever occurs ln four sLeps whlch ls
also called DCA (ulscoverv Cffer 8equesL AcknowledamenL)

1 C||ent 8roadcast DnC D|scover acket
ln Lhe flrsL sLep Lhe cllenL compuLer send a messaae on Lhe neLwork Lo
flnd ouL Lhe uC server 1hls messaae ls called uC ulscover
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Messaae whlch ls broadcasLed bv cllenL compuLer CllenL broadcasL
because when a cllenL does noL know l address of uC server Lhen
Lhe onlv wav wlLh Lhe cllenL Lo communlcaLe and flnd ouL Lhe uC
server ls Lo broadcasL

2 DnC 5erver Un|cast DnC Cffer acket to the c||ent
ln Lhe second sLep when uC server recelves Lhe cllenL uC
ulscover messaae Lhen Lhe uC server alve replv and sends a
messaae wlLh Lerms and condlLlons and avallable l address Lo Lhe
cllenL whlch ls called uC Cffer

3 DnC C||ent send a DnC request message to the DnC server
ln Lhe Lhlrd sLep when Lhe cllenL compuLer recelves Cffer from uC
server lL accepL Lhe offer and send a requesL Lo Lhe uC server Lo
alve me Lhe l address conLalned ln Lhe uC Cffer messaae

4 DnC 5erver sends a DnC Ack message to the DnC c||ent
ln sLep number four when uC server recelves cllenL requesL messaae
1hen lL checks Lhe avallablllLv of Lhe requesLed l address ln pool lf lL ls sLlll
avallable Lhen uC server sends an Ack (AcknowledamenL) messaae Lo Lhe
cllenL LhaL vou can use Lhls l address

Note now a quesLlon arlses LhaL how Lhe uC server knows LhaL Lhls
packeL ls for me? 1he answer ls LhaL when a cllenL sends a requesL Lo Lhe
uC server lL sends also porL number 68 whlch ls used for uC requesL
Cne server slde porL 68 ls used 8oLh are well known porL numbers
I Lease Lease means for a speclflc amounL of Llme 1he defaulL Llme for
leaslna l addresses ls 8 davs buL vou can lncrease or decrease Lhe lease
Llme Lease Llme means LhaL afLer Lhls Llme cllenL wlll release Lhe currenL l
address and wlll requesL for new l address from uC server lf Lhe uC
server ls onllne Lhen lL wlll aaaln asslan l address Lo Lhe cllenL buL lf Lhe
uC server ls noL avallable Lhen aaaln lL wlll walL for half Llme Lhen walL
for 873 less Llme explres AfLer Lhls lf cllenL dld noL flnd Lhe uC server
Lhen lL sLarLs searchlna of anoLher uC server on Lhe neLwork
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8enef|t of Lease Durat|on 8ecause of lease duraLlon cllenL conflauraLlon
wlll be updaLed auLomaLlcallv Lo reflecL chanaes ln neLwork lnfrasLrucLure

Insta||at|on of DnC 5erver

re equ|s|tes of DnC
1here are Lwo pre requlslLes for uC lnsLallaLlon
1 SLaLlc l address musL be asslaned Lo Lhe compuLer
2 Server based operaLlna svsLem musL be lnsLalled on Lhe compuLer

lf vour compuLer fulfllls Lhese Lwo crlLerla Lhen vou can lnsLall uC server on
vour compuLer
5teps of DnC Insta||at|on
Co Lo Server Manaaer and cllck on 8oles
Cllck on Add 8oles
SelecL uC Server from Lhe llsL
Cllck on conflrmaLlon buLLon ( lf vou are uslna 81 Lhen dlsable sLaLeless
mode of uC 8ecause afLer LhaL conflrmaLlon buLLon wlll be vlslble)
Cllck lnsLall and Lhen close
5teps of DnC Conf|gurat|on
Cllck on sLarL buLLon ao Lo admlnlsLraLlve Lools
Cllck on uC servlces
8lahL cllck on scope and selecL new scope
Clve name Lo Lhe scope (vou can alve anv name)
Clve ranae of l addresses (vou can deflne a pool of l addresses here)
Cllck on nexL
Add excluslon and delav (lf vou wanL Lo exclude some l addresses from Lhe
l pool add Lhem ln Lhe excluslon now uC wlll never asslan Lhese l
addresses Lo Lhe cllenLs SubneL delav ln mllllseconds means LhaL uC
server wlll asslan l addresses Lo cllenL ln random amounL of Llme ln order
Lo avold dupllcaLlon of ls)
Cllck on nexL buLLon
ueflne Llme for Lhe lease duraLlon whlch ls 8 davs bv defaulL and cllenL wlll
send renew requesL afLer 30 Llme of Lhe lease Means ln case of 8 davs
cllenL wlll send renew requesL afLer 4 davs
Cllck on nexL and Lhen flnlsh
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Act|vate 5cope
8v defaulL Lhe scope ls dlsable vou have Lo acLlvaLe lL because wlLhouL acLlvaLlon
uC wlll be unable Lo asslan l addresses Lo Lhe cllenLs
8lahL cllck on Lhe scope
SelecL acLlvaLe
lf vou wanL Lo check wheLher uC server has asslaned l address or noL
cllck on Lhe leases folder
lf vou wanL Lo asslan Lhe same l address Lo Lhe cllenL everv Llme when he
requesLs for renewal Lhen vou wlll deflne reservaLlons
SelecL cllenL reservaLlons
8lahL cllck and selecL new reservaLlon
Clve name
Asslan l and MAC addresses

lf vou wanL Lo release Lhe l address bv force from Lhe cllenL Lhen alve Lhe
followlna command ln command prompL
Ipconf|g /re|ease
lf vou wanL Lo renew l address of a cllenL use Lhe followlna command
Ipconf|g /renew
1o show all deLalls of Lhe compuLer on Lhe neLwork Lhen use Lhe command
Ipconf|g /a||

DnC Cpt|ons
uC opLlons provlde cllenLs wlLh addlLlonal conflauraLlon parameLers More
Lhan 60 uC sLandard opLlons are avallable buL mosL common are
003 defaulL aaLewav address of Lhe rouLer
006 unS address
013 unS sufflx (CorvlLcom)
044 Wlns address (for name resoluLlon neL8los name resoluLlon)
046 node Lvpes
5teps of sett|ng opt|ons
8lahL cllck on scope
Conflaure opLlon
003 rouLer
006 unS Server
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Add addresses for boLh
unS name CorvlLcom
044 wlns server

DnC Database
uC daLabase ls sLored ln wlndows svsLem32 dhcp dhcpmdb
ln everv daLabase loa flles ls musL sLored wlLh lL 1here are Lwo advanLaaes of loa
flle Cne lL lmprove performance and Lhe second one ls Lhe recoverv 1he loa flle
ls [50|og uC sLores lnformaLlon flrsL ln loa flles Lhen Lransfer lL Lo Lhe
I50chk lL ls a check polnL flle ln whlch Lhe uC checks Lhe flle LhaL how manv ls
Lransferred and how manv remalns from loa flle Lo Lhe daLabase
I5 lL ls a reserved loa flle lf Lhe loa flle ls full Lhen lL uses Lhe reserved flle for
savlna lnformaLlon

8ackup and estore of DnC
lL ls verv easv ln 2008 server ?ou can onlv wrlLe Lhe followlna command
C netsh dhcp server backup dhcpbackup (press enter)
ln svsLem32 Lhls back up ls sLored wlLh Lhe name of dhcpbackup flle
lf someLhlna ls happen Lo Lhe dhcp Lhen vou can resLore Lhe backup flle of dhcp
?ou can resLore Lhe dhcp backup bv Lhe followlna command
C netsh dhcp server restore dhcpbackup (press enter)
AfLer resLorlna Lhe dhcp backup vou have Lo sLop Lhe dhcp and aaaln sLarL Lhe
dhcp ln order Lo funcLlon properlv as
C net stop dhcpserver (press enter)
C net start dhcpserver (press enter)

When a compuLer wanLs Lo communlcaLe wlLh dhcp Lhen he broadcasL 8uL lf
Lhere ls rouLer lnslde Lhe cllenL and dhcp server 1hen as we know LhaL rouLer
does noL allow broadcasL Lhen whaL should be done 1here are Lwo soluLlons for
Lhls one 8lC1342 CompllanL 8ouLer buL Lhere ls no rouLer 1he second meLhod ls
Lo lmplemenL Dhcp e|ay Agent lL converLs Lhe cllenL broadcasL lnLo a unlcasL so
LhaL lL can pass from rouLer Lo reach Lo Lhe dhcp server
lf vou wanL Lo check whlch l ls asslaned Lo whlch compuLer Lhen vou can check lL
from aud|t |og whlch ls placed ln Lhe dhcp folder ln svsLem32
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AIA (Automat|c r|vate I Address) lf Lhere ls a neLwork ln whlch 3 or 7
compuLers and vou selecL obLalns l auLomaLlcallv 8uL Lhere ls no dhcp server
Lhen Lhese compuLers asslan AlA addresses and broadcasL Lo each oLher 1he
AlA address ls 169234xv
1o check Lhe l address before asslanlna ls called confllcL deLecLlon

MAC ||ter|ng lL ls Lhe feaLure of server 2008 82 ln whlch vou can fllLer Lhe
compuLers bv MAC address lf LhaL compuLer ls comes ln Lhe allow llsL Lhen dhcp
wlll asslan l address oLherwlse dhcp wlll noL asslan anv l address Lo Lhls
compuLer lf vou wanL Lo sLop a compuLe from belna asslanlna an l address Lhen
add Lhe MAC address ln Lhe denv llsL of fllLerlna
Cllck on lllLerlna 1here are Lwo opLlons one ls Allow and Lhe oLher ls uenv
8lahL cllck on Allow and selecL new fllLer
Clve MAC address of Lhe compuLer vou wanL Lo allow and also alve
ress ok
now rlahL cllck on Lhe uenv and selecL new fllLer
Clve MAC address of Lhe compuLer vou wanL Lo denv
Cllck ok

5uper 5cope lf vour uC l pool ls flnlshed Lhen vou can creaLe anoLher pool
and comblne Lhem wlLh Lhe help of super scope

Lecture no2
Doma|n Name 5ystem
uomaln name SvsLem ls used for name LranslaLlon lnLo l address or vou can sav
LhaL lL ls used for name resoluLlon
AcLlve ulrecLorv cannoL work wlLhouL unS unS converL name of Lhe compuLer
lnLo l address unS works ln a hlerarchv unS use lCun (lullv Cuallfled uomaln
name) unS onlv Lells Lhe l Lo oLhers
When we wanL Lo communlcaLe wlLh a compuLer we alve name raLher Lhan l
address because lL ls dlfflculL Lo remember l address as compared Lo names lor
example wwwvahoocom
1hls name ls onlv for Lhe beneflL of Lhe human lL ls LranslaLed lnLo an l address
Lo reach Lhe desLlnaLlon 1he LranslaLlon process of a name ls called name
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name resoluLlon sLarLs from rlahL Lo lefL 1here ls anoLher " AfLer com buL lL ls
hldden 1hls dot ls called root |eve| doma|n When a requesL ls senL Lo Lhe rooL
domaln for LranslaLlon lL forwards Lhls requesL Lo com domaln whlch ls called top
|eve| doma|n Com passes Lhe requesL Lo vahoo domaln whlch ls called 2
doma|n ?ahoo Lhen sends Lhe requesL Lo www whlch ls called host name
SLrucLure of Lhe unS ls dlsLrlbuLed over Lhe lnLerneL lL means LhaL Lhe name
resoluLlon Lask ls noL asslaned Lo onlv compuLer raLher lL ls dlsLrlbuLed over Lhe
DN5 Cuer|es
1here are Lwo Lvpes of querles ln unS
1 ecurs|ve Cuery lL aoes from unS cllenL Lo unS server lLs answer ls
compleLe means processlna ls compleLe
2 Iterat|ve Cuery lL aoes from unS server Lo unS server lLs answer ls noL
compleLe means lLs replv ls referral lLeraLlve querv ls used Lo reach from
one unS Lo anoLher unS lL keeps Lhe replv for 60 mlnuLes ln hls cache

