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duess, undve inFheng y al = : rote, in. “ a F induceal by "4th Inpeaper tnd sep ve $ ea * 5 the e OF ax, n Aw yo! RUAND Rf AGREEMENT vot ae Bs eee! eae ae . , sae : es The undersigned, , hereby ackiiowledges that my oh employinent with the City of Miami (“City”) was terminated by. submission of my Written ‘resignation, effective . In exchange for my resignation and the eecution of this Acknowlodgmont, Waiver and Helene Agrocment heresniont”), Thave agreed to accept discretionary compensation fin the-City. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, the undersigned understands and agréos ab follows; ~ 1. Thereby release and discharge the City, and any of its olested officials, agents, officers, or employees from all claims, labilitics, demands end caivsse known or unknown, fixed or contingent, which I may have, or claim to have, against the City and any of its agents, officers, elected officials or employees, as a result of the curtailment of my employment, or arising during the Gourse and scope of my employment, and I do hereby covenant not to file a lawsuit or pursue any administrative process to assist such claims except as specified below. This release and discharge includes, but is not limited to, lawsuits arising under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 20008, et seq.); the Americans with Disabilitios Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (29 U.S.C. §621, et seq); the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (29 U.S.C. §626(1(1)(B)(F)(G); any other federal, state or local laws prohibiting employment discrimination; and any other legal restrictions on the City’s rights with respect to employment termination. Initials Release Agreement a(t) 2, Inothé-ovont that T initinte any lawsuit zegarding, or arising from,-my ompldyanent with the City, 1 understand that. will immediately forfoit any right that I may have to the discretionary compensation. : In such event, I will repay to dhe:Gity all benofits I receiveld as part of my-disoretionary.compensation-within 30.days.of filing-any such lawsuit, ~ 3, I do not waive any rights or claims that may arise out of events occurring after the date on which this Agiéement is executed. 4, The termination of my employment by my written resignation shall be the complete, final and irrevocable relinguishment by me of any and all righis to, or " arising from, employment with the City except as provided herein. 5, I may file a charge of age discrimination or any other employment discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EHOO") or any other comparable agency against the City and participate in an investigation or proceeding conducted by the EEOC or other comparable agency. Should such a discrimination charge be filed by me or on my behalf, I hereby release, waive, and discharge any right that I may have to file a lawsuit asserting any such charge or to. recover in any lawsuit filed by me or on my behalf by the EEOC or any. other comparable enforcement authority, 6. Imay pursue any claim for unemployment compensation which may be provided for in Chapter 443, Florida Statutes. Initials, Release Agreement__2) I may spurgue any claims for worker's compensation that may ‘be piovided:for sin Chaptet 440; Florida Statutes, and that the ity: likewise ‘thay ~Agrepment,-which:indludes:thosattached scheduls.of benefits,.-was.given.21.daymito.—— consider {his matter, and was ailvisel in ‘waiting by the City’s Department of ‘Wmployée Relations, to consult with an attomey. 9. I fiirther -agknowledge and affizm that I haye been advised by the City’s Departinient of Hinployee Relations that, following thie execution of this Agreement, that there will be a revocation period of eight (8) days during which I may revoke this Agrooment, and that thia Agrebinont shall not docome offasiive or enforocable until the eight-day revocation period has expired. 10, I further acknowledge and affirm that I have read this Agreement and fully understand its provisions. SIGNATURE. PRINT, DATE STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) SS: ON THIS day of 20___, before me personally appeared Imown to me to be the person who executed the Initials Release Agreement ®

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