now to Insta|| DN5
Cllck on server manaaer
Cllck on 8oles
Cllck on Add 8ole
SelecL unS Server from Lhe llsL
Cllck on lnsLall
uaLabase of unS ls called Zone Cr parLlLlon of uomaln name Space represenLed
bv uomaln name ls called Zone
When vou cllck on Zone Lhen vou wlll see Lwo zones one ls lorward Lookup Zone
and 8everse Lookup Zone
orward Lookup 2one sends name and aeL l address of Lhe compuLer
Whlle everse Lookup 2one sends l address and aeL name of Lhe compuLer
now Lhe quesLlon arlses LhaL lf we know l address of Lhe compuLer Lhen whv we
need name of Lhe compuLer 1he answer ls LhaL lf flrewall ls lnsLalled on Lhe
compuLer Lhen flrewall sLop or allow Lrafflc on Lhe basls of name LhaL ls whv
reverse lookup zone ls used Lo converL l address ln Lhe name
5teps to create a zone
SelecL lorward Lookup Zone
8lahL cllck on lL and selecL new zone
Clve name Lo Lhe zone
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now rlahL cllck on Lhe newlv creaLed zone
CreaLe a new hosL
Clve name Lo Lhe hosL
Clve l address Lo Lhe hosL
esource ecords
8esource records are Lhe unS daLabase enLrles Lo answer unS cllenL querles
name Lvpe and daLa 1he cllenL querv ls alwavs shown under Lhe name LlLle unS
server answer alwavs shown under Lhe daLa LlLle ln Lvpe dlfferenL Lvpes of
records ls shown Common records ln unS are A (name Lo l) 18 (reverse of A)
S8v Mx MS SCA eLc
2one 1ypes
1here are four Lvpes of Zone Lhev are
1 r|mary DN5 2one lL ls a sLandard zone whlch ls wrlLeable
5teps to create r|mary 2one
8lahL cllck on Lhe lorward Lookup zone
SelecL Lo creaLe a new zone
SelecL rlmarv Zone from Lhe llsL uncheck Lhe checkbox below because
Lhen lL wlll ao Lo Lhe acLlve dlrecLorv lnLearaLed unS zone
2 5econdary DN5 2one lL ls also a sLandard zone whlch ls read onlv lor
secondarv zone lL ls necessarv LhaL vou allow zone Lransfer ln prlmarv zone
8lahL cllck on zone selecL zone Lransfer Lab and check zone Lransfer check
box 8ecause all Lhe enLrles of Lhe prlmarv zone wlll be copled Lo Lhe
secondarv zone and lf Lhe prlmarv zone ao down Lhen secondarv zone can
be acLed as prlmarv zone
5teps to create 5econdary 2one
CreaLe a zone
SelecL lLs Lvpe secondarv
now alve l address of Lhe masLer unS server
Clve l address and cllck on nexL
Conflaure noLlflcaLlon auLomaLlcallv
Clve l of prlmarv unS

3 Act|ve D|rectory Integrated DN5 2one lL ls also a wrlLeable zone 1o make
AcLlve ulrecLorv lnLearaLed zone Lhe machlne musL be a uomaln ConLroller
8CuC (read onlv domaln conLroller) feaLure ls onlv avallable ln server 2008
82 1he domaln conLroller musL be wrlLeable noL read onlv because lL ls
more secure 1here ls a securlLv Lab ln Lhe Au lnLearaLed zone lL ls a mulLl
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masLer sLrucLured ln case of Au lnLearaLed zone unS daLabase wlll be
repllcaLed as a parL of domaln repllcaLlon
4 5tub 2one lL ls bv naLure secondarv lL has no daLabase of lLs own lLs loads
Lhe daLabase from masLer unS lL onlv Lakes selecLlve records noL Lhe
compleLe daLabase 1hree records nS SCA and Clue A wlll Lransfer lnLo
sLub zone SLub ls read onlv
unS uses porL 33 for communlcaLlon and lL uses boLh 1C and uu proLocols
uvnamlc unS (uunS) ls used Lo auLomaLlcallv updaLe l addresses ln unS when
chanaed bv uC ?ou wlll enable uunS opLlon ln Lhe Zone properLles Lo secure

Lecture no3
everse Lookup 2one
uomaln name SvsLem (unS) servers can enable cllenLs Lo deLermlne Lhe unS
name of a hosL based on Lhe hosLs l address bv provldlna a speclal zone called a
reverse lookup zone A reverse lookup zone conLalns polnLer (18) resource
records LhaL map l addresses Lo Lhe hosL name Some appllcaLlons such as
secure Web appllcaLlons relv on reverse lookups
A reverse lookup Lakes Lhe form of a quesLlon such as Can vou Lell me Lhe unS
name of Lhe compuLer LhaL uses Lhe l address 192168120?
A speclal domaln Lhe lnaddrarpa domaln was deflned ln Lhe unS sLandards and
reserved ln Lhe lnLerneL unS namespace Lo provlde a pracLlcal and rellable wav Lo
perform reverse querles ln reverse lookup zone Lhe l address ls wrlLLen ln
reverse order

Dynam|c Updates |n DN5
WlLh Wlndows Server 2008 a uC server can enable dvnamlc updaLes ln Lhe
unS namespace for anv one of lLs cllenLs LhaL supporL Lhese updaLes
lf Lhe cllenLs are belona Lo Lhe pre2000 famllv of compuLers Lhen Lhev are
unaware of Lhe dvnamlc updaLes Lherefore uC can do Lhls work
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?ou have Lo enable Lhls opLlon ln Lhe uC properLles 1hen cllck on unS Lab ln
Lhe uC properLles and mark Lhe checkbox of dvnamlc updaLe unS
ulsplavs lnformaLlon LhaL vou can use Lo dlaanose uomaln name SvsLem (unS)
lnfrasLrucLure 1here are Lwo mode of nslookup Lhev are
lnLeracLlve and nonlnLeracLlve
Non|nteract|ve mode ls useful when onlv a slnale plece of daLa needs Lo be
reLurned 1he svnLax for nonlnLeracLlve mode ls
C nslookup pc1corvlLcom (press enLer)
Interact|ve mode provldes deLall lnformaLlon abouL a unS ln order Lo dlaanose
Lhe svnLax ls
C nslookup (press enLer)
pc1corvlLcom (press enLer)
seL Lvpens (press enLer)
seL Lvpesoa (press enLer)
qulL (press enLer)
?ou can run nslookup Lool on unS cllenL
ecord 1ypes Mx record Lvpe ls responslble for resolvlna mall server name ln
Mx we alve domaln name as lnpuL and Mx resolve LhaL lnLo mall server
CnAML record Lvpe resolves name lnLo name 1hls helps when runnlna mulLlple
servlces (llke an l1 and a web server each runnlna on dlfferenL porLs) from a
slnale l address Lach servlce can Lhen have lLs own enLrv ln unS (llke
fLpexamplecom and wwwexamplecom)
fLpexamplecom CnAML wwwexamplecom
wwwexamplecom A 1920223
When an A record lookup for fLpexamplecom ls done Lhe resolver wlll see a
CnAML record and resLarL Lhe checklna aL wwwexamplecom and wlll Lhen
reLurn 1920223
WIN5 (W|ndows Internet Name 5erv|ce)
lL ls used for name resoluLlon llke unS 8uL unS ls onlv concerned wlLh lCun
(lullv Cuallfled uomaln name pc1corvlLcom) whlle WlnS concern wlLh flaL
records such us pc1 mclLp or CorvlL eLc lL was used for neL8lCS for backward
now to Insta|| WIN5
Cllck on server manaaer
Cllck on feaLures
Cllck on add feaLure
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SelecL WlnS Server from Lhe llsL
Cllck on nexL
Cllck on lnsLall
Cllck on close
Net8IC5 Name neL8lCS ls an acronvm for neLwork 8aslc lnpuL / CuLpuL
SvsLem lL provldes servlces relaLed Lo Lhe sesslon laver of Lhe CSl model allowlna
appllcaLlons on separaLe compuLers Lo communlcaLe over a local area neLwork lL
ls a 16 characLers name ln whlch 13 characLers are user deflned and 16
ls servlce speclflc
Cn Lhe cllenL compuLers rlahL cllck on Lhe adapLer selecL properLles Lhen cllck on
advance and selecL wlns Lab now alve l address of wlns server and press ok
now open wlns server cllck acLlve realsLraLlon and Lhen dlsplav realsLraLlon
Wlns server ls needed ln Lwo cases
1 When cllenLs belonas Lo pre2000 famllv of operaLlna svsLem
2 When cllenL runnlna neL8lCS appllcaLlon

SecurlLv ls Lhe dearee of proLecLlon aaalnsL danaer damaae loss and crlmlnal
acLlvlLv 1here are a number of securlLv concerns whlch are
1 Authent|cat|on lL means Lo verlfv a person 1here are Lhree sLraLeales used
for auLhenLlcaLlon le who Lhe person know (username and password)
who Lhe person has (A1M card eLc) who Lhe person ls (Lve Scan or 1humb
scan) AuLhenLlcaLlon auaranLees LhaL daLa was noL alLered durlna
Lransmlsslon Lxample of auLhenLlcaLlon ls kerberos
2 Conf|dent|a||ty confldenLlallLv ls Lhe prlnclple LhaL an lnsLlLuLlon or
lndlvldual should noL reveal lnformaLlon Lo a Lhlrd parLv Lxample of
confldenLlallLv ls 8lLLocker
3 Integr|ty lnLearlLv means when vou cannoL chanae Lhe conLenLs Mu3 ls
Lhe example of lnLearlLv
4 Ant| ep|ay AnLlreplav ls Lhe concepL of noL allowlna an lnLercepLed
packeL messaae Lo be senL Lo Lhe reclplenL mulLlple Llmes wlLhouL Lhe
orlalnal sender knowlna lSec uses sequenLlal counLers Lo auaranLee LhaL
packeLs are recelved and processed ln order
3 Non epud|at|on nonrepudlaLlon ls Lhe concepL of ensurlna LhaL a parLv
ln a dlspuLe cannoL repudlaLe or refuLe Lhe valldlLv of a sLaLemenL or

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I5ec (I 5ecur|ty)
lnLerneL roLocol securlLv (lsec) ls a framework of open sLandards for proLecLlna
communlcaLlons over lnLerneL roLocol (l) neLworks Lhrouah Lhe use of
crvpLoaraphlc securlLv servlces lsec supporLs neLworklevel peer auLhenLlcaLlon
daLa orlaln auLhenLlcaLlon (uses kerberos shared kev and CA) daLa lnLearlLv
(Mu3 SA1) daLa confldenLlallLv (encrvpLlon uLS 3uLS) and replav proLecLlon
lL adds new headers wlLh 1C/l packeL
1here are Lwo sub proLocols of lSec 1hev are
1 Authent|cat|on neader (An)
AuLhenLlcaLlon eader (A) provldes auLhenLlcaLlon lnLearlLv and anLl
replav for Lhe enLlre packeL (boLh Lhe l header and Lhe daLa pavload
carrled ln Lhe packeL) lL does noL provlde confldenLlallLv whlch means lL
does noL encrvpL Lhe daLa 1he daLa ls readable buL proLecLed from
2 Lncapsu|at|on 5ecur|ty ay|oad (L5)
1he maln [ob of LS ls Lo provlde Lhe prlvacv we seek for l daLaarams bv
encrvpLlna Lhem An encrvpLlon alaorlLhm comblnes Lhe daLa ln Lhe
daLaaram wlLh a kev Lo Lransform lL lnLo an encrvpLed form 1hls ls Lhen
repackaaed uslna a speclal formaL and LransmlLLed Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon
whlch decrvpLs lL uslna Lhe same alaorlLhm

Lecture no4
I5AkM (Internet 5ecur|ty Assoc|at|on key Management rotoco|)
lL ls a proLocol for esLabllshlna securlLv assoclaLlons (SA) and encrvpLlon kevs ln an
lnLerneL envlronmenL ulffle ellman ls used Lo aeneraLe kevs ln lSec 1he
encrvpLlon kevs are alwavs chanalna
1here are Lwo phases of lSAkM
hase 1/Ma|n Mode Maln Mode ls also called hase 1 ln whlch a secure
neaoLlaLlon esLabllshed called (SA) beLween Lwo compuLers 1he lSAkM SA ls
used Lo proLecL securlLv neaoLlaLlons
hase 2/Cu|ck Mode Culck mode ls also called hase 2 esLabllshes a secure
channel beLween Lwo compuLers Lo proLecL daLa

1vpe mmc ln run wlndow and press enLer
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Cllck on flle selecL Add 8emove Snapln
Cllck on lSec pollcv manaaemenL and cllck on add buLLon
Cllck on l SecurlLv MonlLor and cllck add buLLon
now make a pollcv (Lhere are rules lnslde pollcv Lhen Lhere are fllLers or
condlLlons lnslde a rules)
8lahL cllck on l SecurlLv ollcv
Cllck on creaLe l SecurlLv
Cllck nexL Lhen alve anv name Lo Lhe pollcv
Cllck nexL and Lhen flnlsh
now rlahL cllck on Lhe newlv creaLed pollcv and selecL properLles
Cllck on rules Lhen cllck on Add
Cllck on nexL Lhen selecL All neLwork connecLlons
Cllck on nexL
now cllck on Add buLLon Lo creaLe fllLer
Clve anv name Lo Lhe fllLer
Cllck on add Lhen cllck on nexL
SelecL a speclflc l address
SelecL mv l address ln desLlnaLlon
Cllck on proLocol anv and cllck on nexL
Cllck on flnlsh and cllck ok
SelecL Lhe newlv creaLed fllLer and cllck on fllLer acLlon
Cllck on add and alve anv name Lo Lhe fllLer acLlon
Cllck on nexL and selecL neaoLlaLe securlLv
Cllck on nexL and selecL don'L allow unsecured communlcaLlon
Cllck on nexL and selecL lnLearlLv and encrvpLlon
Cllck on nexL and Lhen cllck on flnlsh
now cllck on securlLv rule wlzard
Cllck on use Lhe
Cllck flnlsh Lhen cllck on ok
now rlahL cllck and selecL asslan
lf vou cllck on Lhe l securlLv monlLor
AcLlve pollcv
Maln mode
SecurlLv assoclaLlon
Culck mode
SecurlLv assoclaLlon
Couise: NCITP

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Note ln 1ransport mode Lhe communlcaLlon peers and lSec peers are
compuLers whlle ln 1unne| mode Lhe communlcaLlon peers are compuLers and
Lhe lSec peers are rouLers

emote Access
1here are Lwo wavs Lhrouah whlch we can communlcaLe ln a neLwork Cne ls
lnLerneL and Lhe oLher ls S1n (ubllc SwlLch 1elephone neLwork)
S1n ls secure as compared Lo lnLerneL buL lL ls more cosLlv
8ouLlna and remoLe access ls a uLlllLv ln wlndows for remoLe access
Insta||at|on of out|ng and emote Access on 5erver
Cllck on 8oles and selecL Add 8oles
Cllck on neLwork pollcv and access servlces
Cllck on nexL and selecL rouLlna and remoLe access
Cllck on conflrmaLlon and Lhen cllck on lnsLall
now open lL and rlahL cllck and selecL conflaure and enable rouLlna and
remoLe access
Cllck on nexL and Lhen cllck on remoLe access
Cllck on dlal up Lhen selecL from a speclfled ranae
Cllck on nexL and selecL new
Clve a ranae and cllck on ok
Cllck on nexL Lhen selecL no
Cllck on nexL and Lhen flnlsh
now vou wlll add a modem ln server 2008
8lahL cllck on porLs and selecL properLles
SelecL modem Lhen cllck on conflaure
Cllck on remoLe access and selecL ok Lhen cllck on applv
A||ow users
Co Lo Lhe AcLlve ulrecLorv Servlces
Cllck on user properLles and selecL ulal ln
Cllck on allow access and cllck on applv Lhen ok
Create a new connect|on on network
Cllck on creaLe new connecLlon
Cllck on connecL Lo Lhe workplace
Clve Lelephone number
Clve user name and password
Cllck connecL

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Ca|| back
Co Lo Lhe AcLlve ulrecLorv Servlces
Cllck on user properLles
SelecL dlal ln
Cllck on callback opLlon
SelecL seL bv caller
Cllck on applv Lhen ok
Ca||back secur|ty
Co Lo Lhe AcLlve ulrecLorv Servlces
Cllck on user properLles
SelecL dlal ln
SelecL alwavs call back Lo
Clve vour Lelephone number
Cllck on applv and Lhen ok
Ass|gn|ng Is through DnC
Cpen rouLlna and remoLe access
8lahL cllck and selecL properLles
Cllck on lv4 and selecL dvnamlc uC 8elav aaenL
Clve l address of uC server
now resLarL bv rlahL cllcklna and selecL all Lasks
SelecL resLarL

Lecture no5
V|rtua| r|vate Network (VN)
vn ls used for lona dlsLance connecLlvlLv lL ls cheaper Lhan 8emoLe access
because Lhe medlum ls lnLerneL noL S1n
8ealsLered llve publlc l ls needed for vn server buL Lhere ls no compulslon of
llve l on cllenL slde SLaLlc l ls Lhe baslc requlremenL of vn
?ou can connecL mulLlple users on Lhe same llnk ln vn whlch ls noL posslble ln
remoLe access ln remoLe access vou need a separaLe llne for each user
ln vn Lhe connecLlons are made on vlrLual porLs MulLlple connecLlons per
phvslcal medlum ls Lhe advanLaae of vn and lL ls posslble due Lo Lhe vlrLual porLs
of vn Less secure as compared Lo remoLe access because Lhe medlum ls
lnLerneL buL vou can sav LhaL vn ls secure because lL uses lSec for securlLv lL ls
cleared LhaL vn ls lnherenLlv lnsecure because medlum ls Lhe lnLerneL
vn ls Lhe onlv wav Lo connecL prlvaLe neLworks uslna lnLerneL

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r|vate I ranges accord|ng to C 1918
lor example lf Lhere are Lwo neLworks of CorvlL one ln Lahore and Lhe oLher ls ln
lslamabad lf Lhese Lwo neLworks have prlvaLe addresses and wanL Lo
communlcaLe Lhrouah lnLerneL 1hen lL ls noL posslble wlLhouL vn because vn
make lL posslble LhaL prlvaLe neLworks can communlcaLe uslna lnLerneL
Insta||at|on of VN
Co Lo server manaaer
Cllck on 8oles Lhen add roles
SelecL neLwork pollcv and access servlces
Cllck nexL
SelecL rouLlna and remoLe access server
Cllck on nexL
Cllck lnsLall
now alve a llve publlc l Lo vn server
Clve l Lo cllenL and assume LhaL boLh are on lnLerneL
now open 8ouLlna and 8emoLe Access from admlnlsLraLlve Lools
8lahL cllck on lL and selecL conflaure and enable
Cllck on nexL and choose cusLom conflauraLlon
Cllck on nexL selecL vn access
SelecL a connecLlon and Lhen selecL from a speclfled ranae opLlon
Clve ls ranae and cllck nexL
now selecL no use rouLlna and remoLe access opLlon
Cllck on ok and Lhen flnlsh
A||ow users perm|ss|ons
Cllck on AcLlve ulrecLorv users and compuLer ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlve Lools
8lahL cllck on user and selecL properLles
SelecL dlalln and cllck on Allow access
Cllck on applv and Lhen ok
now lf vou Lrv Lo plna Lhe svsLem lL wlll alve no replv from Lhe hosL 1herefore
open Lhe rouLlna and remoLe access selecL lv4 and cllck on aeneral now rlahL
cllck on connecLlon and press deleLe 1he lnLerface wlll be deleLed
Connect through mstsc
Make a connecLlon on cllenL compuLer as under
Cllck on seLup a new connecLlon
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Cllck on connecL Lo workplace and selecL nexL
Cllck on use mv lnLerneL connecLlon and selecL l wlll seLup lnLerneL
connecLlon laLer
Clve l address of vn server
Clve username and password and cllck on nexL
Cllck on creaLe and Lhen close
VN protoco|s
1 lkLv2
2 SS1
3 1
4 L21
Connect on 1
Co Lo Lhe properLles of Lhe cllenL adapLer
Cllck on securlLv Lab and selecL 1 ln Lvpe of vn
Cllck ok and Lhen connecL
Connect on L21
8lahL cllck on neLwork connecLlon and selecL properLles
SelecL securlLv Lab
SelecL L21
Cllck on advance seLLlna
Clve shared kev MCl12008
Cllck on connecL
When vou puL a dollar slan ($) aL Lhe end lL ls called hldden sharlna
C hosLname (press enLer lL wlll dlsplav name of Lhe compuLer)
C neL vlew pc1 (press enLer lL wlll show shared flles and folders)
C mkdlr LesL (press enLer lL wlll creaLe a folder named LesL)
C neL share LesLc LesL (press enLer lL wlll make LesL folder shared)
C neL vlew pc1 (press enLer lL wlll show shared folders on pc1)
C mkdlr lshaq (press enLer lL wlll creaLe a folder named lshaq)
C neL share lshaq$c lshaq (press enLer lL wlll make lshaq folder as hldden
C neL vlew pc1 (press enLer lL wlll show vou shared folders buL noL hldden
When vou Lvpe pc1lshaq ln run wlndow and press enLer lL wlll alve an error
messaae because Lhls folder ls hldden shared lf vou wanL Lo open lL place a dollar
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slan ($) afLer Lhe folder name as pc1lshaq$ (press enLer) lL means LhaL Lhe
person who knows Lhe name of Lhe hldden shared folder can open lL oLherwlse
compuLer wlll noL show hldden shared folders
Some folders are hldden shared bv defaulL whlch ls called admlnlsLraLlve hldden
buL admlnlsLraLor cannoL alve permlsslons Lo oLher users lL ls [usL a faclllLv for Lhe
admlnlsLraLor llke C$ u$ eLc AdmlnlsLraLor can alve cllenL onlv Lhe permlsslon of
Note lf vou wanL Lo shuLdown Lhe cllenL compuLers remoLelv Lhen Lhe followlna
command ls used buL vou musL be Lhe admlnlsLraLor of Lhose cllenLs
shuLdown l (press enLer) now add Lhe compuLers llke pc1 pc2 eLc and press ok
1here are Lwo Lvpes of permlsslons
1 5hare perm|ss|ons lL ls used onlv for remoLelv access)
2 N15 perm|ss|ons lL ls local permlsslon lL ls applled on boLh cases
Lvervone aroup ls called speclal ldenLlLv LhaL represenL all

Lxam 70640 Act|ve D|rectory Adm|n|strat|on
Lecture no1

Act|ve D|rectory CenLrallze reposlLorv LhaL ls sLore lnformaLlon abouL ob[ecLs
normallv when vou check Lhe svsLem properLles lL wlll elLher be ln a domaln or ln
a workaroup
ln a workgroup svsLems are lndependenL of each oLher lf Lhere are 10 users ln
Lhe workaroup Lhen on each svsLem vou wlll creaLe 10 users accounL Workaroup
performs decenLrallze manaaemenL of resources 10 compuLers are normallv
recommended for a workaroup
Doma|n lnLroduced flrsL Llme ln wlndow n1 of slze 40 M8 whlch provlde
cenLrallze manaaemenL of resources ln a domaln one user one accounL and
unlversal resource access now Lop level ls foresL lnslde foresL Lhere are Lrees and
lnslde Lrees Lhere are domalns
orest ls Lhe collecLlon of Lrees or domalns
1ree ls Lhe collecLlon of domalns has parenL chlld relaLlonshlp
now to make system as Doma|n
lnsLall server based operaLlna svsLem
lnsLall AcLlve ulrecLorv
now vour svsLem wlll become a domaln
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Doma|n 1ypes
1here are Lhree Lvpes of domaln
1 oot Doma|n flrsL domaln of a foresL ls called rooL domaln Cnlv one rooL
domaln ls posslble ln a foresL lnsLallaLlon of rooL domaln creaLes a foresL
8ooL domaln ls also a parenL domaln When rooL domaln crashed Lhen Lhe
foresL ls also crashed buL lf oLher domaln crashed Lhen lL wlll noL affecL
2 arent Doma|n domaln ls lnsLalled elLher as a parenL or a chlld 1here can
be mulLlple domalns ln a foresL Lverv parenL domaln ls noL a rooL domaln
buL everv rooL domaln ls a parenL domaln llrsL domaln of a Lree ls called
parenL domaln lnsLallaLlon of parenL domaln creaLes a Lree
3 Ch||d Doma|n

no of foresL 1
noL of Lrees 3
no of domalns 3
1ypes of Doma|n
1 Doma|n Contro||er (DC) 1he machlne on whlch acLlve dlrecLorv ls
lnsLalled ls called uomaln ConLroller lf lL ls Lhe flrsL domaln
lnsLalled Lhen lL ls uomaln ConLroller ln Lhls case lL ls used a
8ooL domaln
arenL domaln
Chlld domaln
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proper noun uomaln ls Lhe concepLual Lhlna lL phvslcallv exlsLs
because of Lhe uomaln ConLroller Cnlv one domaln can be
lnsLalled on one compuLer
2 Add|t|ona| Doma|n Contro||er (ADC) When vou lnsLall a second
domaln for load balanclna Lhen lL ls called AddlLlonal uomaln
ConLroller lL ls also wrlLable llke uomaln ConLroller lf Lhe uomaln
ConLroller falls Lhen AddlLlonal uomaln ConLroller can be used
3 ead Cn|y Doma|n Contro||er (CDC) lL ls also used for load
balanclna buL lL noL wrlLeable lL ls onlv read onlv
Log|ca| 5tructure of AD
hys|ca| 5tructure of AD
Doma|n Contro||ers
Lecture no2
Act|ve D|rectory Au ls Lhe cenLrallze reposlLorv LhaL sLore lnformaLlon
abouL ob[ecLs
users and compuLers are Lhe classes of ob[ecLs Cb[ecLs properLles ln
Au are called aLLrlbuLes lor example lasL name ls Lhe aLLrlbuLe of Lhe
user class Classes aLLrlbuLes value seL and Lhelr aLLrlbuLe Lvpes are
sLored ln a place called schema
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All Lhe Lrees ln one foresL have same schema A collecLlon of Lrees or
domalns have same conflauraLlon schema and alobal caLaloa ls called
Note when user loas ln on Lhe cllenL svsLem he enLers username and
password 1he username ls senL Lo Lhe uC where lL ls checked wlLh a
password and encrvpL wlLh some number and send lL Lo Lhe cllenL Lo
decrvpL lL lf Lhe cllenL decrvpLs LhaL password Lhen lL ls allowed for loa
ln Clobal CaLaloa values are sLored whlle ln Schema onlv aLLrlbuLes are
Act|ve D|rectory art|t|ons
1here are four parLlLlons of AcLlve ulrecLorv
1 Schema parLlLlon (foresL speclflc)
2 ConflauraLlon parLlLlon (foresL speclflc)
3 uomaln uaLa arLlLlon (domaln speclflc)
4 AppllcaLlon arLlLlon (conflaurable)
When vou make chanaes ln Schema parLlLlon or conflauraLlon parLlLlon
Lhen Lhese chanaes are repllcaLed ln Lhe whole foresL
5tates of 5erver base operat|ng system
1here are Lhree sLaLes of server base operaLlna svsLem
1 SLand alone server (workaroup)
2 Member server (no acLlve dlrecLorv)
3 uomaln conLroller (acLlve dlrecLorv lnsLalled)
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lf vou run dcpromo command Lhen lL wlll nelLher remaln sLand alone
server nor member server
Insta||at|on of Act|ve D|rectory
1vpe dcpromo command ln Lhe run wlndow
SelecL advance check box
nexL paae wlll show vou operaLlna svsLem compaLlblllLv keep lL
unchanaed and cllck on nexL
now Lhere are four posslblllLles
4 loresL Lree domaln (rooL domaln)uC
4 1ree uomaln (parenL domaln) uC
4 Chlld uomaln uC
4 AuC / 8CuC
now lf vou check Add a domaln conLroller Lo an exlsLlna domaln
under Lhe exlsLlna foresL Lhen lL means LhaL vou are aolna Lo
creaLe ADC /CDC
lf vou check creaLe a new domaln ln an exlsLlna foresL under Lhe
exlsLlna foresL opLlon Lhen lL means LhaL vou are creaLlna ch||d
lf vou have marked creaLe a new domaln Lree rooL lnsLead of a
new chlld domaln check box under exlsLlna domaln foresL Lhen lL
means LhaL vou are creaLlna parent doma|n
lf vou check creaLe a new domaln ln a foresL opLlon Lhen lL means
LhaL vou are creaLlna root doma|n
SelecL Lhe lasL opLlon creaLe a new domaln ln a foresL and cllck on
Clve name Lo Lhe domaln (CorvlLcom or LesLcom) and cllck nexL
now lf vou selecL wlndows server 2008 82 ln Lhe domaln
funcLlonal level Lhen vou can use new feaLures of AcLlve ulrecLorv
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llke recvcle bln eLc buL vour cllenLs musL be wlndows 7 or
wlndows vlsLa
1herefore selecL wlndows server 2003 and cllck on nexL
SelecL unS server check box lf vou wanL Lo lnsLall unS also and
cllck nexL
Cllck on ves and aaaln cllck on ves
now lL wlll show daLabase folder loa flles folder and Svsvol folder
(sLore aroup pollcv) and Lhelr locaLlons
now lL wlll ask username and password lL ls requlred lf vour
AcLlve ulrecLorv ls crashed Lhen all of user accounL wlll also be
crashed Lhen vou can resLore acLlve dlrecLorv bv uslna Lhls
username and password
Cllck on nexL Lhen nexL and selecL Lhe 8ebooL on compleLlon
check box
When Lhe lnsLallaLlon compleLe Lhen Lhe svsLem wlll be resLarLed
Impact of Act|ve D|rectory Insta||at|on
8efore Lhe lnsLallaLlon of Au all Lhe user accounLs are sLored ln Lhe
compuLer manaaemenL ?ou can ao Lo compuLer manaaemenL bv uslna
compmgmtmsc command AfLer lnsLalllna Au all Lhe user accounLs are
Lransferred Lo Lhe AcLlve ulrecLorv bv cllcklna AcLlve ulrecLorv Servlces
and Lhe cllck on users Lo vlew Lhe users accounL AcLlve ulrecLorv
daLabase flle ls nLdsdlL (CwlndowsnLdsnLdsdlL) where dlL sLands for
dlrecLorv lnformaLlon Lree and has 10M8 slze Loa flle ls edb edbchk ls
checkpolnL flle and res1 res2 are reserved flles Some servlces are also
creaLed llke Au uomaln servlces and Au web servlces afLer Au
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egsvr32 schmmgmtd|| ls Lhe command Lo ao Lo Lhe schema where
vou see Lwo Lhlnas classes and aLLrlbuLes

Act|ve D|rectory Ma|ntenance
1 8ackup onllne (servlces sLarL)
2 8esLore
a AuLhorlLaLlve resLore uS8M (ulrecLorv 8esLore Mode)
b non AuLhorlLaLlve resLore uS8M (ulrecLorv 8esLore Mode)
3 Move offllne (servlces sLopped)
4 uefraa
a Manual offllne (servlces sLopped)
b AuLomaLlc onllne (servlces sLarL)
ln wlndows server 2008 82 vou don'L need Lo rebooL Lo offllne AuS llke
wlndows server 2003
Ut|||ty for tak|ng 8ackup of AD
Wbadmlnmsc ls used Lo Lake a backup buL Lhls faclllLv ls noL lnsLalled
bv defaulL flrsL vou have Lo lnsLall backup servlces Cllck on server
manaaer Lhen selecL leaLures Lhen Add leaLures Lhen selecL wlndows
server backup Lhen cllck on nexL and Lhen lnsLall
now Lvpe wbadmlnmsc command ln Lhe run wlndow Lhen selecL
backup once cllck on nexL now selecL dlfferenL opLlons Lhen selecL
cusLom cllck on add lLem Lhen selecL svsLemsLaLe cllck on local drlve
and selecL Lhe drlve for backup cllck ok Lhen cllck nexL and Lhen cllck on
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1vpe wbadm|n get vers|ons command ln Lhe command llne Lo show
Lhe name of Lhe backup because Lhe backup name ls aeneraLed bv Lhe
compuLer lLself ln daLe Llme formaL
Lecture no3
Act|ve D|rectory Ma|ntenance
AcLlve ulrecLorv ls ln Lhe form of paaes A process whlch ls called aarbaae
collecLlon process deleLes unused flles from AcLlve ulrecLorv afLer everv 12 hours
lor malnLenance vou musL sLop Lhe AcLlve ulrecLorv servlces 1here are Lwo
meLhods Lo sLop Au servlces one ls araphlcal LhaL ls cllck on admlnlsLraLlve Lools
Lhen cllck on servlces Lhen rlahL cllck on acLlve dlrecLorv domaln servlces and cllck
on sLop
Second meLhod Lo sLop Au servlces ls from command llne LhaL ls
Commands for AD database and |og f||es movement to another dr|ve
CneL sLop nLds (cllck enLer) Lhen cllck on ves (lL wlll sLop daLabase servlces
of Au)
C nLdsuLll (press enLer)
nLdsuLll acLlvaLe lnsLance nLds (press enLer)
nLdsuLll flles (press enLer)
llle malnLenance move db Lo [ (press enLer 1hls wlll move daLabase Lo [
llle malnLenance move loas Lo [ (press enLer lL wlll move loa flles Lo [
llle malnLenance qulL (press enLer)
C neL sLarL nLds (press enLer AfLer movemenL aaaln sLarL Au daLabase
Defrag or Compress AD database
C nLdsuLll (press enLer)
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nudsuLll acLlvaLe lnsLance nLds (press enLer 8uL before dolna Lhls sLop Au
daLabase servlces bv neL sLop nLds command oLherwlse lL wlll alve error)
nLdsuLll flles (press ok)
llle malnLenance compacL Lo e (press enLer lL wlll compress lL Lo e drlve)
llle malnLenance qulL (press ok)
estore of AD
1here are Lwo Lvpes of resLore Cne ls called auLhorlLaLlve resLore and Lhe oLher ls
called non auLhorlLaLlve resLore When Lwo uC's are worklna ln Lhe same domaln
Lhen auLhorlLaLlve lssue comes
lor example lf Lwo uc's uC1 and uC2 are worklna ln a domaln 1here are 93 user
accounLs on uC1 suddenlv boss called vou LhaL l have flred 3 persons LhaL ls whv
deleLe Lhe accounLs of Lhese persons Lherefore vou have deleLed buL before LhaL
vou have Laken a backup vesLerdav AfLer 2 hours 8oss aaaln call vou and Lold vou
LhaL l have Laken mv declslon back so aaaln add Lhese 3 persons accounLs ?ou
wlll resLore Lhe backup on uC1 buL ln Lhls case Lhe verslon ld's of uC1 are older
and uC2 have laLesL verslon ld's 1he uC who have laLesL verslon ld's are ln full
power now Lo alve back Lhe power Lo uC1 vou wlll ralse Lhe verslon ld's of uC1
Lhrouah a meLhod called Author|tat|ve restore
lor resLorlna Lhe Au vou wlll rebooL vour svsLem Lhen press l8 and selecL
dlrecLorv servlces resLore mode Lhen selecL oLher user
1vpe wbadmlnmsc ln Lhe run wlndow and press ok Lhen cllck on 8esLore Lhen
selecL Lhls server press nexL Lhen selecL svsLem sLaLe Lhen cllck on conflrmaLlon
and Lhen cllck on resLore 1hls meLhod ls called non author|tat|ve restore ln Lhls
case Lhere ls onlv one uC ln Lhe domaln so Lhere ls no need of auLhorlLv
or author|tat|ve restore
llrsL perform Lhe wbadmlnmsc process as menLloned above
1hen ao Lo cmd and Lvpe c nLdsuLll (press enLer)
nLdsuLll acLlvaLe lnsLance nLds (press enLer)
nLdsuLll auLhorlLaLlve resLore (press enLer)
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AuLhorlLaLlve resLore resLore ob[ecL dcCorvlL dccom (press enLer)
Cllck on ves (lL wlll ralse verslon ld's of uC1 bv one lakh ln order Lo noL
overrlde Lhe prevlous one)
8ebooL Lhe svsLem

Cperat|on Master
Some chanaes wlll onlv be performed on a speclflc uC noL on all 1haL ls whv
AcLlve ulrecLorv ls slnale masLer aenerallv Slnale masLer operaLlon can be
performed on a slnale uC 1here are cerLaln roles wlLh LhaL uC
1 Schema MasLer one per foresL
2 uomaln namlna MasLer one per foresL
3 uC (rlmarv uomaln ConLroller) LmulaLor one per domaln
4 lnfrasLrucLure MasLer one per domaln
3 8lu (8elaLlve ldenLlLv) MasLer one per domaln
8ooL domaln has Lhe flrsL Lwo roles whlle on AuC Lhere wlll 0 roles
1 5chema Master 1here are classes and Lhelr aLLrlbuLes ln schema Schema
masLer ls responslble for schema updaLes Schema ls avallable on all uC's
buL wrlLeable schema ls onlv avallable ln schema masLer
2 Doma|n Nam|ng Master lL ls responslble for Lhe addlLlon or removal of
domalns ln a foresL
3 DC Lmu|ator lL performs clock or Llme svnchronlzaLlon lL ls responslble
for aroup pollcv modlflcaLlon lL Lells password reseL lnformaLlon Lo all lL
mlnlmlzes password chanae laLencv
4 Infrastructure Master lL sLores user Lo aroup references
3 ID Master ermlsslon Lo a user ls alven on Lhe basls of Slu (SecurlLv
ldenLlfler) lL ls a number whlch ls aeneraLed when we creaLe a user
accounL lL ls noL chanaeable and noL reusable lL ls unlque
Cb[ecL Sluuomaln lu + 8lu
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8lu MasLer alves a block of 8lu Lo oLher uC's 8lu masLer ls responslble for
Slu aeneraLlon or lL allocaLes blocks of 8lu Lo oLher domaln conLrollers of
Lhe domaln
ln order Lo vlew whlch compuLer has Lhese roles ao Lo command llne and Lvpe
fsmo (flexlble slnale masLer operaLlon) command
c netdom /query fsmo (press enter)
ln araphlcal envlronmenL cllck on admlnlsLraLlve Lools Lhen selecL acLlve dlrecLorv
users and compuLers Lhen rlahL cllck on domaln selecL operaLlon masLer Lhere vou
wlll see Lhe domaln name ln Lhe flrsL fleld whlch ls currenL role holder
now Lo check roles on foresL (domaln namlna masLer)cllck on admlnlsLraLlve Lools
selecL acLlve dlrecLorv users and compuLers Lhen rlahL cllck on rooL Lhen selecL
operaLlon masLer
now Lo check schema masLer flrsL run reasvr32 schmmamLdll ln run wlndow Lhen
run mmc cllck on add remove snap ln from flle menu Lhen cllck on acLlve dlrecLorv
schema and Lhen cllck on add now rlahL cllck on operaLlon masLer
1wo Lhlnas musL be undersLand
1 1ransfer of ro|e onlv posslble lf role holder ls onllne ln Lhls case no loss of
lnformaLlon occurs
2 5e|ze of ro|e onlv posslble lf role holder ls down (offllne) ln Lhls case loss
of lnformaLlon occurs
1hese Lwo operaLlons can be performed on Lhe successor means on whlch vou
wanL Lo Lransfer Lhe roles
now to connect w|th another DC
Cllck on admlnlsLraLlve Lools
SelecL acLlve dlrecLorv users and compuLers
8lahL cllck on domaln and selecL chanae domaln conLroller
SelecL Lhe pc Lo connecL
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Cllck ok
1ransfer ro|es one by one
Cllck on admlnlsLraLlve Lools
Cllck on AcLlve dlrecLorv users and compuLers
8lahL cllck on domaln and selecL chanae domaln conLroller
SelecL AuC on whlch vou Lransfer roles and press ok
now rlahL cllck on Au and cllck on chanae operaLlon
1ransfer forest ro|es
Cllck on admlnlsLraLlve Lools
Cllck on AcLlve dlrecLorv uomaln and LrusL
8lahL cllck and selecL operaLlon masLer
Cllck on chanae
1ransfer schema master ro|e
llrsL connecL wlLh successor
now cllck on chanae domaln conLroller
now rlahL cllck and selecL chanae operaLlon masLer
5e|ze of ro|es
Selze means bv force asslan Lhe role Lo oLher uC when one ls crashed or down
When vou cllck on operaLlon masLer and check Lhe flrsL fleld lL wlll show an error
Lhere when uC1 ls down
Co Lo Lhe cmd for selzlna role
C nLdsuLll (press enLer)
nLdsuLll roles (press enLer)
lsmo malnLenance connecLlons (press enLer ere vou wlll connecL Lo Lhe pc Lo
whlch vou are maklna a role holder)
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Server connecLlons connecL Lo server pc1 (press enLer)
Server connecLlons qulL (press enLer)
lsmo malnLenance selze schema masLer (press enLer)
Cllck on ves Lo conLlnue
lsmo malnLenance selze namlna masLer (press ok and Lhen ves Lo conLlnue)
lsmo malnLenance selze uC masLer (press ok and Lhen ves Lo conLlnue)
lsmo malnLenance selze lnfrasLrucLure masLer (press ok and Lhen ves Lo
lsmo malnLenance selze 8lu masLer (press ok and Lhen ves Lo conLlnue)
Lecture no4
Manag|ng user accounts
Note vou can chanae Lhe password pollcv bv Lvplna apmcmsc command ln Lhe
run wlndow Lhen cllck on domaln Lhen rlahL cllck on defaulL domaln pollcv and
selecL edlL Lhen cllck on pollcles wlndows seLLlna securlLv seLLlna accounL
pollcles password pollcles
?ou can creaLe user accounLs Lhrouah bulk lmporL process 1here are Lhree
meLhods LhaL can be used
1 C5VDL (Comma SeparaLed value uaLa Lxchanae) lL ls used for onlv addlna
user accounLs
2 LDIDL (LlahLwelahL daLa lnLerchanae formaL daLa exchanae) lL ls used Lo
add modlfv and deleLe user accounLs
3 W|ndows 5cr|pt|ng nost
5teps of C5VDL
Cpen a noLepad
WrlLe dnob[ectc|asssamaccountnameuseraccountcontro| ln Lhe flrsL llne
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Note ln Lhe above llne dn represenL dlsLlnaulsh name for dlsplav new
namlna convenLlon called LuA used bv Au LhaL uses dlsLlnaulsh name Lo
make Lhe name unlque ln Lhe domaln ob[ectc|ass represenL Lhe Lvpe of
ob[ecL vou are creaLlna 5amaccountname represenL Lhe loaon name of Lhe
user Useraccountcontro| represenL Lo enable or dlsable Lhe accounL 312 ls
used for enabled and 314 used for dlsable accounL
"oumc|tpdckhandccom"organ|zat|ona| ( th|s w||| create an
organ|zat|ona| un|t w|th the name mc|tp |n khancom doma|n) after
press|ng enter key type the fo||ow|ng |n the next ||ne
Note Lhe above four llnes wlll creaLe four users named lshaq lmran
arshad and lzzaL ln Lhe oraanlzaLlonal unlL mclLp on khancom domaln
Save Lhls flle wlLh csv (LesLcsv) exLenslon and selecL all flles ln u drlve for
Co Lo cmd and lmporL Lhe flle bv Lvplna D csvde | f testcsv (press
?ou can also exporL flle as d csvde f f||e1csv (press enLer) lL wlll creaLe a
flle wlLh Lhe name of flle1 on u drlve
5teps for LDIDL
Cpen a noLepad and Lvpe Lhe followlna
Dn cnkash|foumc|tpdckhandccom
Dn cnam|roumc|tpdckhandccom
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useraccountcontro|512 (Lhe above llnes wlll creaLe Lwo users named kashlf
and amlr ln Lhe mclLp Cu on Lhe khancom domaln)
Save Lhe flle wlLh |df exLenslon (test1|df) and selecL all flles
Cpen cmd and lmporL Lhe flle bv uslna Lhe command d|d|fde | f test1|df
(press enLer)
5teps for mod|f|cat|on user account |n LDIDL
Cpen noLe pad
Dn cn|shaqoumc|tpdckhandccom
descr|pt|on th|s |s a test user account

Dn cn|mranoumc|tpdckhandccom
|ocat|on kabu|
Save Lhe flle wlLh |df exLenslon (test2|df) and selecL all flles
Cpen cmd and lmporL Lhe flle bv uslna Lhe command d|d|fde | f test2|df
(press enLer)
5teps for de|et|on of user account |n LDIDL
Cpen noLe pad
Dn cn|shaqoumc|tpdckhandccom
Save Lhe flle wlLh |df exLenslon (test3|df) and selecL all flles
Cpen cmd and lmporL Lhe flle bv uslna Lhe command d|d|fde | f test3|df
(press enLer)

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Lecture no5

5teps for W|ndows 5cr|pt|ng nost
Cpen noLe pad and Lvpe Lhe followlna
5et ob[CU getob[ect ("LDA//oumc|tpdckhandccom")
5et ob[User ob[CUcreate("User" "cn|shaq")
ob[Userput "samaccountname" "|shaq"
ob[User5etInfo (lL show end of flle)
now save Lhe flle wlLh vbs exLenslon (LesL3vbs) and selecL all flles
now open Lhe command llne and lmporL Lhe flle uslna Lhe command
Cwscr|pt test3vbs (press enLer)
Manag|ng Groups
Maklna aroups provldes flexlblllLv lor example lf vou are applvlna some
permlsslons on 1000 users on Lhe same naLure Lhen vou manuallv applv Lhe
permlsslons on each user means vou have Lo modlfv 1000 users lnsLead creaLe a
aroup and place Lhe users of Lhe same naLure ln Lhls aroup and applv permlsslons
on Lhls aroup whlch wlll be applled Lo all 1000 users
Group types 1here are Lwo Lvpes of aroups
1 5ecur|ty group ln SecurlLv aroup evervLhlna ls posslble means vou can use
lL for permlsslons and also for emall svsLem
2 D|str|but|on group lL ls onlv used for malllna svsLem and cannoL be used
for permlsslons 1haL ls whv vou rlahL cllck on Lhe folder and Lhen cllck on
permlsslons vou wlll onlv see securlLv aroups noL Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon aroup
noLe CreaLe Lhree aroups as follow
Co Lo acLlve dlrecLorv users and compuLers rlahL cllck and selecL new Lhen
cllck on aroup
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Clve name Lo Lhe aroup and selecL Lhe Lvpe of Lhls aroup securlLv Slmllarlv
creaLe Lwo more aroups one of Lvpe securlLv and Lhe oLher ls of Lvpe
dlsLrlbuLlon Lvpe
now ln vour compuLer rlahL cllck on anv folder selecL properLles and Lhen
selecL sharlna Lhen cllck on add aroup and cllck on flnd buLLon ?ou wlll onlv
see Lhe Lwo aroups havlna Lvpe securlLv noL Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon aroup
1here are Lwo Lvpes of permlsslon one ls share permlsslon and Lhe oLher ls local
permlsslon 1he share permlsslon ls applled when Lhe ob[ecL ls accesslna
remoLelv ?ou can asslan share permlsslon on a folder bv rlahL cllcklna and selecL
Lhe properLles and Lhen cllck on sharlna Lhen cllck on advance sharlna Lhen alve
name Lo Lhe shared folder Lhen add Lhe aroup and Lhen asslan permlsslons Local
permlsslons are applled on boLh Lvpe of access le for remoLe access and for local
access buL local permlsslon overrlde Lhe remoLe permlsslon ?ou can applv local
permlsslon on a folder bv rlahL cllcklna and Lhen selecL properLles Lhen selecL
n1lS Lab and applv Lhe permlsslon
Group 5cope 1here are Lhree scopes used
1 G|oba| group 1wo Lhlnas are lmporLanL ln aroup scope one ls membershlp
and Lhe oLher ls vlslblllLv 1he membersh|p of Lhe alobal aroup ls onlv users
from lLs own domaln 1he v|s|b|||ty of Lhe alobal aroup ls LhrouahouL Lhe
2 Doma|n |oca| Membershlp users from anv domaln ln Lhe foresL whlle
vlslblllLv onlv ln lLs own domaln
3 Un|versa| Clobal Croup + uomaln Local unlversal Croup
?ou need all Lhese Lhlnas ln a mulLldomaln envlronmenL 1here ls MlcrosofL rule
A C u L A add users C alobal aroup uL domaln local aroup permlsslons
lL means LhaL add users Lo Lhe alobal aroup Lhen add Lhe alobal aroup lnLo Lhe
domaln local aroup and Lhen applv permlsslons

Case 5tudy
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uomaln 8 uomaln A uomaln C

lf svsLems are aLLached Lo Lhe uomaln A Lhen uomaln A 8 and C are called
AccounLs domaln because Lhe users are avallable on lL whlle domaln A ls also
called a resource domaln AccounL domaln needs alobal aroup and 8esource
domaln ls called domaln local aroup
Conslder anoLher case sLudv leL a lolder named lolder A has Lhe followlna
Share ermlsslon n1lS ermlsslons
CroupA 8ead Modlfv
Croup8 Chanae 8ead
lshaq (member of A 8) lull ConLrol 8ead
lull ConLrol (mosL) + Modlfv (mosL) Modlfv (leasL)
Group o||cy
Croup pollcv provlde Lwo Lhlnas Lo Lhe users
1 laclllLles Lo Lhe users
2 8esLrlcLlons on Lhe users
1here are Lwo pollcles avallable on domaln bv defaulL Cne ls called defaulL
domaln pollcv and Lhe oLher ls called defaulL domaln conLroller pollcv 1vpe
apmcmsc command ln Lhe run wlndow Lhe aroup pollcv manaaemenL console
wlll be opened 1hen cllck on domaln Lhen cllck on aroup pollcv ob[ecL Lhese Lwo
wlll be dlsplaved
30 users
100 users
uLCCLA (100)
CL8 (30)
CLC (100)
100 users
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Croup pollcv ls applled on a conLalner lnslde Lhe conLalner Lhere mav be elLher
users or compuLers Cn users Lhe pollcv ls lmplemenLed when he loas on whlle on
Lhe compuLer lL ls appllcable when Lhe svsLem rebooLs Croup pollcv enable
conLalners are
SlLe (cllck on admlnlsLraLlve Lools and selecL Au slLes)
uomaln (cllck on admlnlsLraLlve Lools and Lhen Au users and compuLers)
Cu (rlahL cllck on domaln and selecL new CraanlzaLlon unlL)
8v defaulL onlv one Cu called domaln conLroller ls lnsLalled when Au ls lnsLalled
GC (Group o||cy Cb[ect)
1 GC (Group o||cy Conta|ner) lL ls vlewable Lhrouah AcLlve ulrecLorv users
and compuLers (cllck on AcLlve dlrecLorv users and compuLers/rlahL cllck
and selecL vlew/advance feaLures/svsLem/pollcles/(vou wlll see 2 defaulL
CC pollcles) lL provldes verslon lnformaLlon for svnchronlzaLlon
2 G1 (Group o||cy 1emp|ate) lL ls vlewable ln Svsvol (C
wlndowsSvsvoldomalnpollcles(vou wlll see 2 defaulL C1 pollcles)
now creaLe anoLher aroup pollcv ln Lhe pollcv manaaemenL console bv rlahL cllck
on Lhe aroup pollcv ob[ecL and selecL new Lhen alve name Lo Lhe pollcv now
check ln boLh CC and C1 Lhe pollcles wlll be shown 3
Cvera|| Adm|n|strat|on of Group o||cy
1 Copv and pasLe
2 8ackup and resLore
8lahL cllck on one of Lhe aroup pollcv ob[ecL and selecL copv Lhen selecL pasLe Lhe
pollcv ob[ecL wlll be pasLed Lhen rename lL and edlL for furLher modlflcaLlons
1here ls a new feaLure ln wlndow 2008 server called SLarLer CC ln whlch a
companv aeneral LemplaLe (rules) ls made Lhen whenever vou creaLe a new pollcv
ob[ecL SelecL SLarLer CC ob[ecL Lhen rlahL cllck and selecL new Lhen alve name
Lhen cllck ok now lf vou wanL Lo creaLe a new pollcv ob[ecL rlahL cllck on Lhe
aroup pollcv ob[ecL rlahL cllck and selecL new alve name Lo Lhe pollcv ob[ecL and
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below ln Lhe drop down llsL selecL Lhe sLarLer CC LemplaLe and Lhe cllck ok and
Lhen rlahL cllck and selecL edlL for furLher modlflcaLlons and permlsslons
5teps for backup and restore group po||cy
8lahL cllck on aroup pollcv ob[ecL
SelecL backup
Cllck browse and alve name Lo Lhe folder for backup
Cllck on backup
now for resLore rlahL cllck and selecL resLore
8rowse for Lhe locaLlon and selecL backup
Cllck nexL and Lhen ok
WMI ||ter lL ls a Lool whlch fllLers ouL Lhe condlLlons durlna loaon lor example
lf we wanL Lo lnsLall MS Cfflce on Lhe user accounL flrsL of all we wlll check Lhe
free space lor Lhls purpose vou need Lo wrlLe a SCL querv A Lool WMlMeLlc Lool
ls also avallable on MlcrosofL webslLe for download LhaL makes a scrlpL for WMl
8lahL cllck on WMl lllLer and selecL new
Clve a name Lo Lhe fllLer
Cllck on Add now wrlLe Lhe followlna ln Lhe querv box
SelecL *from wln32loalcaldlsk where drlvename"c" and drlveLvpe2 and
freespace 1000000 (space ls ln bvLes)
Save lL Lhen ao Lo Lhe aroup pollcv ob[ecL for example sales Lhen selecL
WMl fllLerlna Lhen cllck on MS Cfflce Lhen ves
5oftware Dep|oyment us|ng Group o||cy
lollowlna flles are used ln sofLware deplovmenL
1 ms| (wlndows lnsLaller packaae) used for sofLware deplovmenL
2 mst (Lransform flle) used for cusLom lnsLallaLlon
3 msp (paLch flle) used for servlce packs / hoL flxes
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4 2A (lf sofLware does noL conLaln msl flle and onlv seLup flle ls avallable
Lhen vou creaLe ZA flle whlch for nonmsl sofLware)
1here are Lwo Lvpes of deplovmenL
1 Ass|gn (Lhe asslan deploved sofLware ls dlsplaved ln sLarL menu)
2 ub||sh (publlshed deploved sofLware ls avallable ln conLrol panel Lhen
proarams and feaLure Lhen ln neLwork)
llrsL of all Su (sofLware dlsLrlbuLlon polnL) wlll be creaLed on Lhe hard dlsk LhaL
conLalns Lhe sofLware Lo be deploved Cenerallv asslan deplovmenL ls used for
compuLers whlch are flxed for Lhe users Whlle publlsh deplovmenL ls used for
users whose compuLer ls noL flxed
Note ln domaln envlronmenL when we creaLe a user Lhen cllck on Lhe user
properLles and selecL member of Lab and wrlLe ba" and cllck on add and applv
CLherwlse vou cannoL loaon wlLh Lhls user
Lecture no6
5teps of 5oftware Dep|oyment
llrsL make a Su (sofLware ulsLrlbuLlon olnL) on vour hard dlsk and rlahL
cllck on lL ao Lo properLles Lhen advance sharlna and Lhen alve full conLrol
Lo everv one aroup
now open aroup pollcv manaaemenL console (apmcmsc) and cllck on
domaln and selecL aroup pollcv ob[ecL
8lahL cllck on Lhe defaulL domaln pollcv and selecL edlL
1here cllck on pollcles under compuLer and cllck on sofLware seLLlnas
8lahL Cllck on sofLware lnsLallaLlon and selecL new packaae
Clve Lhe neLwork paLh (pc10) and press enLer Lhe shared folders wlll be
SelecL Su and Lhen cllck on msl flle and press ok Lhen lL wlll ask wheLher
vou wanL Lo asslan or publlsh Lhe appllcaLlon selecL vour cholce and cllck
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lf vou wanL Lo lnsLall cusLomlze packaaes (llke excel word onlv) Lhrouah
sofLware deplovmenL Lhen vou need msL flle
llrsL of all lnsLall C8k(Cfflce 8esource klL) from MS Cfflce Cu ln order Lo
make msL flle
AfLer lnsLalllna C8k open lL from proarams Lhen Lools Lhen resource klL
Cllck on cusLom lnsLallaLlon wlzard
8rowse for roclusmsl from Su
CreaLe a new MS1 flle alve anv name
nexL Lhen nexL and selecL packaaes from Lhe sofLware
Cllck on nexL and Lhen cllck on exlL
AL Lhe end lL wlll ask Cu kev as volume llcense
now rlahL cllck on aroup pollcv and edlL defaulL domaln pollcv
SelecL pollcles under compuLer conflauraLlons and Lhen cllck on sofLware
8lahL cllck on sofLware lnsLallaLlon and selecL new packaae
Clve a neLwork paLh selecL Lhe Su Lhen offlce Lhen roclus
1hen selecL advance Lhen selecL modlflcaLlon Lhen cllck on Add
SelecL MS1 Lhen deplovmenL Lhen selecL asslan
SelecL lnsLall aL loaon and Lhen cllck on ok
now updaLe aroup pollcv bv apupdaLe command
Note lf Lhere ls no msl flle Lhen vou can creaLe lL bv uslna a sofLware called
WlnlnS1ALL LhaL ls called msl maker
now to create 2A f||e
When onlv seLup flle ls avallable of Lhe sofLware Lhen vou can creaLe a ZA flle lL
ls publlshed noL asslaned 1here ls no self repalr ln ZA flle
Cpen noLepad and wrlLe Lhe followlna commands
lrlendlvname acrobaL reader"
SeLupcommand acrobaLexe
verslon 3001
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Save Lhls flle wlLh Lhe zap exLenslon ln Lhe same locaLlon where Lhe
acrobaLexe ls sLored
Share Lhls folder and asslan permlsslons
now ao Lo defaulL domaln pollcv rlahL cllck and selecL edlL
SelecL pollcles under users and Lhen selecL sofLware seLLlnas
8lahL cllck on sofLware lnsLallaLlon and selecL new packaae
SelecL ZA cllck on add Lhen selecL publlsh and cllck on Ck
Act|ve D|rectory Cert|f|cate Author|ty (CA)
1he purpose of CerLlflcaLe AuLhorlLv ls auLhenLlcaLlon and confldenLlallLv CA
provldes cerLlflcaLe
5ymmetr|c encrypt|on ln Lhls meLhod Lhe decrvpLlon and encrvpLlon kevs wlll be
same lL means LhaL vou wlll need Lhe same kev for decrvpLlon LhaL vou have used
for encrvpLlon
Asymmetr|c encrypt|on ln Lhls meLhod Lhe encrvpLlon and decrvpLlon kevs are
dlfferenL lL means LhaL when vou use one kev for encrvpLlon Lhen vou can
decrvpL Lhe lnformaLlon wlLh a dlfferenL kev
1here are Lwo lmporLanL Lhlnas
1 ub||c key authent|cat|on ln Lhls case Lhe senders encrvpL lnformaLlon
wlLh lLs prlvaLe kev lL ls asvmmeLrlc encrvpLlon now Lhe recelver wlll use
publlc kev of Lhe sender Lo decrvpL Lhls lnformaLlon
2 ub||c key encrypt|on ln Lhls case Lhe senders encrvpL Lhe lnformaLlon
wlLh Lhe recelver publlc kev lL ls also asvmmeLrlc encrvpLlon ln whlch Lhe
recelvers wlll use lLs prlvaLe kev Lo decrvpL lL
lndlrecLlv kevs are lssued bv CA CA lssue flrsL cerLlflcaLe Lo lLself Lhen he aeLs Lhe
ablllLv Lo alve cerLlflcaLes Lo oLhers and CA alwavs sends lnformaLlon ln encrvpLed
form When a person requesL for Lhe publlc kev of Lhe recelver CA lssues hlm hls
own cerLlflcaLe conLalnlna CA publlc kev and Lhen encrvpL oLher person publlc kev
wlLh lLs prlvaLe kev and send lL Lo vou ?ou wlll decrvpL CA encrvpLed lnformaLlon
bv hls publlc kev and wlll Lake Lhe publlc kev of Lhe oLher person
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CA Insta||at|on
1here are some lmpacLs of CA afLer lLs lnsLallaLlon on Lhe svsLem llrsL lmpacL vou
cannoL chanae Lhe svsLem name afLer CA lnsLallaLlon Second vou cannoL remove
or add svsLem Lo domaln afLer CA 1hlrd vou cannoL remove AcLlve ulrecLorv from
Lhe svsLem afLer CA lnsLallaLlon
Cllck on Server Manaaer and selecL 8oles
Cllck on Add 8oles and cllck on nexL
SelecL AcLlve ulrecLorv CerLlflcaLe Servlces from Lhe llsL
Cllck nexL Lhen cllck nexL
SelecL CerLlflcaLlon AuLhorlLv CA web enrollmenL and onllne responder
check boxes from Lhe llsL
Cllck nexL Lhen selecL enLerprlse Lhen cllck on nexL
SelecL 8ooL CA and cllck nexL
Clve anv name Lo CA and cllck on nexL Lhen alve Lhe valldlLv perlod 3 vears
bv defaulL
Cllck on nexL Lhen nexL Lhen selecL on wlndows lnLearaLed auLhenLlcaLlon
Cllck on nexL and Lhen lnsLall
AfLer lnsLallaLlon rlahL cllck on CA and selecL properLles cllck on advance
vou wlll see lssued Lo and lssued bv lnformaLlon of cerLlflcaLe ?ou can also
check Lhe publlc kev bv cllcklna on Lhe deLalls buLLon
now to Issue a Cert|f|cate
1here are Lwo meLhods used Lo lssue a cerLlflcaLe Cne ls uslna Lhe mmc and Lhe
oLher ls web enrollmenL
5teps of mmc method
1vpe mmc command ln Lhe run wlndow
Cllck on llle menu and selecL Add/8emove Snapln
SelecL cerLlflcaLe from Lhe llsL and Lhen cllck on add buLLon
SelecL mv user accounL
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Cllck on flnlsh and Lhen Ck
now cllck on cerLlflcaLe Lhen on personal Lhe cerLlflcaLe LhaL ls alreadv exlsL
ls un LrusLed
now rlahL cllck Lhere and selecL new Lasks Lhen cllck on requesL a new
Cllck on nexL Lhen nexL
SelecL user and cllck on enroll and Lhen flnlsh
1he cerLlflcaLe wlll be vlslble ln Lhe lssued cerLlflcaLe folder
5teps for web enro||ment
Cpen vour web browser
1vpe Lhe u8L pc1/cerLsrv
Clve user name and password
Cllck on requesL a cerLlflcaLe llnk Lhen selecL user cerLlflcaLe
Cllck on submlL buLLon
Cert|f|cate evocat|on L|st (CL)
lf vou wanL Lo revoke a cerLlflcaLe from Lhe user Lhen use Lhe followlna SLeps
8lahL cllck on Lhe cerLlflcaLe
SelecL all Lasks Lhen cllck revoke cerLlflcaLe
Clve reason code buL remember LhaL Lhe cerLlflcaLe wlll be unrevoked onlv
lf vou selecL cerLlflcaLe hold reason code
1he cerLlflcaLe wlll be Lemporallv dlsabled aaaln rlahL cllck on LhaL
cerLlflcaLe ao Lo all Lasks and selecL unrevoked
CA backup and estore
5teps for CA 8ackup
8lahL cllck on CA
SelecL All 1asks and cllck on 8ackup CA
Cllck on nexL and browse for Lhe folder ln whlch vou wanL Lo sLore backup
Clve a password and Lhen cllck on flnlsh
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5teps for CA estore
8lahL cllck on CA
SelecL All 1asks
Cllck on 8esLore and cllck ok
Cllck on nexL and Lhen browse for folder where backup ls locaLed
Cllck on ok Lhen cllck on nexL
Clve Lhe password LhaL vou have asslaned durlna backup
Cllck flnlsh Lhen cllck on ves
Lecture no7
Act|ve D|rectory ep||cat|on
8epllcaLlon ls derlved from a word repllca whlch means copv 8epllcaLlon means
Lo make a copv AcLuallv AuC ls Lhe copv of Lhe uC
SlLes 1he collecLlon of uC's connecLed wlLh a hlah speed permanenL and rellable
connecLlon ls called a slLe
ln normal Lerms slLes means locaLlons 1here are Lwo Lvpes of repllcaLlon
1 Inters|te ep||cat|on
lnLerslLe repllcaLlon means repllcaLlon beLween slLes ln Lhls case Lhere are
mulLlple slLes 1he bandwldLh of Lhe llnk wlll be slow ln case of lnLerslLe
repllcaLlon because Lhe llnk ls WAn
a Compressed repllcaLlon Lrafflc ls requlred when Lhe bandwldLh ls
b lL performs Scheduled updaLes (bv defaulL 3 hours)
c AuLomaLlc / Manual updaLes can be performed (bv defaulL 180
mlnuLes lnLerval)
d ConflauraLlon ls needed ln case of lnLerslLe repllcaLlon
2 Intras|te ep||cat|on
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lnLeraslLe repllcaLlon means repllcaLlon wlLhln slLes ConnecLlon ls hlah
speed rellable and permanenL ln case of lnLraslLe repllcaLlon
a uncompressed repllcaLlon Lrafflc
b LvenL Lrlaaered updaLes
c AuLomaLlc / Manual and non scheduled
d no conflauraLlon ls needed
5teps for Intras|te rep||cat|on
llrsL we need one uC and one AuC for repllcaLlon
Cllck on AcLlve ulrecLorv users and compuLers from admlnlsLraLlve Lools
Cllck on Lhe uomaln ConLrollers ?ou wlll see Lwo uC's leL sav pc1 pc3
now open unS cllck on slLes Lhen on defaulL slLes 1here wlll be slx enLrles
Lhree for one uC and Lhree for anoLher uC
now open AcLlve ulrecLorv slLes and LrusL
8lahL cllck on slLe and selecL new slLe
Clve name Lo Lhe slLe for example Lahore
1he above slLe wlll be repllcaLed on anoLher uC ?ou can check lL wlLhln Lhe
slLe of anoLher uC
now make a user on one uC 1hls user wlll be repllcaLed auLomaLlcallv
wlLhouL anv conflauraLlon on anoLher uC because lL ls evenL Lrlaaered
Mu|t|p|e 5|tes for example we have Lwo slLes A and 8 1here are Lwo uC's ln slLe
A and Lhree uC's on slLe 8 8oLh slLes are lnLerconnecLed wlLh each oLher Lhrouah
WAn llnk lL means LhaL lL ls lnLerslLe repllcaLlon now a quesLlon arlses LhaL ls lL
loalcal LhaL everv uC of slLe 8 wlll send updaLes or chanaes Lo everv uC ln slLe or
onlv one uC from slLe 8 sends or recelve updaLes or chanaes from one uC of slLe A
and Lhen forward Lhese updaLes or chanaes Lo Lhe local uC's
1he uC on each slde LhaL sends or recelves chanaes or updaLes from oLher slLe uC
ls called 8rldae ead Server 1herefore we can deflne lL as A domaln conLroller
LhaL recelves chanaes from remoLe slLe and Lhen forward Lhese chanaes Lo local
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lf vou wanL Lo dlsplav brldae head server Lhen Lvpe Lhe repadmln /brldaeheads
command ln Lhe command llne buL vou wlll see no brldae head server
now make Lwo slLes Lahore and lslamabad Lhen move Lahore uC lnLo lslamabad
slLe Lhen aaaln run Lhe above command
5|te ||nks
SlLe llnks means when vou are esLabllshlna llnks beLween slLes Lhen vou musL
conslder Lhe followlna flve Lhlnas
1 roLocols
a l
b SM1 (lL runs on llmlLed bandwldLh)
2 Member slLe
3 CosL
4 lnLerval
3 Schedule
Cllck on AdmlnlsLraLlve Lools Lhen cllck on AcLlve dlrecLorv slLes and LrusL
Cllck on Au slLes and servlces Lhen cllck on slLes
cllck on lnLer slLe LransporL Lhen selecL l and rlahL cllck on lL and selecL
new slLe llnk
Clve name Lo Lhe slLe and press ok
now rlahL cllck on Lhe creaLed slLe and selecL properLles
Cllck on cosL When Lhe value of cosL ls low Lhen lLs prlorlLv ls hlah lor
example lf vou have Lwo llnks A and 8 1he llnk wlll be preferred whose cosL
ls low 8uL lf boLh llnks have Lhe same cosL Lhen deflnes a schedule bv
cllcklna on Lhe schedule buLLon

Act|ve D|rectory art|t|ons
1here are four parLlLlons of Au whlch ls also called repllcaLlon unlLs
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1 Schema arLlLlon loresL speclflc repllcaLlon
2 ConflauraLlon arLlLlon loresL speclflc repllcaLlon
3 uomaln uaLa arLlLlon uomaln speclflc repllcaLlon
4 AppllcaLlon arLlLlon Conflaurable repllcaLlon
Act|ve D|rectory ep||cat|on Mon|tor
kCC sLands for knowledae ConslsLencv Checker lL ls a backaround servlce LhaL
makes Lhe Lopoloav conslsLenL 1vpe repadmln /kcc ln Lhe command llne and
press enLer 8epllcaLlon MonlLor ls an lmporLanL Lool whlch ls used for Lhe
monlLorlna of AcLlve ulrecLorv
llrsL lnsLall supporL Lools from wlndows server 2003 Cu Cllck on supporL
Lools Lhen lnslde Lhe Lools folder selecL supporL Lools msl and lnsLall lL
now Lvpe replmon ln Lhe command llne and press ok
8lahL cllck on Lhe monlLored server and selecL Add monlLored servers
Add Lhe name of Lhe server or cllck on search
Cllck on expand

Lxam 70643 W|ndows 5erver 2008 App||cat|on 5erver Infrastructure Conf|gur|ng
Lecture no1
Manag|ng 5erver 2008 5torage
8aslc ulsk
uvnamlc ulsk
rlmarv arLlLlon
LxLended arLlLlon
Loalcal arLlLlon
Slmple volume
Spanned volume
SLrlpped volume
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Mlrrored volume / dlsk duplexlna
ardware lmplemenLaLlon of 8Alu
SofLware lmplemenLaLlon of 8Alu
8Alu0 (dlsk sLrlpplna / sLrlpped volume)
8Alu1 (dlsk mlrrorlna / mlrrored volume)
8Alu3 (sLrlpped volume wlLh parlLv)
SLoraae neLworklna
Lecture no2
II5 (Internet Informat|on 5erv|ce)
MlcrosofL lmplemenLaLlon of web server ls called llS
now to Insta|| II5
Co Lo server manaaer cllck on 8oles
Cllck on add roles and cllck on nexL
SelecL Web Server (llS) and cllck on nexL
Cllck on nexL Lhen lnsLall and Lhen cllck close
5teps for Mak|ng DN5 2one
Cpen unS from admlnlsLraLlve Lools
SelecL forward lookup zone
8lahL cllck on lL and selecL new zone
SelecL prlmarv zone
Clve name Lo Lhe zone (corvlLLralnlnacom)
lnslde Lhls newlv creaLed zone creaLe a hosL record bv rlahL cllcklna
Clve name www and asslan l address 19216801
5teps for mak|ng a webs|te
Cpen noLe pad and wrlLe some 1ML code
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1hls ls a LesL webslLe for web hosLlna
Make a folder wlLh Lhe name web ln u drlve and save Lhls flle wlLh LesLhLml
5teps for creat|ng s|te
Cpen llS from admlnlsLraLlve Lools
8lahL cllck on slLe and selecL add new slLe
Clve name Lo Lhe webslLe
Clve a phvslcal paLh (browse for Lhe webslLe ln u drlve)
Clve hosLname (wwwcorvlLLralnlnacom)
Cllck ok
now cllck on Lhe defaulL documenLs and remove all documenLs
Add vour own documenL LesLhLml Lo Lhe defaulL documenL
Lnable lL and Lhen cllck ok
SLop Lhe webslLe Lhen sLarL Lhe webslLe
now ao Lo lnLerneL Lxplorer and Lvpe Lhe u8L wwwcorvlLLralnlnacom
nost|ng mu|t|p|e webs|tes on same web server
1here are Lhree meLhods for hosLlna mulLlple webslLes on Lhe same web server
1 ulfferenL l's for each webslLe
2 ulfferenL porLs for each webslLe
3 ulfferenL 11 eaders (hosL names) for each webslLe
5teps for host|ng mu|t|p|e webs|tes on same web server us|ng d|fferent I's
llrs asslan anoLher l address Lo Lhe neLwork adapLer
8lahL cllck on Lhe neLwork adapLer and selecL properLles
Cllck on advance seLLlna and alve anoLher l address (19216803)
1hen Cpen unS from admlnlsLraLlve Lools
SelecL forward lookup zone
8lahL cllck on lL and selecL new zone
SelecL prlmarv zone
Clve name Lo Lhe zone (corvlLsoluLloncom)
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lnslde Lhls newlv creaLed zone creaLe a hosL record bv rlahL cllcklna
Clve name www and asslan l address 19216803
now Cpen llS from admlnlsLraLlve Lools
8lahL cllck on slLe and selecL add new slLe
Clve name Lo Lhe webslLe
Clve a phvslcal paLh (browse for Lhe webslLe ln u drlve)
Clve hosLname (wwwcorvlLsoluLloncom)
Cllck ok
now cllck on Lhe defaulL documenLs and remove all documenLs
Add vour own documenL LesLhLml Lo Lhe defaulL documenL
Lnable lL and Lhen cllck ok
SLop Lhe webslLe Lhen sLarL Lhe webslLe
now ao Lo lnLerneL Lxplorer and Lvpe Lhe u8L wwwcorvlLsoluLloncom
ln order Lo hosL mulLlple webslLes on Lhe same web server bv asslanlna dlfferenL
porL numbers vou have Lo asslan dlfferenL porL numbers ln creaLlna new webslLes
and ln Lhe lnLerneL explorer wrlLe Lhe porL number alona wlLh u8L as
wwwcorvlLLechcom8011 buL lL ls lmpracLlcal ln real world
UL ed|rect|on
u8L redlrecLlon means Lo redlrecL one webslLe address Lo anoLher address
llrsL of all lnsLall llS redlrecLlon from server manaaer
Cllck on roles Lhen rlahL cllck on add roles servlces
selecL llS redlrecLlon and cllck on lnsLall
1hen Cpen unS from admlnlsLraLlve Lools
SelecL forward lookup zone
8lahL cllck on lL and selecL new zone
SelecL prlmarv zone
Clve name Lo Lhe zone (corvlLlahorecom)
lnslde Lhls newlv creaLed zone creaLe a hosL record bv rlahL cllcklna
Clve name www and asslan l address 19216801
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now Cpen llS from admlnlsLraLlve Lools
8lahL cllck on slLe and selecL add new slLe
Clve name Lo Lhe webslLe
Clve a phvslcal paLh (browse for Lhe webslLe ln u drlve)
Clve hosLname (wwwcorvlLlahorecom)
Cllck ok
now cllck on Lhe defaulL documenLs and remove all documenLs
Add vour own documenL LesLhLml Lo Lhe defaulL documenL
Lnable lL and Lhen cllck ok
now cllck on 11 redlrecL
WrlLe wwwcorvlLLralnlnacom ln Lhe redlrecL Lo
Cllck on applv
SLop Lhe webslLe Lhen sLarL Lhe webslLe
now open browser and Lvpe wwwcorvlLlahorecom lL wlll be redlrecLed Lo
wwwcorvlLLralnlnacom auLomaLlcallv
II5 8ackup
Cpen command llne bv Lvplna cmd ln Lhe run wlndow
C cd wlndows (press enLer)
Cwlndows cd svsLem32 (press enLer)
CwlndowssvsLem32cd lneLsrv (press enLer)
CwlndowssvsLem32lneLsrv appcmd add backup mvbackup (press enLer)
now ao Lo llS and remove all slLes ln order Lo resLore lL aaaln
II5 estore
Cpen command llne bv Lvplna cmd ln Lhe run wlndow
C cd wlndows (press enLer)
Cwlndows cd svsLem32 (press enLer)
CwlndowssvsLem32cd lneLsrv (press enLer)
CwlndowssvsLem32lneLsrv appcmd resLore backup mvbackup (press
Note lL wlll onlv resLore slLe conflauraLlon noL Lhe web conLenLs
Couise: NCITP

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W|ndows 5hare o|nt 5erv|ces
Wlndows share polnL servlces are noL avallable bv defaulL ln Lhe server 2008 Cu
?ou have Lo download lL from Lhe MlcrosofL webslLe lL ls used Lo make porLals
bloas eLc porLal ls a webslLe whlch alves lnformaLlon as well as lnLeracLlon Lo Lhe
users (for example facebook orklL eLc) Wlndows share polnL servlces chanae Lhe
webslLe lnLo porLal erform Lhe followlna Lhree sLeps
1 lnsLall share polnL servlces ( selecL 8aslc lnsLallaLlon ln Lhe wlzard)
2 8un share polnL producLs and Lechnoloav
3 CreaLe a web appllcaLlon
Cpen share polnL admlnlsLraLlon
Cllck on appllcaLlon manaaemenL
Cllck on creaLe or exLend web appllcaLlon
Cllck on creaLe a new web appllcaLlon
Clve user name and password ln conflaurable opLlon
Clve name of Lhe server ln Lhe search server opLlon and cllck on ok
Cllck on creaLe slLe collecLlon ln Lhe appllcaLlon manaaemenL
Clve LlLle doc Lhen cllck on collaboraLlon documenL workplace
Clve Lwo user names and passwords and cllck ok
Cpen lL and add a new documenL
ln order Lo alve quoLa open quoLa LemplaLe
Clve name Lo Lhe quoLa and asslan slze ln M8 and also slze for warnlna
now cllck on creaLe slLe collecLlons
Clve LlLle bloa
Clve Lwo user names and passwords

8ackup and restore operat|ons of II5
Cpen share polnL admlnlsLraLlon
Cllck on appllcaLlon manaaemenL
Cllck on perform a backup
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SLore lL ln a shared folder
SelecL all and cllck on conLlnue Lo backup
SelecL full backup and browse for Lhe locaLlon Lo sLore
ln Lhe resLore operaLlon cllck on resLore from backup
8rowse for Lhe locaLlon and cllck ok
Lecture no3
emote Desktop 5erv|ces
1here are Lwo componenLs of Lhe remoLe deskLop servlces 8emoLe ueskLop
Servlces ls lnLroduced ln wlndows 2000 whlch ls called Lermlnal servlces ln whlch
boLh Lhe componenLs musL be lnsLalled ln Wlndows 2003 boLh Lhese
componenLs were separaLed ln wlndows 2008 82 lL ls called remoLe deskLop
1 8emoLe AdmlnlsLraLlon
lor remoLe admlnlsLraLlon vou don'L need Lo lnsLall remoLe deskLop servlces onlv
enable lL from Lhe properLles of compuLer
2 AppllcaLlon Sharlna
lf vou wanL Lo perform appllcaLlon sharlna Lhen vou musL lnsLall remoLe deskLop
servlces from 8oles
5teps of |nsta|||ng remote desktop serv|ces
Cllck on server manaaer and cllck on roles
Cllck on Add roles
SelecL remoLe deskLop servlces from Lhe llsL and cllck on nexL
SelecL remoLe deskLop sesslon llcenslna and web access from Lhe llsL
Cllck on nexL selecL don'L requlred neLwork
SelecL per user Lhen cllck on nexL and nexL
SelecL domaln and cllck on nexL Lhen lnsLall
now Lvpe msLsc ln Lhe run wlndow or cllck on Lhe admlnlsLraLlve Lools and
selecL remoLe deskLop servlces Lhen cllck on remoLe deskLop
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Cllck on 8emoLe AppllcaLlon Manaaer and Lhen cllck on Add remoLe
lor example selecL power polnL appllcaLlon
ln llS a vlrLual dlrecLorv wlLh a name 8uweb for remoLe deskLop ls creaLed
W|ndows Med|a 5erv|ces
lL ls Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of sLreamlna medla server ls called Wlndows Medla
Servlces (WMS) When vou wanL Lo onllne vldeos Lhen vou need WMS for LhaL
1here are Lwo meLhods used for WMS
1 Llve sLream bv uslna hLLp proLocol
2 Llve sLream bv uslna 8S1 lL works on porL 4334 and uses boLh uu and
?ou need Lo creaLe a publlshlna polnL when vou on alr llve conLenLs 1here are
Lwo publlshlna polnLs
1 8roadcasL publlshlna polnL 1here ls no conLrol of Lhe user on broadcasL
publlshlna polnL ?ou cannoL pause Lhe sLreamlna vldeo
2 Cn demand publlshlna polnL user can conLrol pause and sLarL Lhe vldeo ln
on demand publlshlna polnL
ln order Lo use Wlndows Medla Servlces vou need Lo download MlcrosofL
SLandalone ackaae from Lhe lnLerneL and lnsLall lL AfLer LhaL vou wlll be able Lo
see sLreamlna wlndow medla server ln Lhe Add 8ole wlzard 1hen selecL lL and
cllck on lnsLall
or w|ndows Med|a |ayer
Cllck on admlnlsLraLlve Lools
SelecL feaLures and cllck on Add feaLure
SelecL ueskLop experlence from Lhe llsL and cllck on lnsLall
now ao Lo 8oles cllck on Add 8ole
SelecL sLreamlna medla servlces and cllck on nexL
1hen selecL all opLlons ln Lhls wlndow
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Cllck on 8S1 and cllck on nexL
Cllck on nexL and Lhen lnsLall
Make a pub||sh|ng po|nt
Cpen wlndows medla servlces from Lhe admlnlsLraLlve Lools
8lahL cllck on publlshlna polnL and selecL new publlshlna polnL
Clve name Lo Lhe publlshlna polnL
Cllck on one flle and Lhen nexL
SelecL broadcasL publlshlna polnL and cllck on nexL
SelecL unlcasL and Lhen browse for Lhe vldeo cllp
SelecL flle and cllck on nexL
1hen cllck on creaLe an announcemenL flle Lhen nexL
Cllck on flnlsh
Note afLer performlna all Lhese sLeps lf sLlll Lhe vldeo ls noL plavlna Lhen onlv
connecL Lhe compuLer Lo Lhe lnLerneL lL wlll be plaved Slmllarlv Cn uemand
ubllshlna havlna Lhe same sLeps
W|ndows 5erver Update 5erv|ces (W5U5)
Cllck on server manaaer
Cllck on 8oles and Lhen Add 8oles
SelecL wlndows server updaLe servlces
1he updaLe wlll be downloaded from Lhe MlcrosofL webslLe
AfLer downloadlna conflaure lL so LhaL oLher cllenLs wlll Lake updaLes from
Lhls server noL from Lhe lnLerneL

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